Vote Bernie sanders!!! He cares for the poor and middle class

Robotics and automation could do a lot of good if we could use it to feed our population. We know longer live 60 or 100 years ago when human labor was 100% needed to produce food.

Modern harvesting of wheat.

(Bear in mind that both vehicles will soon be self-driving.)


-- Paravani


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Far fewer will be working...Most people that work will have a high level of education in maintaining the frame work. People will either drive to the store or there will be driverless trucks that will come by and unload stuff.

Of course this will probably take decades but I think it is possible.

Matthew, I'm guessing that you are not in a technology field. Those of us who ARE trained in technology know that the advent of computers has created a multiplying effect.

The reason that computers have become so much faster in such a short amount of time is that since the very first one, we've been using computers to help us design the circuits for computers. We now have SSD computer memory cards with terabytes (that's trillions) of memory addresses. Of course no human being draws each line of every single connection that must be made on the silicon wafer that is to form the memory! Not many trillions of addresses! Of course not. A human engineer simply "designs" the circuit and instructs computers to do the actual drawing of it, from which other computers will fabricate it. Then other engineers write programs for computers to test those trillions of memory locations.

The same exponentially-increasing effect is occurring in every other field of science and engineering. That's why every day brings news of astounding advances in biology, medicine, materials engineering, nutrition, energy, ... you name it. Computers are helping human beings test theories and do research; they are helping us view the universe and count subatomic particles.

No, it won't be "decades" before the first 3D printed apartment building. I'm certain it's being designed as we speak.

-- Paravani
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I said decades before our society relies on it BIG TIME. Not that we won't start having some of it integrated into our society much sooner.

Amazon is now offering 2-hour delivery in some areas, did you know that?

I think it will be integrated into society as fast as we're ready for it... and unfortunately, much sooner.

The question remains... when virtually all tasks are automated, how will we support the population we have now?

My question is one of logistics. If the owners of the equipment that makes the cars and buildings, food and drink, well -- everything -- if they can't sell their product because people have no money, and they have product to sell but people are laying dead in the streets stinking up the world... My point is that the producers don't want everyone to be broke, either, because then they have no one to buy their stuff.

So how are we going to work it out? When robots are doing everything, how are people going to pay for food? Where and how are they going to live?

-- Paravani
If humanity is to SURVIVE, they will need to be supplied houses, food and IF THEY decide they want to work they can?
wow. how do you pay for all that for starters if nobody IS WORKING?

You really didn't read the whole thread, did you? You're just as clueless now as you were before you posted, aren't you?

Never mind.

If you can't be bothered to read what's already up there ^^^^

... yeah.

-- Paravani

Typical lefty pomposity. Your fellow comrade Matthew took your hyperbolic robots-will-rule-the-world silliness and used it as any card-carrying loony lefty would - free stuff. Steph had the audacity to point out that there is no such thing as a free lunch - a concept lefties clearly cannot comprehend - and you get all sanctimonious. No wonder one such as you can't understand why I find leftists to be a menace to society. Despite how you see yourself, you're just not bright enough.

they believe themselves above all others. they have utopia all made up in their small minds. sheesh
Robotics and automation could do a lot of good if we could use it to feed our population. We no longer live 60 or 100 years ago when human labor was 100% needed to produce food.

Well, why have people at all? All they'll become is Eaters
Robotics and automation could do a lot of good if we could use it to feed our population. We no longer live 60 or 100 years ago when human labor was 100% needed to produce food.

Well, why have people at all? All they'll become is Eaters

Wow,,,,That is all you think of humans? There's alot more to life then working to put food in your mouth.
well, Ole Bernie has the class warfare down pat

anyone can be for the poor and middle when it's NOT their money they are promising to Steal from one group and give it to another.

this is country is hopeless

Doesn't it work the same way around?

I mean if the govt is going making it real easy for businesses to take everyone else's money, then they claim it as their own.

Which examples should I give? Farmers who receive massive subsidies, companies who convince the govt to give their workers benefits so they can pay them wages that are too low? Keeping the dollar bill and it costs the people so much money so the company that produces the material makes a good profit? I could go on allllllll day.
...if they can't sell their product because people have no money, and they have product to sell but people are laying dead in the streets stinking up the world... My point is that the producers don't want everyone to be broke, either, because then they have no one to buy their stuff...
-- Paravani

Wow! Just Wow! I need to know what you are smoking so I can avoid it, dude.

I mean if the govt is going making it real easy for businesses to take everyone else's money, then they claim it as their own.

Which examples should I give? Farmers who receive massive subsidies, companies who convince the govt to give their workers benefits so they can pay them wages that are too low? Keeping the dollar bill and it costs the people so much money so the company that produces the material makes a good profit? I could go on allllllll day.

Whew! Two full blown Malthusian CLDQs (Chicken Little Drama Queens) on 1 thread. What is USMB coming to?
Here's a clue, Princess: Gov't rarely makes it easy for biz to "take everyone else's money" and for the rest of your private nightmare, Abe Lincoln said it best:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
...if they can't sell their product because people have no money, and they have product to sell but people are laying dead in the streets stinking up the world... My point is that the producers don't want everyone to be broke, either, because then they have no one to buy their stuff...
-- Paravani

Wow! Just Wow! I need to know what you are smoking so I can avoid it, dude.

I mean if the govt is going making it real easy for businesses to take everyone else's money, then they claim it as their own.

Which examples should I give? Farmers who receive massive subsidies, companies who convince the govt to give their workers benefits so they can pay them wages that are too low? Keeping the dollar bill and it costs the people so much money so the company that produces the material makes a good profit? I could go on allllllll day.

Whew! Two full blown Malthusian CLDQs (Chicken Little Drama Queens) on 1 thread. What is USMB coming to?
Here's a clue, Princess: Gov't rarely makes it easy for biz to "take everyone else's money" and for the rest of your private nightmare, Abe Lincoln said it best:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

I see you don't want to discuss things properly then.

Rarely makes things easy, but nonetheless does make things easy for those who can grease the wheels, know what I mean?
"Ignore our 100% Fail rate, socialism will work this time! we promise!"

Says the uneducated one that doesn't know that there's more then two choices. lol Pure socialism sucks and will never work....That isn't the topic being debated. What is being debated is rather we should maintain our roads, science institutions, reform our educational system and what size do we wish to keep our safetynet?


"Ignore our 100% Fail rate, socialism will work this time! we promise!"

Says the uneducated one that doesn't know that there's more then two choices. lol Pure socialism sucks and will never work....That isn't the topic being debated. What is being debated is rather we should maintain our roads, science institutions, reform our educational system and what size do we wish to keep our safetynet?



But republicans are not allowed to raise taxes to fix roads, fund education etc. Remember, they took an oath of allegiance to that fat little turd grover norquist to not raise taxes? You know, the guy that runs a right wing think tank.

Nearly all the GOP candidates bow down to Grover Norquist - The Washington Post
We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!
So you, like Sanders, are advocating good intentioned reforms that will ultimately hurt the middle class and increase the elitist class. See the latest socialist experiment in Venezuela. Grocery stores have empty self regardless of the fact demand is at a all time high.

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We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!
So you, like Sanders, are advocating good intentioned reforms that will ultimately hurt the middle class and increase the elitist class. See the latest socialist experiment in Venezuela. Grocery stores have empty self regardless of the fact demand is at a all time high.

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How is making the corporations pay the same rate as the small business going to hurt people??? The monopoly busting of the early 20th century with the labor laws greatly increased wealth throughout the rest of the population.

Our problem since the 1980's has been outsourcing + all the wealth going to the top 1%. This has destroyed our middle classes as wages haven't been able to keep up or go up at all.
We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!
So you, like Sanders, are advocating good intentioned reforms that will ultimately hurt the middle class and increase the elitist class. See the latest socialist experiment in Venezuela. Grocery stores have empty self regardless of the fact demand is at a all time high.

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How is making the corporations pay the same rate as the small business going to hurt people??? The monopoly busting of the early 20th century with the labor laws greatly increased wealth throughout the rest of the population.

Our problem since the 1980's has been outsourcing + all the wealth going to the top 1%. This has destroyed our middle classes as wages haven't been able to keep up or go up at all.
The corp income tax is at 35% that is without state corp tax. Yes yes I know there are incentives for provided to them to remakn

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