Visa program for wealthy foreigners is ‘Immigration Reform for the 1%’


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The target of a series of press conferences in a half-dozen cities is the EB-5 immigrant investor program, which allows foreigners to get green cards by investing at least $500,000 in American businesses, as long as the money creates at least 10 jobs.

Created by Congress in 1990 as a way to stimulate the U.S. economy, the program is supported by business groups and has increasingly been used in recent years by real estate developers and other firms seeking foreign investors. In the District, for example, investors have put up more than $110 million and created more than 1,500 jobs through projects such as the Marriott Marquis convention center hotel, according to a trade group that backs the program.

But with legislation authorizing EB-5 set to expire next month, immigrant advocates are highlighting what they say are unpublicized problems. They say the program doesn’t create as many jobs as advertised and that those jobs it does create don’t benefit the nation’s estimated 11.3 million illegal immigrants, some of whom work on the projects.
Critics: Visa program for wealthy foreigners is ‘Immigration Reform for the 1%’

The Washington Post does not quite cover how bad this program is.

It's the fraud.

Right wing:
Investor visas get ‘lipstick on pig’ treatment -

EB-5 Immigration Program Susceptible To Fraud - Breitbart

Less Right wing:
Report: Feds Must Do More to Assess 'Wealthy Investor' Visa Fraud

GAO says feds lack proper oversight of EB-5 investor visa program

The report in question:
Immigrant Investor Program: Additional Actions Needed to Better Assess Fraud Risks and Report Economic Benefits

What it looks like
Kin of Crooked Korean Kingpin Caught Up in EB-5 Case

SEC Sues Wash. Regional Centers Over $136M EB-5 Fraud - Law360

Chinese investors sue LA investment firm for misusing money

Yep and read those candidate's words carefully. They let you know they have no problem with the rich guys.

What it looks like when it's pretty:
Touting connections, Hillary's brother takes on Philly project

Like Clintons, Bush Family Has Ties To Visa Program For Wealthy Foreign Investors
Last edited:
Attorney charged with fraud & money laundering in real estate scheme

EB-5 projects: What China's economic meltdown means for Florida's EB-5 projects - South Florida Business Journal

Canada ended its version of EB-5, acknowledging that a visas-for-cash program was ill-conceived and ultimately unenforceable. The American model that uses hundreds of freewheeling middlemen as “job creators” is even more ripe for cronyism and outright fraud.

Despite that — and because of it — meaningful reforms and broader transparency will prove too much for a captive Congress. Regional center operatives have their friendly lawmakers on speed dial; they will continue to call in favors.

So the smart money is on Congress doing what it does best: Kick the can down the road by extending the existing program for, say, 180 days. That will buy more time to collect additional campaign contributions and craft “reforms” more amenable to the EB-5 crowd.
On Capitol Hill, It’s Business as Usual for Investor Visas | Commentary - Beltway Insiders

Get rid of that puppy.

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