

Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I wish I knew more about them. Like, how much and what kind to take daily, for women at 70 years of age. I bought some zinc and and enchoweveritscalled in case I get sniffles. Daily, I chew one Vit C, one Vit d3 gummy and one Vit b6. But I am tired all the time and I LOATHE veggies, so I rarely eat them. Rabbit food. Yuck. So maybe I should take a multi vitamin? But if I do, then I should stop the C, D3 and B6 since its probably already in the multi, right? I looked at some multi's via google but there are so many different ones, pushed by so many different makers of them, that I stopped looking.

So the question here is...what do you ladies take for overall help in getting the vitamins you need but not through food sources? And chewable! I cannot swallow those horse pill capsules so either a gummy or a chewable would be best for me.
Don't know about men vs women but good multivitamin plus extra c and fish oil is what I've been doing for years and it seems to be working. I'm not dead at least.
I wish I knew more about them. Like, how much and what kind to take daily, for women at 70 years of age. I bought some zinc and and enchoweveritscalled in case I get sniffles. Daily, I chew one Vit C, one Vit d3 gummy and one Vit b6. But I am tired all the time and I LOATHE veggies, so I rarely eat them. Rabbit food. Yuck. So maybe I should take a multi vitamin? But if I do, then I should stop the C, D3 and B6 since its probably already in the multi, right? I looked at some multi's via google but there are so many different ones, pushed by so many different makers of them, that I stopped looking.

So the question here is...what do you ladies take for overall help in getting the vitamins you need but not through food sources? And chewable! I cannot swallow those horse pill capsules so either a gummy or a chewable would be best for me.
The best source of C is acerola berries. It has been a few years ago and so I don't know where to find his video now but a doctor explained how most people are vitamin C short. I bought a pound of it from a good herbal source along with Spirulina and big bottles of super B's, Milk Thistle and took them all 5 times a day for several months along with Zinc, Magnesium, Hawthorn berry and a daily vitamin once a day, ate a lot of tomatoes and soup. It made one heck of a difference. By the pound it last for about year for Rod and I both.
I wish I knew more about them. Like, how much and what kind to take daily, for women at 70 years of age. I bought some zinc and and enchoweveritscalled in case I get sniffles. Daily, I chew one Vit C, one Vit d3 gummy and one Vit b6. But I am tired all the time and I LOATHE veggies, so I rarely eat them. Rabbit food. Yuck. So maybe I should take a multi vitamin? But if I do, then I should stop the C, D3 and B6 since its probably already in the multi, right? I looked at some multi's via google but there are so many different ones, pushed by so many different makers of them, that I stopped looking.

So the question here is...what do you ladies take for overall help in getting the vitamins you need but not through food sources? And chewable! I cannot swallow those horse pill capsules so either a gummy or a chewable would be best for me.
Echeveria or cone flower. Attracts gobs of butterflies in the spring and summer.


Works well to prevent colds. My grandmother would make us take it long ago and we never got sick.
The only vitamins I take at this time is C,D and zinc. I take large doses of C and D.

I eat a lot of veggies, vegetable stews in the winter and a large salad every day in the spring, summer and fall.

I also juice veggies -- carrots, beets, celery, cucumbers and spinach, and usually drink a fruit smoothie (with spinach and protein powder) for breakfast
Oddly enough some people dont like them but mushrooms are a super food. I eat them pretty much everyday in some dish I make. They boost your immune system as well.
I love shrooms...but raw. Rinsed well, sprinkle of salt, pop in the mouth and enjoy. COOKED shrooms....ewwww.
So, do multi vitamins actually work? Or is it a gimmick? If went with suppliments individually...thats gonna cost some bucks. Which brings me back to multi vitamins. Any favs of yours, or do you do the Each One Individually?
Oddly enough some people dont like them but mushrooms are a super food. I eat them pretty much everyday in some dish I make. They boost your immune system as well.
I love shrooms...but raw. Rinsed well, sprinkle of salt, pop in the mouth and enjoy. COOKED shrooms....ewwww.
Raw? No thanks. I like mine sauteed with shrimp in butter.
Oddly enough some people dont like them but mushrooms are a super food. I eat them pretty much everyday in some dish I make. They boost your immune system as well.
I love shrooms...but raw. Rinsed well, sprinkle of salt, pop in the mouth and enjoy. COOKED shrooms....ewwww.
Raw? No thanks. I like mine sauteed with shrimp in butter.
The shrimp sounds yummy but without the shrooms. Add garlic instead, lol. And capers.
You don't do raw shrooms in a nice chef salad? Once in awhile I will make a chef salad, minus the hard boiled eggs. Ick! I do like some veggies. Corn on cob, all buttery. Friend green beans with bacon bits. Maybe yams once a year. Oh, raw spinach, not cooked. Raw baby carrots dipped in ranch dressing. BUt those are all rare occassions. Maybe I should start drinking V8 juice...not the tomato kind..the fruity/veggie kind where the fruit hides the veggie taste.

I just don't know why I am tired all the time. Maybe age. Or boredom. Mixed with a bit of depression. And lack of certain vitamins perhaps.
So, do multi vitamins actually work? Or is it a gimmick? If went with suppliments individually...thats gonna cost some bucks. Which brings me back to multi vitamins. Any favs of yours, or do you do the Each One Individually?
They seem to work for me. I don't buy crazy expensive ones either. The kroger brand seems fine.
So, do multi vitamins actually work? Or is it a gimmick? If went with suppliments individually...thats gonna cost some bucks. Which brings me back to multi vitamins. Any favs of yours, or do you do the Each One Individually?
A simple multivitamin is a good idea if you can afford it. I take the 3 supplementsthat i do mostly for covid, but those vitamins (and mineral) are in any multivitamin
Oddly enough some people dont like them but mushrooms are a super food. I eat them pretty much everyday in some dish I make. They boost your immune system as well.

I’ve been reading about turkey tail mushrooms on another thread. I’ve never heard of them, but I’m very curious.
Ditto. Never heard of them before, but have been reading up on them. Interesting, and filed away in my head for future possibilities.
Oddly enough some people dont like them but mushrooms are a super food. I eat them pretty much everyday in some dish I make. They boost your immune system as well.

I’ve been reading about turkey tail mushrooms on another thread. I’ve never heard of them, but I’m very curious.
Ditto. Never heard of them before, but have been reading up on them. Interesting, and filed away in my head for future possibilities.

Would you buy them to cook, or in tablet form?

I’m not in the mood for foraging, in this weather.

I’ll look for them at the farmers’ market on Wednesday.
But I am tired all the time and I LOATHE veggies, so I rarely eat them. Rabbit food. Yuck. So maybe I should take a multi vitamin? But if I do, then I should stop the C, D3 and B6 since its probably already in the multi, right?
If you are unusually tired all the time and admittedly have a poor diet, that's a sign of vitamin deficiency anemia. It can be caused by a lack of B12, C or folate(B9). Those 3 vitamins are essential for your body to produce red blood cells.

Nuts, cooked mushrooms (raw mushrooms are indigestible) and chicken livers are good sources of non-rabbit food folate.
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