Virus surges in third world shitholes

Putting things in perspective:

Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people

There are some gross failures, and populations all but abandoned by their governments. Some surprising, some not. There is a clear warning in there, namely, lack of caring leadership and lack of discipline in a population will engender severe punishment. Also, by no means, and in no way, shape, or form, are we through this. None of us. Finally, gloating over how bad others are doing might look very silly, indeed, barely a few weeks hence.
I guess black lives matter so much that we've gotta condemn a few thousand more to death by lung deterioration in the name of cutting back on the several incidents each year when a police officer kills a black person under questionable circumstances. Don't worry, in only a few hundred years, this trade-off will pay for itself in terms of lives saved!

Just kidding! Chanting "Black Lives Matter" disinfects the covid that would otherwise be expelled by one's shouting, allowing the thousands of people marching shoulder to shoulder in the streets of every major American city to magically bypass the contagion.

If we just eliminate these assholes who think that feeding their family and keeping the roof over their head is more important than my panic, covid would disappear tomorrow!
Finally, gloating over how bad others are doing might look very silly, indeed, barely a few weeks hence.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the thing we haven't thought of to breach our defences. Oh well, good while it lasts...
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the thing we haven't thought of to breach our defences. Oh well, good while it lasts...

As far as I can see, the "thing" we haven't thought of (enough) most likely are ways to keep the populations on deck and behind the mitigation / control efforts. Once that pillar of the defense falls apart, and populist, rightarded shitheads being elected out of frustration over limitations and economic hardships, in conjunction with rising tides of disinformation, any country will likely be doomed.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for the thing we haven't thought of to breach our defences. Oh well, good while it lasts...

As far as I can see, the "thing" we haven't thought of (enough) most likely are ways to keep the populations on deck and behind the mitigation / control efforts. Once that pillar of the defense falls apart, and populist, rightarded shitheads being elected out of frustration over limitations and economic hardships, in conjunction with rising tides of disinformation, any country will likely be doomed.
Take a change of government here I'd suggest. An election year, too.

Brazil,India, South Africa and the US. Poverty and ignorance allied to weak and ineffective leadership are the main factors. Rogue states will bring the world to its knees.
And if it does, it is much deserved. At least the vengeance of people who were screwed over by others will be achieved. The opportunity for just that exists today. And there are many who have not learned a lesson and near all who have screwed others over staying quiet, knowing what they have done.

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