Visiting the curses of Jehovah on the enemies of the Jews

Come to Jesus, iRosie. Jesus doesn't care how embittered an old hag is. He doesn't care how many years the rivers of hatred have watered your heart and poisoned our wells. At your age, you've probably only got a few weeks left on this tear-soaked earth. Don't croak without experiencing the Love of Jesus Christ. Let the joy of living in God's Love fill your venomous, blackened, dried-up old soul. Just imagine walking outside and kissing the earth with tears of divine love watering the ancient land within a thousand miles of which no ancestor of yours ever came. Imagine the joyful shock and loving forgiveness from your Christian and Muslim neighbors when the woman they've always known as the nastiest old yenta in the neighborhood embraces them with tears of love and joy and gladness streaming down her wrinkled old face! Set Heaven singing glory, glory, hallelujah! iRosie, fall down on your knees and give your life to Christ and be welcomed into the Kingdom of God. Christ will forgive you and loves you even after what you people did to Him.
Come to Jesus, iRosie. Jesus doesn't care how embittered an old hag is. He doesn't care how many years the rivers of hatred have watered your heart and poisoned our wells. At your age, you've probably only got a few weeks left on this tear-soaked earth. Don't croak without experiencing the Love of Jesus Christ. Let the joy of living in God's Love fill your venomous, blackened, dried-up old soul. Just imagine walking outside and kissing the earth with tears of divine love watering the ancient land within a thousand miles of which no ancestor of yours ever came. Imagine the joyful shock and loving forgiveness from your Christian and Muslim neighbors when the woman they've always known as the nastiest old yenta in the neighborhood embraces them with tears of love and joy and gladness streaming down her wrinkled old face! Set Heaven singing glory, glory, hallelujah! iRosie, fall down on your knees and give your life to Christ and be welcomed into the Kingdom of God. Christ will forgive you and loves you even after what you people did to Him.
two more jelly beans for you-----the rabbit is impressed
I only accept cash.
The offer of Salvation does not extend to Christian Zionists, Jimmy Swaggart, Leon Trotsky, prosperity preachers, Talmudists, Khazars, child molesters, Bolsheviks, bankers, genocidalists, Democrats, or tax cheats. Even Jesus has His limits. Sorry.
The offer of Salvation does not extend to Christian Zionists, Jimmy Swaggart, Leon Trotsky, prosperity preachers, Talmudists, Khazars, child molesters, Bolsheviks, bankers, genocidalists, Democrats, or tax cheats. Even Jesus has His limits. Sorry.
Surada agrees-----no doubt it extends to any SHAHID who slits the throat of a "zionist" infant
for the glory of the rapist of mecca
Shahid means witness, stupid. You have a hateful heart and mind.
LOL I know what shahid means----and I also KNOW---that for muslims the people who slit the throats of jewish babies-----and zoroastrian and christian and hindu babies are WITNESSES
for the glory of ALLAH----I learned that from MUSLIMS. I learned about people like you in
my childhood and a little town founded by ANGLICANS who licked the shit of islamo-nazism
Shahid means witness, stupid. You have a hateful heart and mind.
I just asked ChatGPT "Can Rosie91 be saved?" and it replied, "I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about an entity or individual named "iRosie91" in my training data up until...oh, wait, here it is. Yes, iRosie91 can be saved, but her level of hatred is so deep and longstanding--Satan's grip on her soul is so strong--that, in order to save her, poor thing, it will take the combined efforts of Jesus, Mohammed, the Buddha, and, possibly, even the Virgin Mary. My advice is, don't hold your breath; she's likely doomed."
The offer of Salvation does not extend to Christian Zionists, Jimmy Swaggart, Leon Trotsky, prosperity preachers, Talmudists, Khazars, child molesters, Bolsheviks, bankers, genocidalists, Democrats, or tax cheats. Even Jesus has His limits. Sorry.

Thank goodness ... I hate door-to-door scams...

LOL I know what shahid means----and I also KNOW---that for muslims the people who slit the throats of jewish babies-----and zoroastrian and christian and hindu babies are WITNESSES
for the glory of ALLAH----I learned that from MUSLIMS. I learned about people like you in
my childhood and a little town founded by ANGLICANS who licked the shit of islamo-nazism
Surada "disagreed" ----I have no idea as to what she "disagreed"

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