Vote Bernie sanders!!! He cares for the poor and middle class

We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!

I'm really beginning to think you may actually be the dumbest person here at USMB.

Why is what I said bad? Some of that was put in place in the first two decades of the 20th century....Once it was put into place our middle class formed that turned into one of the biggest on earth by the 50's. How am I dumb for stating the truth???? I know you support the super rich and want our middle class gutted.
Why not set up a system of automation that makes it possible to give the basics to everyone in the country? Robots could be the key to ending work or die! basic food for all.

If humanity is to thrive, eventually we will need a "system" to supply everyone with homes, food, free education, and vouchers for basic goods like clothing and linens, paper goods, and books.

People will still want to work, perhaps self-selecting (as we do here) for writing and communication, social work, teaching, or participating in the "hive mind" on social media. (I was surprised that the "hive mind" worked astonishingly well last year, when a massive worldwide effort was needed to contain the runaway Ebola outbreak.)

There will still be plenty of work for scientists and engineers, and the wealthy will still be obscenely wealthy even after they pay their taxes... because that's just the way it always works.

But here in the US we need to get the wealthy out of politics, because their policies are turning all of our cities into slums. There is no longer a middle class who earn enough to simply paint their homes and maintain them, leaving vast swaths of this country looking like war zones and ghost towns. THAT must end!

-- Paravani
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ol Bernie back off of one of his speeches and let the BlackLivesMatter gang take over without a fight?
We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!

The US gross domestic productivity is rising -- we're making MORE stuff -- yet our wages are falling and jobs are stagnating.

How can that be? How can we making more stuff of greater value, and still have fewer jobs at lower wages?

AUTOMATION, that's how. Bank tellers are replaced by ATMs; cashiers are replaced by self-checkout scanners; well-paid machinists are replaced by assembly-line automation. Next on the list is cab drivers and long-haul truckers, who will lose their jobs as soon as insurance companies have enough actuarial data to prove that self-driving cars and trucks are safer.

The old capitalism isn't going to work anymore.

Think your job is immune from automation? Think again. I'm an electrical engineer with experience in the digital electronics industry. With very few exceptions, ALL human labor will be replaced, because robots will be cheaper and more efficient. They will be doing EVERYTHING.

We will need far more than token "socialism" to restructure our economy in a new world where every task is automated. One idea is to stop taxing human workers and instead TAX THESE WORKERS:

If you have any better ideas, I'd love to hear them. I'm sure that Bernie Sanders will be listening, too. He is at least aware of the problem and willing to address it.

-- Paravani

One of the best points I have seen mentioned, automation at a factory I worked at has replaced half of the workers, and while many would say that creates jobs in engineering and mechanic positions they are correct, but its losing 400 jobs for 6 new ones. As our technological progress continues we will certainly see many more jobs outsourced entirely, many production jobs will be replaced as 3-D printers become more and more reliable and cost effective. Why bother producing a product in a factory setting, shipping it, selling it to the consumer when the consumer can simply print out the product they want in 45 minutes, paying only for the intellectual property of the product. They can charge much less for that, meanwhile truck drivers, factory workers, engineers, technicians, supervisors and administrative staff are rendered obsolete. We have to face that one day not too far off the employment of hundreds of millions of people will just not be a viable economic system. With every technological advance we have less and less jobs for people, we need a president who understands the future, not one who wants to bring back the 70's model of production, that frankly will not work.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ol Bernie back off of one of his speeches and let the BlackLivesMatter gang take over without a fight?

Yes he did Gracie.....

FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!
There's a big difference between a investment and free. Of course, you don't believe we should ever invest in this country...You don't know the first thing about how a country becomes a first world country. It wasn't during the robber baron period as most people where poor! Only after when government regulations allowed for a middle class did we become one.

Typically sanctimonious loony leftist BS. You have no idea how Zander feels about investing in this country. Perhaps he just doesn't subscribe to the gov't-does-it-best theory some idiots promote here.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ol Bernie back off of one of his speeches and let the BlackLivesMatter gang take over without a fight?

What you saw was Bernie "walking the walk, not just talking the talk". One of the things he said in his speech later that day is that politicians who try to stop people from talking or voting are cowards, because he believes that our American political process works best when we hear every voice.

So when those women took the stage (and they weren't actually associated with Black Lives Matter, but had set up a fake Facebook page the day before), Bernie behaved according to his principles. He stepped back and listened.

What do they call that when your actions match your words? I think they call that "integrity"?

It's been so long since we've seen integrity in a politician, I think we've all forgotten what it looks like.

-- Paravani
FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!
There's a big difference between a investment and free. Of course, you don't believe we should ever invest in this country...You don't know the first thing about how a country becomes a first world country. It wasn't during the robber baron period as most people where poor! Only after when government regulations allowed for a middle class did we become one.

Typically pompous loony leftist BS. You have no idea how Zander feels about investing in this country. Perhaps he just doesn't subscribe to the gov't-does-it-best theory some idiots promote here.

Our government has always invested in this country...We all use police, roads,etc...SO we should be taxed to support them.
We need to tax corporations like we did in 1950!
We need to raise tariffs
And we need to break up giant corporations that harm American competition.
We need to make it hard to offshore!!
Pro-American economic policies!!!

We once again need to value our infrastructure, our science institutions and our educational system!!!!

The US gross domestic productivity is rising -- we're making MORE stuff -- yet our wages are falling and jobs are stagnating.

How can that be? How can we making more stuff of greater value, and still have fewer jobs at lower wages?

AUTOMATION, that's how. Bank tellers are replaced by ATMs; cashiers are replaced by self-checkout scanners; well-paid machinists are replaced by assembly-line automation. Next on the list is cab drivers and long-haul truckers, who will lose their jobs as soon as insurance companies have enough actuarial data to prove that self-driving cars and trucks are safer.

The old capitalism isn't going to work anymore.

Think your job is immune from automation? Think again. I'm an electrical engineer with experience in the digital electronics industry. With very few exceptions, ALL human labor will be replaced, because robots will be cheaper and more efficient. They will be doing EVERYTHING.

We will need far more than token "socialism" to restructure our economy in a new world where every task is automated. One idea is to stop taxing human workers and instead TAX THESE WORKERS:

If you have any better ideas, I'd love to hear them. I'm sure that Bernie Sanders will be listening, too. He is at least aware of the problem and willing to address it.

-- Paravani

One of the best points I have seen mentioned, automation at a factory I worked at has replaced half of the workers, and while many would say that creates jobs in engineering and mechanic positions they are correct, but its losing 400 jobs for 6 new ones. As our technological progress continues we will certainly see many more jobs outsourced entirely, many production jobs will be replaced as 3-D printers become more and more reliable and cost effective. Why bother producing a product in a factory setting, shipping it, selling it to the consumer when the consumer can simply print out the product they want in 45 minutes, paying only for the intellectual property of the product. They can charge much less for that, meanwhile truck drivers, factory workers, engineers, technicians, supervisors and administrative staff are rendered obsolete. We have to face that one day not too far off the employment of hundreds of millions of people will just not be a viable economic system. With every technological advance we have less and less jobs for people, we need a president who understands the future, not one who wants to bring back the 70's model of production, that frankly will not work.

When refrigerators hit the market all the icemen lost their jobs. The men, the economy and the republic all survived.
FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!
There's a big difference between a investment and free. Of course, you don't believe we should ever invest in this country...You don't know the first thing about how a country becomes a first world country. It wasn't during the robber baron period as most people where poor! Only after when government regulations allowed for a middle class did we become one.

Typically pompous loony leftist BS. You have no idea how Zander feels about investing in this country. Perhaps he just doesn't subscribe to the gov't-does-it-best theory some idiots promote here.

Our government has always invested in this country...We all use police, roads,etc...SO we should be taxed to support them.

:lmao: Stop .. you're killing me.
The use of paid police and fire forces, public education, the building of roads and non-confiscatory taxation all serve America's capitalism and are not indicative of a "Worker's Paradise." Our private sector also invests in America so quit your silly socialist whining..
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....

And what's YOUR plan to deal with all the human workers being replaced by automation?

Is YOUR job irreplaceable?

Or are you one of the many shills paid by the Koch brothers to shut down any real discussion of the social and economic changes in this country?

-- Paravani
I don't want a puss in the white house.

Which do you think takes more courage?

Shutting people up because you're not sure what they're going to say?

Or listening to them?

-- Paravani

So where, exactly, did Gracie suggest shutting anyone up? That's a lame yet pompous Straw Man you've erected. She did say she doesn't want a puss in the White House.
FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!! Infrastructure!! Science!! Education!!FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!
There's a big difference between a investment and free. Of course, you don't believe we should ever invest in this country...You don't know the first thing about how a country becomes a first world country. It wasn't during the robber baron period as most people where poor! Only after when government regulations allowed for a middle class did we become one.

Typically pompous loony leftist BS. You have no idea how Zander feels about investing in this country. Perhaps he just doesn't subscribe to the gov't-does-it-best theory some idiots promote here.

Our government has always invested in this country...We all use police, roads,etc...SO we should be taxed to support them.

:lmao: Stop .. you're killing me.
The use of paid police and fire forces, public education, the building of roads and non-confiscatory taxation all serve America's capitalism and are not indicative of a "Worker's Paradise." Our private sector also invests in America so quit your silly socialist whining..

Lol, our police, fire forces, public education and building roads is what I am talking about. lol

My model of America isn't much different then todays America...Just more investment into education, science and infrastructure. The rich also should pay a little more!

Of course, I'd like to see a system over time where robotics feed the population without human work.
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....


Dumb,,,there's a big difference between making a investment in our roads, science institutions and education and just handing out free shit. Of course, you use these things and you don't want to pay taxes. What a bum!
Bernie has his economic plan all set.....

And what's YOUR plan to deal with all the human workers being replaced by automation?

Is YOUR job irreplaceable?

Or are you one of the many shills paid by the Koch brothers to shut down any real discussion of the social and economic changes in this country?

-- Paravani

OMG! The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Koch Bros are not stepping on others right to speak freely but the loony left cabal certainly is trying to do just that.
Give it up, Chicken Little.
:lmao: Stop .. you're killing me.
The use of paid police and fire forces, public education, the building of roads and non-confiscatory taxation all serve America's capitalism and are not indicative of a "Worker's Paradise." Our private sector also invests in America so quit your silly socialist whining..

Police and fire forces will be among the FIRST to be automated... along with the entire justice system.

How will they convince the people to accept robot police? Step one of the information campaign is already in process:

First, convince the people that "justice" is meted out unfairly based on race and economic status.

Next, convince people that computers and robots can apply justice "blindly", without regard to race or any other factor except evidence -- just evidence, processed statistically to determine likelihood of guilt.

Of course judges and lawyers must be automated, and will be programmed with full knowledge of our legal code, precedents, and sentencing guidelines.

THAT's how you exchange automation for people. Automation is faster, more convenient, and fairer.... it makes us all equal.

The only drawback to automation is that it eliminates jobs... and with the astounding recent growth in robotics, automation will soon replace nearly everyone's jobs.

As for firefighters... Tell me again why we shouldn't send deathless drones into flash-over-potential situations? Or into wildfires?

-- Paravani
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Dumb,,,there's a big difference between making a investment in our roads, science institutions and education and just handing out free shit. Of course, you use these things and you don't want to pay taxes. What a bum!

Right. Okay, no free shit whatsoever. In that case, some 290 million people in this country will die of starvation in the streets, without access to food or homes or anything else, because all their JOBS will be GONE. Not just a few jobs... ALL OF THEM.

Let me repeat: Productivity is UP. Jobs are DOWN. Wages are DOWN, because more people are competing for fewer and fewer jobs.

Automation destroyed Detroit, and it is rapidly destroying many other cities and small towns all across America. Go for a drive across the country... see how many farming communities are gone? See the ghost towns that used to be thriving communities? See the cities filled with boarded up windows and broken down buildings?

No? Never traveled across the country?

Maybe you should.

-- Paravani

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