Vote Bernie sanders!!! He cares for the poor and middle class

Bernie knew it was his platform. He could have easily had security escort them out, but he the situation to address their complaints and gained much more support in their mutual goals. Better than just pissing off an influential group. Of course a right winger wouldn't understand that.

Influential group??? WTF kind of paint are you huffing??

These aren't rational people with a reasonable grievance, they're blithering idiots demanding police allow criminal thugs to do whatever they want.

How did you manage to survive this long? People like you usually die walking into traffic while texting by now.

I suppose you sold the IPhone mommy bought you for Rustoleum didn't you?

So Pete, how would YOU address the issue of the shrinking job market?

Got any ideas on how to keep our economy thriving when virtually all human labor has been replaced?

Or are you a Darwinist who believes that while the rich get richer off of robotics and automation, the other 99% are completely expendable and should starve to death in the streets?

How, exactly, do you see this working out?

-- Paravani
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....


Dumb,,,there's a big difference between making a investment in our roads, science institutions and education and just handing out free shit. Of course, you use these things and you don't want to pay taxes. What a bum!

So exactly where did Vig say or infer that we shouldn't have to pay taxes? You seem to think you have the superpower ability to read others thoughts but in fact you're just a whiny, sniveling, babbling idiot. True story.

I've read plenty of loserterians here whine about how taxes are evil and want to turn this county into somalia...SO that is how I get that.
So Pete, how would YOU address the issue of the shrinking job market?

Got any ideas on how to keep our economy thriving when virtually all human labor has been replaced?

Or are you a Darwinist who believes that while the rich get richer off of robotics and automation, the other 99% are completely expendable and should starve to death in the streets?

How, exactly, do you see this working out?

-- Paravani

My idea is to use automation to feed our population...Make WORK a choice as automation is going to take over all the cheap crappy jobs. The rich shouldn't be the only ones that benefit from automation. We can scale it up to do this...
Yer an idiot.

Gracie, you do realize that I appreciate your every question? Because the more questions you ask, the greater my opportunity to tell people about my political concerns, and how I believe that my favorite candidate, Bernie Sanders, will address those concerns.

So please do continue to post, because the more you post, the greater my opportunity.


-- Paravani
Bernie knew it was his platform. He could have easily had security escort them out, but he the situation to address their complaints and gained much more support in their mutual goals. Better than just pissing off an influential group. Of course a right winger wouldn't understand that.

Influential group??? WTF kind of paint are you huffing??

These aren't rational people with a reasonable grievance, they're blithering idiots demanding police allow criminal thugs to do whatever they want.

How did you manage to survive this long? People like you usually die walking into traffic while texting by now.

I suppose you sold the IPhone mommy bought you for Rustoleum didn't you?

Those people have a legitimate gripe. The popularity of cameras forced us to realize just how often cops abuse people for no reason, and they want it stopped. It would be hard to find a black person who wasn't familiar with police abuse in one form or the other. What do you think all those black people will say to a politician that calls them blithering idiots?
So Pete, how would YOU address the issue of the shrinking job market?

Got any ideas on how to keep our economy thriving when virtually all human labor has been replaced?

Or are you a Darwinist who believes that while the rich get richer off of robotics and automation, the other 99% are completely expendable and should starve to death in the streets?

How, exactly, do you see this working out?

-- Paravani

Well bed wetter, I'd start by significantly lowering our corporate taxes which are some of the highest in the world, neuter the EPA and have states enforce environmental quality, getting rid of welfare for people who can at least get off the couch and make it to the corner spot to by dope and booze, (you know hunger is a great motivator for work) and even provide temporary incentives for welfare recipients that work hard, save money and get ahead.

Your bullshit about robotics is the result of pseudo intellectual douchebags like you that unionized labor forces and destroyed the work ethic. Guess what? Fast food shops are soon going to be staffed by just enough people to feed and maintain the machines, and the machines will do a better job than No Child Left Behind who can't even get a fuckin drive thru order right.

Those people have a legitimate gripe. The popularity of cameras forced us to realize just how often cops abuse people for no reason, and they want it stopped. It would be hard to find a black person who wasn't familiar with police abuse in one form or the other. What do you think all those black people will say to a politician that calls them blithering idiots?

You're so full of shit I can smell you over the wifi.

These turds have no legitimate grievance, their whole cult was started over the justifiable shooting of a worthless...

worse than that...


The jolly black "gentle" giant was at best a piece of shit who's best purpose is the fertilizer he has become. He choose to bring fists to a gunfight and he lost. So did that puke trayvon.

Yet these leftist douchebags pretend these were people anyone who earns a living wants around? Fuck them both, like I said they're serving the best purpose they ever could by feeding worms and growing grass.

What REALLY pisses me off about these useless libtard bed wetting sociopath malcontents is that there have been black people who didn't deserve to be shot by police, and the video has been online for all to see, but those aren't their focus.

The THUGS are their "martyrs".
Those people have a legitimate gripe. The popularity of cameras forced us to realize just how often cops abuse people for no reason, and they want it stopped. It would be hard to find a black person who wasn't familiar with police abuse in one form or the other. What do you think all those black people will say to a politician that calls them blithering idiots?

You're so full of shit I can smell you over the wifi.

These turds have no legitimate grievance, their whole cult was started over the justifiable shooting of a worthless...

worse than that...


The jolly black "gentle" giant was at best a piece of shit who's best purpose is the fertilizer he has become. He choose to bring fists to a gunfight and he lost. So did that puke trayvon.

Yet these leftist douchebags pretend these were people anyone who earns a living wants around? Fuck them both, like I said they're serving the best purpose they ever could by feeding worms and growing grass.

What REALLY pisses me off about these useless libtard bed wetting sociopath malcontents is that there have been black people who didn't deserve to be shot by police, and the video has been online for all to see, but those aren't their focus.

The THUGS are their "martyrs".

I don't put people on ignore, but you are too disgusting to interact with.
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....


Dumb,,,there's a big difference between making a investment in our roads, science institutions and education and just handing out free shit. Of course, you use these things and you don't want to pay taxes. What a bum!

So exactly where did Vig say or infer that we shouldn't have to pay taxes? You seem to think you have the superpower ability to read others thoughts but in fact you're just a whiny, sniveling, babbling idiot. True story.
Bernie had a really great panel to discuss the tragedy of Greece on an international level. He speaks about root causes of their financial collapse and the terrible damage thg enforcing of austerity crippled an already damaged economy, rather than share a meme to voice an opinion I would invite you to go to YouTube and listen to Bernie's speech and the back and forth between the panel members including the Greek ambassador. It is a simple thing when a country faces turmoil to blame it on their economic policies. Of course, if you watch it and still think it's liberal poppycock or some such, that is of course, your right. But if you are going to be engaged in a meaningful debate I would invite to gather all of the information from both sides of the spectrum. At the very least you can tell people you've seen their hogwash and its still wrong.
I didn't say shoot them. They should have been escorted OUT. Immediately. Period.
BernBern should have been a leader that he is trying to become. It was HIS platform, not theirs. If he will allow assholes to do that, what else will he allow because he has no balls?
We already have a wimp in the WH. We damn sure don't need another one.

Bernie knew it was his platform. He could have easily had security escort them out, but he the situation to address their complaints and gained much more support in their mutual goals. Better than just pissing off an influential group. Of course a right winger wouldn't understand that.
I'm not a "right winger". Nor a lefty. Nor an innie nor an outties nor an uppie nor a downie. He is running for POTUS. If he can't handle someone so rude as to interrupt his speech due to fear of reprisal, what else and who else will he be afraid to offend?
You can choose whomever you want by your vote. So can I. BernBern ain't one of them.
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....


Dumb,,,there's a big difference between making a investment in our roads, science institutions and education and just handing out free shit. Of course, you use these things and you don't want to pay taxes. What a bum!

So exactly where did Vig say or infer that we shouldn't have to pay taxes? You seem to think you have the superpower ability to read others thoughts but in fact you're just a whiny, sniveling, babbling idiot. True story.
Bernie had a really great panel to discuss the tragedy of Greece on an international level. He speaks about root causes of their financial collapse and the terrible damage thg enforcing of austerity crippled an already damaged economy, rather than share a meme to voice an opinion I would invite you to go to YouTube and listen to Bernie's speech and the back and forth between the panel members including the Greek ambassador. It is a simple thing when a country faces turmoil to blame it on their economic policies. Of course, if you watch it and still think it's liberal poppycock or some such, that is of course, your right. But if you are going to be engaged in a meaningful debate I would invite to gather all of the information from both sides of the spectrum. At the very least you can tell people you've seen their hogwash and its still wrong.

I have been involved in the Greek Tragedy for years and honest (read: non-loony leftist) Greek scholars readily admit that gov't, legal and societal corruption is at the root of Greece's plight. I tend to agree and having watched Tsipras and Yani fiddle with their Game-Theory Chicken while Athens burned was not just heartbreaking, it put the final nails in Greece's coffin. What I have found is Johnny-come-lately leftists have a serious case of butt-hurt over the nasty black-eye Greece's folly has given the "cause" and are spinning madly to fluff the blame off on their usual bad guys ... "evil banksters," "evil capitalists" and in this case, "evil Germans."
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....


Dumb,,,there's a big difference between making a investment in our roads, science institutions and education and just handing out free shit. Of course, you use these things and you don't want to pay taxes. What a bum!

So exactly where did Vig say or infer that we shouldn't have to pay taxes? You seem to think you have the superpower ability to read others thoughts but in fact you're just a whiny, sniveling, babbling idiot. True story.
Bernie had a really great panel to discuss the tragedy of Greece on an international level. He speaks about root causes of their financial collapse and the terrible damage thg enforcing of austerity crippled an already damaged economy, rather than share a meme to voice an opinion I would invite you to go to YouTube and listen to Bernie's speech and the back and forth between the panel members including the Greek ambassador. It is a simple thing when a country faces turmoil to blame it on their economic policies. Of course, if you watch it and still think it's liberal poppycock or some such, that is of course, your right. But if you are going to be engaged in a meaningful debate I would invite to gather all of the information from both sides of the spectrum. At the very least you can tell people you've seen their hogwash and its still wrong.

I have been involved in the Greek Tragedy for years and honest (read: non-loony leftist) Greek scholars readily admit that gov't, legal and societal corruption is at the root of Greece's plight. I tend to agree and having watched Tsipras and Yani fiddle with their Game-Theory Chicken while Athens burned was not just heartbreaking, it put the final nails in Greece's coffin. What I have found is Johnny-come-lately leftists have a serious case of butt-hurt over the nasty black-eye Greece's folly has given the "cause" and are spinning madly to fluff the blame off on their usual bad guys ... "evil banksters," "evil capitalists" and in this case, "evil Germans."
Well, if you know the argument and disagree still that's all anyone can ask, I find the arguments presented that they were the hardest hit victims of the 2008 financial crisis to be credible, if you feel that the root cause was the social programs in greece that is, of course, your prerogative.
I didn't say shoot them. They should have been escorted OUT. Immediately. Period.
BernBern should have been a leader that he is trying to become. It was HIS platform, not theirs. If he will allow assholes to do that, what else will he allow because he has no balls?
We already have a wimp in the WH. We damn sure don't need another one.

Bernie knew it was his platform. He could have easily had security escort them out, but he the situation to address their complaints and gained much more support in their mutual goals. Better than just pissing off an influential group. Of course a right winger wouldn't understand that.
I'm not a "right winger". Nor a lefty. Nor an innie nor an outties nor an uppie nor a downie. He is running for POTUS. If he can't handle someone so rude as to interrupt his speech due to fear of reprisal, what else and who else will he be afraid to offend?
You can choose whomever you want by your vote. So can I. BernBern ain't one of them.

You have every right to vote for whoever you decide. I wasn't trying to convince you to vote for him. I only noted that he chose not to have them removed. You didn't expect him, or any other speaker in that position to personally wrestle them to the door, did you? No. You don't have to be macho to tell security to kick them out. If he said nothing, security would have probably kicked them out on their own. Bernie told security to stand down and he listened to what they had to say. Bernie showed much more courage by listening to them than it would take to just stand and watch security deal with the problem.
I wish bernie would tell them that 93% of all blacks killed are killed by other blacks. Seriously, they need to work on their own bed.
I don't put people on ignore, but you are too disgusting to interact with.

I did ask Pete what he proposed to do instead... but apparently he isn't capable of rational thought.

There seem to be quite a few like that on these political sites -- I think they have some form of autism-spectrum disorder that compels them to spout foul language and ad hominem attacks whenever they're asked any question requiring logic or intelligence to answer.

Anyway, if he's unable to contribute anything meaninful to a discussion, I'm willing to block him, no problem, You?

-- Paravani
I'm not a "right winger". Nor a lefty. Nor an innie nor an outties nor an uppie nor a downie. He is running for POTUS. If he can't handle someone so rude as to interrupt his speech due to fear of reprisal, what else and who else will he be afraid to offend?
You can choose whomever you want by your vote. So can I. BernBern ain't one of them.

This is pretty funny! You think Bern only listened to them because he was "afraid to offend" them?

You really don't know the first thing about the man, do you?

Let me clue you in... Bernie Sanders got his start in Civil Rights in the sixties and seventies. He marched with Martin Luther King, and he continue to trail blaze for the civil rights movement LONG before it became "cool". He's a hippie radical from the days back when hippies were killed for being radicals...

He's not afraid to offend anyone. He simply respects people who feel the need to take radical actions to be heard... because he's been there and done that and got the t-shirt.

So go ahead, vote for Trump, or Jeb, or Hillary, or any of those others who have never stood up for anything except their own white privilege. Be my guest.

-- Paravani
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I don't put people on ignore, but you are too disgusting to interact with.

I did ask Pete what he proposed to do instead... but apparently he isn't capable of rational thought.

There seem to be quite a few like that on these political sites -- I think they have some form of autism-spectrum disorder that compels them to spout foul language and ad hominem attacks whenever they're asked any question requiring logic or intelligence to answer.

Anyway, if he's unable to contribute anything meaninful to a discussion, I'm willing to block him, no problem, You?

-- Paravani

I don't blame you if you do block him, but I don't block anybody. My main reason here is to laugh at the crazy things right wingers say, and that one has provided more than one chuckle. I'll just not interact directly with such a vile person unless I get a chance to poke him, but still enjoy his hair on fire rhetoric. I almost feel guilty laughing at the mentally challenged here until I remember that was the choice they made.
I don't put people on ignore, but you are too disgusting to interact with.

I did ask Pete what he proposed to do instead... but apparently he isn't capable of rational thought.

There seem to be quite a few like that on these political sites -- I think they have some form of autism-spectrum disorder that compels them to spout foul language and ad hominem attacks whenever they're asked any question requiring logic or intelligence to answer.

Anyway, if he's unable to contribute anything meaninful to a discussion, I'm willing to block him, no problem, You?

-- Paravani

The guy hates the safetynet and everything about government...His plan is to let the corporations do as they please and if you don't work your ass off = you live on the street. I am proposing a serious expansion of this safety net using automation + AI in order to feed everyone without having to rely on work. Yes, that is futurist in nature but there's no other way as automation will likely take over most of the food industry anyways. So with the high levels of production that robotics will be cable of maybe we can use it for good.

Maybe we handle this with your id with a food chip implanted on it...OF course, I expect him and friends to attack this but in the future I don't expect there'll be enough grunt jobs in order for everyone to feed themselves. Why should people suffer when there's another way???

I expect that this will be partly funded by the tax payer in a lot of ways it will be a lot like our Military. Government tax dollars will pay corporations + government hybrid food automated centers to produce the protect...This protect then will go out to the stores so people can use their "food chip/id card" to get what they need.

People will still be able to work to better themselves but we will seriously need to rethink how we do things. I support work for self betterment and innovation but food shouldn't be at the core of it if we can help it. Pure capitalism is evil and will result in millions of dead people if we end up following it again.

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