Vote Bernie sanders!!! He cares for the poor and middle class

We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!

The US gross domestic productivity is rising -- we're making MORE stuff -- yet our wages are falling and jobs are stagnating.

How can that be? How can we making more stuff of greater value, and still have fewer jobs at lower wages?

AUTOMATION, that's how. Bank tellers are replaced by ATMs; cashiers are replaced by self-checkout scanners; well-paid machinists are replaced by assembly-line automation. Next on the list is cab drivers and long-haul truckers, who will lose their jobs as soon as insurance companies have enough actuarial data to prove that self-driving cars and trucks are safer.

The old capitalism isn't going to work anymore.

Think your job is immune from automation? Think again. I'm an electrical engineer with experience in the digital electronics industry. With very few exceptions, ALL human labor will be replaced, because robots will be cheaper and more efficient. They will be doing EVERYTHING.

We will need far more than token "socialism" to restructure our economy in a new world where every task is automated. One idea is to stop taxing human workers and instead TAX THESE WORKERS:

If you have any better ideas, I'd love to hear them. I'm sure that Bernie Sanders will be listening, too. He is at least aware of the problem and willing to address it.

-- Paravani

One of the best points I have seen mentioned, automation at a factory I worked at has replaced half of the workers, and while many would say that creates jobs in engineering and mechanic positions they are correct, but its losing 400 jobs for 6 new ones. As our technological progress continues we will certainly see many more jobs outsourced entirely, many production jobs will be replaced as 3-D printers become more and more reliable and cost effective. Why bother producing a product in a factory setting, shipping it, selling it to the consumer when the consumer can simply print out the product they want in 45 minutes, paying only for the intellectual property of the product. They can charge much less for that, meanwhile truck drivers, factory workers, engineers, technicians, supervisors and administrative staff are rendered obsolete. We have to face that one day not too far off the employment of hundreds of millions of people will just not be a viable economic system. With every technological advance we have less and less jobs for people, we need a president who understands the future, not one who wants to bring back the 70's model of production, that frankly will not work.

When refrigerators hit the market all the icemen lost their jobs. The men, the economy and the republic all survived.

More than refrigerators are hitting the market, the progress of technology is exponential. So many items are hitting the market at once, with much more intelligence than in the industrial revolution, recently my waiter in a restaurant was a tablet system set up on the table, it would be a disservice to the issues of today to equate what it happening with a previous moment in history. Where we are today is unprecedented. The rapid growth of technology is putting market after market out of business. The ice men found new jobs, I'm certain. I have heard the same said of many inventions that upended markets. Usually a new market takes its place and provides jobs in that market, for instance,maybe those ice men got jobs delivering those very refrigerators. When airplanes replaced trains for passenger travel people got jobs on the airlines. I do understand the point you are making. But when the refrigerator delivery is automatic already? When the airplanes dispense your drinks for you and know what meal you ordered ahead of time? In Japan they have robot cooks already. Could you imagine how much more reliable they will come to be than human cooks? They can't drink on the job, they don't text their friends and accidentally burn the old because they weren't paying attention, they don't get sick or need health insurance. How long before many companies decide they don't need human workers? There is a production plant that makes batteries near me run by a staff of 2 engineers on ipads. There is a change coming to the world as a whole. It also isn't necessarily a bad thing, while their may be growing pains in this transition period, you may have children or grandchildren who never see the toil of working a job you hate to pay your bills, people who could persue their interests, regardless of status or wealth. People who aren't too tired for anything but work or sleep. I understand this seems like a radical idea, and it screams of some utopian dream and you may say it is unrealistic.

But technology will not stop, will not slow, and holding on to a bygone age with make our growing pains that much worse. Would you suggest going back to a population of 90% farmers? Of course not, we are in a different age.
I'm really beginning to think you may actually be the dumbest person here at USMB.
Why is what I said bad? Some of that was put in place in the first two decades of the 20th century....Once it was put into place our middle class formed that turned into one of the biggest on earth by the 50's. How am I dumb for stating the truth???? I know you support the super rich and want our middle class gutted.

You "know" squat. Rather than project the silliness in your head onto other posters, why not try making a reasoned, rational, knowledgeable argument.
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We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!

I'm really beginning to think you may actually be the dumbest person here at USMB.


He is a blithering idiot, but with NYCrackhead, rdean, Lakoturd, guano and the CFAG cult Mathew is almost sane and coherent.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ol Bernie back off of one of his speeches and let the BlackLivesMatter gang take over without a fight?

What you saw was Bernie "walking the walk, not just talking the talk". One of the things he said in his speech later that day is that politicians who try to stop people from talking or voting are cowards, because he believes that our American political process works best when we hear every voice.

So when those women took the stage (and they weren't actually associated with Black Lives Matter, but had set up a fake Facebook page the day before), Bernie behaved according to his principles. He stepped back and listened.

What do they call that when your actions match your words? I think they call that "integrity"?

It's been so long since we've seen integrity in a politician, I think we've all forgotten what it looks like.

-- Paravani

I call that cowering to thuggish behavior. If there was an agreement to let them speak beforehand that's one thing. Walking away from your own event?

If he gets elected Putin will skull fuck him on the WH lawn.

I don't want a puss in the white house.

Which do you think takes more courage?

Shutting people up because you're not sure what they're going to say?

Or listening to them?

-- Paravani
Yeah, so...ol BernBern just backs the fuck off dealing with the ME because someone wants to take over the microphone? He's a wimp and a puss. No way do I want another one in the WH.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ol Bernie back off of one of his speeches and let the BlackLivesMatter gang take over without a fight?

Bernie listened to what they had to say, and that is all they wanted anyway. He later hired one of them to work on his campaign.
... I understand this seems like a radical idea, and it screams of some utopian dream and you may say it is unrealistic.
But technology will not stop, will not slow, and holding on to a bygone age with make our growing pains that much worse. Would you suggest going back to a population of 90% farmers? Of course not, we are in a different age.

Finally a rational thought! Would you rather we go back to steel mills, coal mines, sweat shops and a foul environment?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ol Bernie back off of one of his speeches and let the BlackLivesMatter gang take over without a fight?

Bernie listened to what they had to say, and that is all they wanted anyway. He later hired one of them to work on his campaign.
What do you think Kennedy would have done? Or Bush? Or even Clinton? Or Reagan?

BernBern is a pussy.
I don't want a puss in the white house.

Which do you think takes more courage?

Shutting people up because you're not sure what they're going to say?

Or listening to them?

-- Paravani
Yeah, so...ol BernBern just backs the fuck off dealing with the ME because someone wants to take over the microphone? He's a wimp and a puss. No way do I want another one in the WH.

Right. You think the best way to deal with protesters is to just shoot them all down too. Let's see how Bernie deals with them. They are very influential to a large block of the vote. Sometimes butting heads is exactly the wrong thing to do.
I don't want a puss in the white house.

Which do you think takes more courage?

Shutting people up because you're not sure what they're going to say?

Or listening to them?

-- Paravani


Standing your ground, because it is your ground, and having people ask to use your event politely is courageous. Getting stepped on by loudmouthed malcontents is pathetic.

I didn't say shoot them. They should have been escorted OUT. Immediately. Period.
BernBern should have been a leader that he is trying to become. It was HIS platform, not theirs. If he will allow assholes to do that, what else will he allow because he has no balls?
We already have a wimp in the WH. We damn sure don't need another one.
-- Paravani
I don't want a puss in the white house.

Which do you think takes more courage?

Shutting people up because you're not sure what they're going to say?

Or listening to them?

-- Paravani
Yeah, so...ol BernBern just backs the fuck off dealing with the ME because someone wants to take over the microphone? He's a wimp and a puss. No way do I want another one in the WH.

I guess whether he backed off from YOU would be based on whether you actually had something to say. Honestly, there are so many hundreds of thousands of people who ARE talking to him, who ARE listening to him, and who are being HEARD by him... if you decide not to be in the game, go vote for someone else with our blessing. As long as you have a chance to speak your peace and be heard, we're all good with it.

I'm sure Trump will hang on your every word... ;-)

-- Paravani
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....


Dumb,,,there's a big difference between making a investment in our roads, science institutions and education and just handing out free shit. Of course, you use these things and you don't want to pay taxes. What a bum!

So exactly where did Vig say or infer that we shouldn't have to pay taxes? You seem to think you have the superpower ability to read others thoughts but in fact you're just a whiny, sniveling, babbling idiot. True story.
-- Paravani
I don't want a puss in the white house.

Which do you think takes more courage?

Shutting people up because you're not sure what they're going to say?

Or listening to them?

-- Paravani
Yeah, so...ol BernBern just backs the fuck off dealing with the ME because someone wants to take over the microphone? He's a wimp and a puss. No way do I want another one in the WH.

I guess whether he backed off from YOU would be based on whether you actually had something to say. Honestly, there are so many hundreds of thousands of people who ARE talking to him, who ARE listening to him, and who are being HEARD by him... if you decide not to be in the game, go vote for someone else with our blessing. As long as you have a chance to speak your peace and be heard, we're all good with it.

I'm sure Trump will hang on your every word... ;-)

-- Paravani
Yer an idiot.
I didn't say shoot them. They should have been escorted OUT. Immediately. Period.
BernBern should have been a leader that he is trying to become. It was HIS platform, not theirs. If he will allow assholes to do that, what else will he allow because he has no balls?
We already have a wimp in the WH. We damn sure don't need another one.

They should have been arrested and dragged off stage. Pussyfooting around with these parasites is the wrong answer.

I didn't say shoot them. They should have been escorted OUT. Immediately. Period.
BernBern should have been a leader that he is trying to become. It was HIS platform, not theirs. If he will allow assholes to do that, what else will he allow because he has no balls?
We already have a wimp in the WH. We damn sure don't need another one.

Bernie knew it was his platform. He could have easily had security escort them out, but he the situation to address their complaints and gained much more support in their mutual goals. Better than just pissing off an influential group. Of course a right winger wouldn't understand that.
Maybe shutting up the opposition is what most politicians need. They want it always to be THEIR turn to speak... but Bernie isn't like that, and I honestly hope he never is like that.

If you think that doesn't take courage, then you must think every other politician on the field is a warrior.

But I"ll tell you what -- the VFW thinks the Bern has guts, because they gave him THIS:



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