Voter Depression or Voter Suppression?

Is it Voter Depression or Voter Suppression?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
I know many previous Obamabots (Hey I was one myself more than three years ago) that have stopped caring about politics because they never liked Republicans and now they don't like Democrats either.

It's funny that Progressives are pointing to the lowest relative turnout in quite some time, but let's be honest, was it "voter suppression" as they claim, or is it actually Voter Depression, the result of the Bush and Obama 14 year train of constitutional and economic destruction?

We know Bush passed the Patriot Act.
We know Obama passed the NDAA and put the NSA on steroids. It seems that younger Americans like myself aren't "disinterested" or "suppressed" from voting, but more or less "depressed" from voting.

So you Progressives, you can feign and invent all sorts of unfounded conspiracy theories about voter suppression and "didn't get the message out" and all that other crap.

The truth is that blacks, latinos and younger voters have been driven into political depression by your previous 6 years under Obama. They CHOSE not show up, no one prevented them from showing up.

And this is why you invent stories, because it would be irreversibly damaging to you agenda if you acknowledged that people CHOSE VOLUNTARILY NOT TO SHOW UP FOR YOU. They abhor you so much, they didn't even show up to vote AGAINST the conservatives.
Lol another reformed "progressive." Get a room for yourself weirdo.

Hey Rabbi Genius, the democrats just got their asses kicked with the help of a whole lot of "reformed progressives". They're women. They're educated. They live in the suburbs. And they contribute many millions of dollars to left-wing candidates and causes...or at least they used to.
You're right though, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference WHO got elected, the policy at the Federal Reserve isn't going to change.

Here's the Budget.

Well, roughly, they haven't changed things or made a new one in years. As you can see, the corporate oligarchs have kept things the same. As they have planned. So the politicians, no matter what party they are from, have only 17% of the budget to seriously play with, because that is all they consider that they are able to touch. None of them has the political will to plot a new course for this train wreck that is running off the rails.

And each year, that Discretionary slice? It gets smaller and smaller because they won't do anything to fix the broken system. They won't re-engineer the money system. They won't fiddle with the other areas of the budget. They won't do anything. They are all useless, all of the partisans. Every last big government drone. Their only interest is in growing the size of their particular constituency, and that would be themselves, the rulers and corporatists, those who believe in BIG CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT. The more problems they cause, the more they can make the voters believe there is a need for more government. And they have the media in their pocket, so most Americans are too dumb to understand how the whole game works. Folks around here just love listening and watching what they are fed all day long, no matter if it is from the left or the right, as long as it justifies electing some schmuck that will initiate more government programs to solve some supposed new program. Bigger more unwieldy government.

Let's ask the Romans how that worked out.

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