Vote Yes on 4 in Massachusetts.

No. Hell No. Funding Hell No

I'll be voting get NO on Question #4. There is no legitimate MEDICINAL use for that crap, never mind recreational use.

It will NEVER be legal in my home, on my property, or In my car. Not for any reason.
I live in mass and I'm voting yes .

What happened to "freedom"? Y'all talk a bunch of shit but when push comes to shove you are against freedom .
Well as usual the stoner brain only examines the surface of the issue.

Look for, directly proportionately, an increase in heroin sales in the country coming from Mexico as the price of pot plummets with each new legalization and growers free for all (literally) in the US. Pot was a huge part of the Mexican economy and exactly at the time Western states began to legalize pot, the drug wars between cartels in Mexico...all the violence etc. heightened as their competing market share plummeted. Destroying the Mexican market is not something we want to do right now. You might not have noticed that when our allies are going broke lately, we can't afford to bail them out. And so, they go asking to Russia and China for handouts. Or the rich arab oil nations...

THINK stoner brains. Put down the dope for five minutes and look at the bigger picture. The two things legalizing pot in the US will do here is 1. Make Mexico import more heroin into our country..reaching our school kids and 2. Make Mexico go looking for another sugar daddy in another part of the world.

You may not like black markets but all in all pot is one of the tamest. And they are real markets with real impacts. Mexico leans heavily on supplying the US with party materials and they always have. It's your choice what substance is most valuable for them to do that with to save their economy.
Silly has, the exact OPPOSITE is bound to happen!
Even though you don't smoke marijuana you should have the legal right to if your over age 21 and not using it in public. Legalizing marijuana cuts down on useless time of law enforcement. People go to jail over this stuff ! Last of all, Legalization of marijuana would bring in $100 million dollars to the state annualy. Too much is at stake for the future of our state for not legalizing marijuana.

" IN FAVOR : Law enforcement veterans support this initiative because it replaces the current unregulated marijuana market, controlled by drug dealers, with a tightly regulated system controlled by state and local authorities. Passing this measure will allow local law enforcement to shift resources and focus to serious and violent crimes.

The initiative includes strick regulations for business licensing, product testing, labeling and packaging, providing many more consumer safeguards that exist now. Marketing to minors is strickly prohibited, as is public use and driving under the influence.

Local cities and towns can limit or ban marijuana businesses, and will govern operating hours, locations, and signage.

Taxing marijuana will generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for the state and local governments.

Regulation and taxation is working in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, generating millions of dollars for education, infrastructure and more. Massachusetts can improve on the regulatory standards already in place and working elsewhere. "

I already voted in this years early vote and I voted Yes on 4.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Will you do the same ?

It's your Vote.

What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before. Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

The black market in a legal environment is due to the taxes probably being too excessive. If they were to lower them a bit, the profit margin would be reduced, and the issue would be lessened.
Only Rodrigo Duterte has the right method of dealing with drug addicts.

A bullet to the brain, no probation, no trial, no waste.

Someone who can use drugs in a recreational sense is not an addict.

I toke up 3-4 times a year, slightly more than my 1-2 per year stogie schedule.
I’ve served as an elected District Attorney in Conservative Texas. Every DA is on a limited budget. We have to make choices. I believe in strict punishment for violent offenders and burglars. I rarely gave probation. Unfortunately we had to deal with all these annoying pot cases. Even when pot users got probation the understaffed probation officers had to make sure they were in by 10PM – I’d rather they checked on sex offenders.

In addition the Washington Post reports for 2015 Colorado gained 18,000 pot-related jobs and $2.4 billion in revenue. 2016 will be much better.

Feds: Fewer Teens Using Marijuana In Era Of Marijuana Legalization Less teens use after legalization
Less teens use after legalization? Bullshit. Also doubt you are what you said you were. Small time pot cases aren't treated like pedophilia cases.

How many people have been injured or killed due to more stoners driving around? You left that part out. Where's your link to back up your revenue claims?
I’ve served as an elected District Attorney in Conservative Texas. Every DA is on a limited budget. We have to make choices. I believe in strict punishment for violent offenders and burglars. I rarely gave probation. Unfortunately we had to deal with all these annoying pot cases. Even when pot users got probation the understaffed probation officers had to make sure they were in by 10PM – I’d rather they checked on sex offenders.

In addition the Washington Post reports for 2015 Colorado gained 18,000 pot-related jobs and $2.4 billion in revenue. 2016 will be much better.

Feds: Fewer Teens Using Marijuana In Era Of Marijuana Legalization Less teens use after legalization

Arent Co.'s problems from people buying in Co then taking it to a state where pot is not legal? Seems to me, all the other states should legalize too.
I’ve served as an elected District Attorney in Conservative Texas. Every DA is on a limited budget. We have to make choices. I believe in strict punishment for violent offenders and burglars. I rarely gave probation. Unfortunately we had to deal with all these annoying pot cases. Even when pot users got probation the understaffed probation officers had to make sure they were in by 10PM – I’d rather they checked on sex offenders.

In addition the Washington Post reports for 2015 Colorado gained 18,000 pot-related jobs and $2.4 billion in revenue. 2016 will be much better.

Feds: Fewer Teens Using Marijuana In Era Of Marijuana Legalization Less teens use after legalization
Less teens use after legalization? Bullshit. Also doubt you are what you said you were. Small time pot cases aren't treated like pedophilia cases.

How many people have been injured or killed due to more stoners driving around? You left that part out. Where's your link to back up your revenue claims?

I dunno...where are YOUR figure's to support your accusation that "stoners" are driving around and killing all these people?...huh? Lol, ignorance personified. How old are you?...old, I hope.
I’ve served as an elected District Attorney in Conservative Texas. Every DA is on a limited budget. We have to make choices. I believe in strict punishment for violent offenders and burglars. I rarely gave probation. Unfortunately we had to deal with all these annoying pot cases. Even when pot users got probation the understaffed probation officers had to make sure they were in by 10PM – I’d rather they checked on sex offenders.

In addition the Washington Post reports for 2015 Colorado gained 18,000 pot-related jobs and $2.4 billion in revenue. 2016 will be much better.

Feds: Fewer Teens Using Marijuana In Era Of Marijuana Legalization Less teens use after legalization
Less teens use after legalization? Bullshit. Also doubt you are what you said you were. Small time pot cases aren't treated like pedophilia cases.

How many people have been injured or killed due to more stoners driving around? You left that part out. Where's your link to back up your revenue claims?

I dunno...where are YOUR figure's to support your accusation that "stoners" are driving around and killing all these people?...huh? Lol, ignorance personified. How old are you?...old, I hope.
It's been going on in WA and I heard CO as well. Let's see, work with me here .....more availability, more people driving stoned you think accidents will go up or down? Duh.

Study: Fatal Car Crashes Involving Marijuana Have Tripled
SEATTLE (CBS Seattle) – According to a recent study, fatal car crashes involving pot use have tripled in the U.S.

“Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana,” Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia, and co-author of the study told HealthDay News.

The researchers found that drugs played an increasing role in fatal traffic accidents. Drugged driving accounted for more than 28 percent of traffic deaths in 2010, which is 16 percent more than it was in 1999.

The researchers also found that marijuana was the main drug involved in the increase. It contributed to 12 percent of fatal crashes, compared to only 4 percent in 1999.

Fatal Car Accidents Surge In States With Legal Recreational Marijuana
Fatal car accidents are on the rise, and a recent study claims the increase may be due to the legalization of recreational marijuana. Data analyzed by the American Automobile Association (AAA) suggests a surge of deadly car crashes in states that have also legalized weed.

As reported by CBS News, the study specifically looked at the state of Washington, where recreational weed was legalized in 2014. According to the data, the number of fatal car crashes involving a stoned driver increased from 8 percent in 2013 to 17 percent the very next year.

“The significant increase in fatal crashes involving marijuana is alarming,” said Peter Kissinger, president and CEO of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. “Washington serves as an eye-opening case study for what other states may experience with road safety after legalizing the drug.”
Even though you don't smoke marijuana you should have the legal right to if your over age 21 and not using it in public. Legalizing marijuana cuts down on useless time of law enforcement. People go to jail over this stuff ! Last of all, Legalization of marijuana would bring in $100 million dollars to the state annualy. Too much is at stake for the future of our state for not legalizing marijuana.

" IN FAVOR : Law enforcement veterans support this initiative because it replaces the current unregulated marijuana market, controlled by drug dealers, with a tightly regulated system controlled by state and local authorities. Passing this measure will allow local law enforcement to shift resources and focus to serious and violent crimes.

The initiative includes strick regulations for business licensing, product testing, labeling and packaging, providing many more consumer safeguards that exist now. Marketing to minors is strickly prohibited, as is public use and driving under the influence.

Local cities and towns can limit or ban marijuana businesses, and will govern operating hours, locations, and signage.

Taxing marijuana will generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for the state and local governments.

Regulation and taxation is working in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, generating millions of dollars for education, infrastructure and more. Massachusetts can improve on the regulatory standards already in place and working elsewhere. "

I already voted in this years early vote and I voted Yes on 4.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Will you do the same ?

It's your Vote.

What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before. Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

The black market in a legal environment is due to the taxes probably being too excessive. If they were to lower them a bit, the profit margin would be reduced, and the issue would be lessened.
See: cigarettes in NYC.
Even though you don't smoke marijuana you should have the legal right to if your over age 21 and not using it in public. Legalizing marijuana cuts down on useless time of law enforcement. People go to jail over this stuff ! Last of all, Legalization of marijuana would bring in $100 million dollars to the state annualy. Too much is at stake for the future of our state for not legalizing marijuana.

" IN FAVOR : Law enforcement veterans support this initiative because it replaces the current unregulated marijuana market, controlled by drug dealers, with a tightly regulated system controlled by state and local authorities. Passing this measure will allow local law enforcement to shift resources and focus to serious and violent crimes.

The initiative includes strick regulations for business licensing, product testing, labeling and packaging, providing many more consumer safeguards that exist now. Marketing to minors is strickly prohibited, as is public use and driving under the influence.

Local cities and towns can limit or ban marijuana businesses, and will govern operating hours, locations, and signage.

Taxing marijuana will generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for the state and local governments.

Regulation and taxation is working in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, generating millions of dollars for education, infrastructure and more. Massachusetts can improve on the regulatory standards already in place and working elsewhere. "

I already voted in this years early vote and I voted Yes on 4.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Will you do the same ?

It's your Vote.

What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before. Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

The black market in a legal environment is due to the taxes probably being too excessive. If they were to lower them a bit, the profit margin would be reduced, and the issue would be lessened.
See: cigarettes in NYC.

exactly. However a low end black market that thrives on providing items for below legal cost is never as violent as a high end black market (for items that are illegal) simply because the profit margin isn't there.

You don't see "boosted cigarette" gang wars in NYC, because the $1-2 a pack you can make is nice money, but not worth killing for.

The obscene profits one makes in illegal drugs, however, leads to greed and violence because the incentive is there.
Even though you don't smoke marijuana you should have the legal right to if your over age 21 and not using it in public. Legalizing marijuana cuts down on useless time of law enforcement. People go to jail over this stuff ! Last of all, Legalization of marijuana would bring in $100 million dollars to the state annualy. Too much is at stake for the future of our state for not legalizing marijuana.

" IN FAVOR : Law enforcement veterans support this initiative because it replaces the current unregulated marijuana market, controlled by drug dealers, with a tightly regulated system controlled by state and local authorities. Passing this measure will allow local law enforcement to shift resources and focus to serious and violent crimes.

The initiative includes strick regulations for business licensing, product testing, labeling and packaging, providing many more consumer safeguards that exist now. Marketing to minors is strickly prohibited, as is public use and driving under the influence.

Local cities and towns can limit or ban marijuana businesses, and will govern operating hours, locations, and signage.

Taxing marijuana will generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for the state and local governments.

Regulation and taxation is working in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, generating millions of dollars for education, infrastructure and more. Massachusetts can improve on the regulatory standards already in place and working elsewhere. "

I already voted in this years early vote and I voted Yes on 4.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Will you do the same ?

It's your Vote.

What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before. Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

The black market in a legal environment is due to the taxes probably being too excessive. If they were to lower them a bit, the profit margin would be reduced, and the issue would be lessened.

Lessened maybe slightly, never eliminated. There will always be an underage market just like with other age restricted products. Even the folks that are old enough to by will try to avoid the taxes much like you see in the States with ridiculous cigarette taxes, buying black market smokes. Also the turf wars between traffickers will likely become more violent as they compete for a shrinking market.
Even though you don't smoke marijuana you should have the legal right to if your over age 21 and not using it in public. Legalizing marijuana cuts down on useless time of law enforcement. People go to jail over this stuff ! Last of all, Legalization of marijuana would bring in $100 million dollars to the state annualy. Too much is at stake for the future of our state for not legalizing marijuana.

" IN FAVOR : Law enforcement veterans support this initiative because it replaces the current unregulated marijuana market, controlled by drug dealers, with a tightly regulated system controlled by state and local authorities. Passing this measure will allow local law enforcement to shift resources and focus to serious and violent crimes.

The initiative includes strick regulations for business licensing, product testing, labeling and packaging, providing many more consumer safeguards that exist now. Marketing to minors is strickly prohibited, as is public use and driving under the influence.

Local cities and towns can limit or ban marijuana businesses, and will govern operating hours, locations, and signage.

Taxing marijuana will generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for the state and local governments.

Regulation and taxation is working in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, generating millions of dollars for education, infrastructure and more. Massachusetts can improve on the regulatory standards already in place and working elsewhere. "

I already voted in this years early vote and I voted Yes on 4.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Will you do the same ?

It's your Vote.

What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before. Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

The black market in a legal environment is due to the taxes probably being too excessive. If they were to lower them a bit, the profit margin would be reduced, and the issue would be lessened.

Lessened maybe slightly, never eliminated. There will always be an underage market just like with other age restricted products. Even the folks that are old enough to by will try to avoid the taxes much like you see in the States with ridiculous cigarette taxes, buying black market smokes. Also the turf wars between traffickers will likely become more violent as they compete for a shrinking market.

The underage market is there even with the high end black market. And inflating the viable age to 21 for everything artificially inflates the underage market. If you can vote and be drafted to pick up a rifle and fight, you should be able to smoke and drink.

The key to reducing the the low end black market is to be reasonable with taxation, and I believe some of the places where it is legal have seen that and made changes.

There may always be violence, but again, the # of people willing to go guns blazing for $1-$2 a pack is a lot less than the people willing to do it for $10-$20 a gram.
Even though you don't smoke marijuana you should have the legal right to if your over age 21 and not using it in public. Legalizing marijuana cuts down on useless time of law enforcement. People go to jail over this stuff ! Last of all, Legalization of marijuana would bring in $100 million dollars to the state annualy. Too much is at stake for the future of our state for not legalizing marijuana.

" IN FAVOR : Law enforcement veterans support this initiative because it replaces the current unregulated marijuana market, controlled by drug dealers, with a tightly regulated system controlled by state and local authorities. Passing this measure will allow local law enforcement to shift resources and focus to serious and violent crimes.

The initiative includes strick regulations for business licensing, product testing, labeling and packaging, providing many more consumer safeguards that exist now. Marketing to minors is strickly prohibited, as is public use and driving under the influence.

Local cities and towns can limit or ban marijuana businesses, and will govern operating hours, locations, and signage.

Taxing marijuana will generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for the state and local governments.

Regulation and taxation is working in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, generating millions of dollars for education, infrastructure and more. Massachusetts can improve on the regulatory standards already in place and working elsewhere. "

I already voted in this years early vote and I voted Yes on 4.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Will you do the same ?

It's your Vote.

What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before. Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

The black market in a legal environment is due to the taxes probably being too excessive. If they were to lower them a bit, the profit margin would be reduced, and the issue would be lessened.

Lessened maybe slightly, never eliminated. There will always be an underage market just like with other age restricted products. Even the folks that are old enough to by will try to avoid the taxes much like you see in the States with ridiculous cigarette taxes, buying black market smokes. Also the turf wars between traffickers will likely become more violent as they compete for a shrinking market.

The underage market is there even with the high end black market. And inflating the viable age to 21 for everything artificially inflates the underage market. If you can vote and be drafted to pick up a rifle and fight, you should be able to smoke and drink.

The key to reducing the the low end black market is to be reasonable with taxation, and I believe some of the places where it is legal have seen that and made changes.

There may always be violence, but again, the # of people willing to go guns blazing for $1-$2 a pack is a lot less than the people willing to do it for $10-$20 a gram.

Well it may all be academic if we get someone in the AG position that enforces federal law. It will be a true test of the supremacy clause.
What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before.

The black market only exists because the government limits the legal market. In this case, through taxation, regulations, license fees, ect.

Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

Then they are idiots.

Who would forcibly sacrifice revenue?
Even though you don't smoke marijuana you should have the legal right to if your over age 21 and not using it in public. Legalizing marijuana cuts down on useless time of law enforcement. People go to jail over this stuff ! Last of all, Legalization of marijuana would bring in $100 million dollars to the state annualy. Too much is at stake for the future of our state for not legalizing marijuana.

" IN FAVOR : Law enforcement veterans support this initiative because it replaces the current unregulated marijuana market, controlled by drug dealers, with a tightly regulated system controlled by state and local authorities. Passing this measure will allow local law enforcement to shift resources and focus to serious and violent crimes.

The initiative includes strick regulations for business licensing, product testing, labeling and packaging, providing many more consumer safeguards that exist now. Marketing to minors is strickly prohibited, as is public use and driving under the influence.

Local cities and towns can limit or ban marijuana businesses, and will govern operating hours, locations, and signage.

Taxing marijuana will generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for the state and local governments.

Regulation and taxation is working in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, generating millions of dollars for education, infrastructure and more. Massachusetts can improve on the regulatory standards already in place and working elsewhere. "

I already voted in this years early vote and I voted Yes on 4.

Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Will you do the same ?

It's your Vote.

What a load of crap, CO thought legalization would solve everything too. It didn't they actually have a worse problem with black market sales than before. Pueblo County CO is considering opting out of the State grow and sales program for that very reason and they make millions on growing weed.

The black market in a legal environment is due to the taxes probably being too excessive. If they were to lower them a bit, the profit margin would be reduced, and the issue would be lessened.

Lessened maybe slightly, never eliminated. There will always be an underage market just like with other age restricted products. Even the folks that are old enough to by will try to avoid the taxes much like you see in the States with ridiculous cigarette taxes, buying black market smokes. Also the turf wars between traffickers will likely become more violent as they compete for a shrinking market.

The underage market is there even with the high end black market. And inflating the viable age to 21 for everything artificially inflates the underage market. If you can vote and be drafted to pick up a rifle and fight, you should be able to smoke and drink.

The key to reducing the the low end black market is to be reasonable with taxation, and I believe some of the places where it is legal have seen that and made changes.

There may always be violence, but again, the # of people willing to go guns blazing for $1-$2 a pack is a lot less than the people willing to do it for $10-$20 a gram.

Well it may all be academic if we get someone in the AG position that enforces federal law. It will be a true test of the supremacy clause.

A very good point. However as a strict constructionist, I don't see where the feds get a mandate to regulate drugs unless State lines are crossed.

If the pot is grown in Mass, collected in Mass, dried and cut in Mass, and sold and used in Mass, what do the feds have to do with it?

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