Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
By stopping of expelling 35 US diplomats Putin practically sent Obama beyond the statute of lame duck.
Obama is flushed down the toilet and swimming now among sh...
The diplomacy of Putin is brilliant.

It's quite entertaining, President Hussein Shithead is having a public hissy fit over his shitty legacy being flushed down the toilet on Jan 20, 2017.
By stopping of expelling 35 US diplomats Putin practically sent Obama beyond the statute of lame duck.
Obama is flushed down the toilet and swimming now among sh...
The diplomacy of Putin is brilliant.


Why don't you move to Russia, you love Putin so much.
By stopping of expelling 35 US diplomats Putin practically sent Obama beyond the statute of lame duck.
Obama is flushed down the toilet and swimming now among sh...
The diplomacy of Putin is brilliant.


Why don't you move to Russia, you love Putin so much.
Don't load up your U Haul just yet.

FBI-DHS Report Says Russians Hacked U.S. Politicians Twice

Two separate Russian intelligence agencies penetrated an American political party’s computer system in 2015 and 2016, according to a report released Thursday by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security,
The 13-page report provides technical details regarding how Russians hacked into American servers.

The report served as the basis for sanctions and other steps taken Thursday byPresident Barack Obama to punish Russia for interfering with American elections.

FBI-DHS Report Says Russians Hacked U.S. Politicians Twice
I wonder when Germany will lodge sanctions against the U S for wiretapping their Prime Minister;s phone?
Actually what that 13 page report says is that a few idiots in the DNC, not just once but twice, fell for an email scam, clicked the link, and gave out their passwords...

Both groups have historically targeted government organizations, think tanks, universities, and
corporations around the world. APT29 has been observed crafting targeted spearphishing
campaigns leveraging web links to a malicious dropper; once executed, the code delivers Remote
Access Tools (RATs) and evades detection using a range of techniques. APT28 is known for
leveraging domains that closely mimic those of targeted organizations and tricking potential
victims into entering legitimate credentials. APT28 actors relied heavily on shortened URLs in
their spearphishing email campaigns. Once APT28 and APT29 have access to victims, both
groups exfiltrate and analyze information to gain intelligence value. These groups use this
information to craft highly targeted spearphishing campaigns. These actors set up operational
infrastructure to obfuscate their source infrastructure, host domains and malware for targeting
organizations, establish command and control nodes, and harvest credentials and other valuable
information from their targets."

In summer 2015, an APT29 spearphishing campaign directed emails containing a malicious link
to over 1,000 recipients, including multiple U.S. Government victims. APT29 used legitimate
domains, to include domains associated with U.S. organizations and educational institutions, to
host malware and send spearphishing emails. In the course of that campaign, APT29 successfully
compromised a U.S. political party. At least one targeted individual activated links to malware
hosted on operational infrastructure of opened attachments containing malware. APT29
delivered malware to the political party’s systems, established persistence, escalated privileges,
enumerated active directory accounts, and exfiltrated email from several accounts through
encrypted connections back through operational infrastructure.

In spring 2016, APT28 compromised the same political party, again via targeted spearphishing.
This time, the spearphishing email tricked recipients into changing their passwords through a
fake webmail domain hosted on APT28 operational infrastructure. Using the harvested
credentials, APT28 was able to gain access and steal content, likely leading to the exfiltration of
information from multiple senior party members. The U.S. Government assesses that information
was leaked to the press and publicly disclosed.


Phishing attacks hit billions every single day, yet our gov is saying that these particular couple few were "just like Russia" It's a pretty big stretch given what they've showed us in their two reports thus far.

For the hacker challenged the key bit is here "These actors set up operational infrastructure to obfuscate their source infrastructure" which means that the hackers used a false IP to cover themselves, meaning even if gov traced it, they wouldn't find the /actual/ source.

The only way I can think of for them to have a definitive "lock" that it was Russia, would be if we'd hacked into the Russian government and found the Bears in some stolen documents... That'd be a bit of a pickle.
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By stopping of expelling 35 US diplomats Putin practically sent Obama beyond the statute of lame duck.
Obama is flushed down the toilet and swimming now among sh...
The diplomacy of Putin is brilliant.

Did Vlad remember to put down the lid?
By stopping of expelling 35 US diplomats Putin practically sent Obama beyond the statute of lame duck.
Obama is flushed down the toilet and swimming now among sh...
The diplomacy of Putin is brilliant.


Why don't you move to Russia, you love Putin so much.

First you and your communist comrades shall go to your beloved communist paradise Venezuela

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