Visceral racist responses to Miss America winner

21st cen leaving people like tank, Sunshine, Quantum windbag, & squeeze berry behind :bye1:

I have had asian and indian GFs

not one has called me a cracker even in the throes of ecstacy.. Cracker is your favorite word to call a white person you butt hurt hypocritical transvestite
i wonder if a woman from South Philly who is Italian had won, would they call her a terrorist and non american?

Damn the right makes me sick.

In America I'd likely be a Democrat.
Not I saying she was an Arab and a possible terrorist.

Miss America should be doing a cheerleader dance or Native American dance, or shooting bottles off a fence, not a Bollywood dance [not American culture]?

The stereotype of America is "Guns and God"...Youtube 'Dumb, Drunk and Racist' episodes...the global map in them shows the stereotypes.
India's is "Call centres" ... China's is "Commos and cheap stuff"

Her parents are from India. She probably grew up watching bollywood all her life. Why in the hell would she not do what she did? She was born here, she can dance in any damn style she wants.

Again, if the winner was an italian girl from south philly, we would not be having this conversation.

There aint no good-looking italian women in south Philly.

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