Voter fraud...

Right, so like I said, you have zero proof of your conspiracy. You're a nut job
Here you go, stupid. Keep denying it. It's really doing wonders for your credibility :lol:

Democrat confirms rampant voter fraud

Still waiting for the evidence to show that 5 million fraudulent votes were cast to put Obama over the top in 2012. Let's see it, tard.
How can simply deny every link, video, article, etc. added that proves you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Lets see...I provided a link to 4 cases including indictments. Then I included a link to 300 cases. Then I mentioned the Lois Lerner/IRS scandal. Then I added this link. And all you've done is go.....doi....I dunno me 5 million votes....doi.

I're just an idiot. You're attempting to deny that which cannot be denied by any rational person.
Still waiting for the evidence to show that 5 million fraudulent votes were cast to put Obama over the top in 2012. Let's see it, tard.
By the way buttercup....why don't you provide "evidence" (to quote you) to show that there weren't "5 million fraudulent votes". That should be pretty easy. If it was a clean election, there should be plenty of records to prove it. Don't worry...I won't hold my breath.
Still waiting for the evidence to show that 5 million fraudulent votes were cast to put Obama over the top in 2012. Let's see it, tard.
Here you go, stupid. Let me know when you think we've reached 5 million. The voter fraud is a pretty comprehensive strategy which includes changing votes already submitted, voting by dead people, voting by people out of the district, the IRS blocking conservative groups to facilitate more conservative voters, and letter carriers destroying ballots.

We are easily at millions already but of course, your fragile 'lil ego won't allow you to admit that you were wrong.

POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots (Updated)

(And of course he said it was a "joke" - he doesn't want to get hit with a felony)
Still waiting for the evidence to show that 5 million fraudulent votes were cast to put Obama over the top in 2012. Let's see it, tard.
By the way buttercup....why don't you provide "evidence" (to quote you) to show that there weren't "5 million fraudulent votes". That should be pretty easy. If it was a clean election, there should be plenty of records to prove it. Don't worry...I won't hold my breath.

Because I don't have to dumbass. It's not incumbent upon me to prove a negative. You made the claim now either prove 5 million fraudulent votes were cast or shut the fuck up
Still waiting for the evidence to show that 5 million fraudulent votes were cast to put Obama over the top in 2012. Let's see it, tard.
By the way buttercup....why don't you provide "evidence" (to quote you) to show that there weren't "5 million fraudulent votes". That should be pretty easy. If it was a clean election, there should be plenty of records to prove it. Don't worry...I won't hold my breath.

Because I don't have to dumbass. It's not incumbent upon me to prove a negative. You made the claim now either prove 5 million fraudulent votes were cast or shut the fuck up
Bwhahaha! You don't have to back up your claims? How does that work? I've added the links that prove you're an idiot. And you just admitted that you can't provide any which dispute that. Deal with it.

There is one more above you should watch (since you clearly can't read).
Still waiting for the evidence to show that 5 million fraudulent votes were cast to put Obama over the top in 2012. Let's see it, tard.
By the way buttercup....why don't you provide "evidence" (to quote you) to show that there weren't "5 million fraudulent votes". That should be pretty easy. If it was a clean election, there should be plenty of records to prove it. Don't worry...I won't hold my breath.

Because I don't have to dumbass. It's not incumbent upon me to prove a negative. You made the claim now either prove 5 million fraudulent votes were cast or shut the fuck up
Bwhahaha! You don't have to back up your claims? How does that work? I've added the links that prove you're an idiot. And you just admitted that you can't provide any which dispute that Deal with it.

There is one more above you should watch (since you clearly can't read).

Still waiting for that proof 5 million fraudulent votes were cast
As usual - it was at the request of the Dumbocrats...

Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
ya, I've thought the same thing about wiki links.
Dems release emails thru a 3rd party and then blame the Russians.
Could be. Way less barbaric than firebombing places where someone might have gotten killed just for the sake of a false flag attack.
But you're far barbaric enough to kill someone for an actual fascist attack to silence anyone who doesn't agree with your bat-shit crazy ideology. That's just how you people are.
ya, I've thought the same thing about wiki links.
Dems release emails thru a 3rd party and then blame the Russians.
Could be. Way less barbaric than firebombing places where someone might have gotten killed just for the sake of a false flag attack.
But you're far barbaric enough to kill someone for an actual fascist attack to silence anyone who doesn't agree with your bat-shit crazy ideology. That's just how you people are.
What in the... I think you need a Snickers
But you're far barbaric enough to kill someone for an actual fascist attack to silence anyone who doesn't agree with your bat-shit crazy ideology. That's just how you people are.
What in the... I think you need a Snickers
While that was funny (kudos) I'm assuming you've seen the videos already from the Veritas Project where progressives are on video talking about how they pay people to engage in violence at conservative rallies?
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