Vivek Ramaswamy Takes a Very Different Approach to January 6 Political Prisoners Than Mike Pence


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
This guy is going places. Expect him in the top contenders. And would make an excellent VP, if not president. Pence is bought and paid for like the other RINOs in the race.

I know it sounds bad but few people are going to vote for someone who's name they can't pronounce.

He would make for a great cabinet choice.

He should change his name to Vic Ramsey. ;)
Pence is a traitor to his country. As President of the Senate he could have insisted on a Congressional audit of the election, given all the evidence of Democrat thievery of swing districts. It has been done before.

But he didn't do it. He didn't have the courage to do the right thing.

He thought taking the high road was letting the Democrats get away with the thievery. How stupid was that? Only a piece of shit would do that.

Instead of saying he will not pardon the 1/6 Patriots and instead of saying he would not go after the government asshole that murdered the unarmed Patriot woman and the filthy FBI agents that became the muscle arm of the Democrat Party just shows he is an asshole.

No Republican will vote for him.
This guy is going places. Expect him in the top contenders. And would make an excellent VP, if not president. Pence is bought and paid for like the other RINOs in the race.

He proves that he is a good little Nazi. He is a dingbat who is going nowhere.
Pence is a traitor to his country. As President of the Senate he could have insisted on a Congressional audit of the election, given all the evidence of Democrat thievery of swing districts. It has been done before.

But he didn't do it. He didn't have the courage to do the right thing.

He thought taking the high road was letting the Democrats get away with the thievery. How stupid was that? Only a piece of shit would do that.

Instead of saying he will not pardon the 1/6 Patriots and instead of saying he would not go after the government asshole that murdered the unarmed Patriot woman and the filthy FBI agents that became the muscle arm of the Democrat Party just shows he is an asshole.

No Republican will vote for him.

No he could not. The VP's job is ceremonial. Pence shows he is not a right wing lunatic. This guy won't get out of the batter's box.
This guy is going places. Expect him in the top contenders. And would make an excellent VP, if not president. Pence is bought and paid for like the other RINOs in the race.

I am a fan of his answer including the limitations he placed on that reply.

I like this candidate more and more.
This guy is going places. Expect him in the top contenders. And would make an excellent VP, if not president. Pence is bought and paid for like the other RINOs in the race.

That place is where?




Being a pussy?
Vague gibberish.

If anyone of them were denied due process they’d have made that argument before a judge and the charges would have been dismissed.
Yeah, except everything that he whines about as a victim.

You must like weak people.

No exceptions at all. You’re a lying sack of retard.

Faggots, like you, simply object to facts and honesty and logic and fairness.

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