Voter fraud...

But you're far barbaric enough to kill someone for an actual fascist attack to silence anyone who doesn't agree with your bat-shit crazy ideology. That's just how you people are.
What in the... I think you need a Snickers
While that was funny (kudos) I'm assuming you've seen the videos already from the Veritas Project where progressives are on video talking about how they pay people to engage in violence at conservative rallies?
I've seen parts. But really, you can't take anything too seriously when someone edits hundreds of hours of video down to a few minutes of sentence fragments for the purpose of pushing a specific agenda. O'Keefe is just a youtube prankster. There are thousands of them. It's weird you cons are just finding out about them.
But you're far barbaric enough to kill someone for an actual fascist attack to silence anyone who doesn't agree with your bat-shit crazy ideology. That's just how you people are.
What in the... I think you need a Snickers
While that was funny (kudos) I'm assuming you've seen the videos already from the Veritas Project where progressives are on video talking about how they pay people to engage in violence at conservative rallies?
I've seen parts. But really, you can't take anything too seriously when someone edits hundreds of hours of video down to a few minutes of sentence fragments for the purpose of pushing a specific agenda. O'Keefe is just a youtube prankster. There are thousands of them. It's weird you cons are just finding out about them.
It really doesn't matter how you "edit" it when someone is clearly stating that they pay people to incite violence at conservative political rallies.
"The grim truth that is so hard to tell and so hard to swallow is that America's electoral system has been corrupted in the most direct and fundamental of ways: the computers that now count virtually all of our votes in secret can be—and, the evidence indicates, have been—programmed to cheat," said Jonathan Simon.

Expert: 'Child's play' to rig vote counts
Hey dumbshit. You should have stopped to THINK for a moment. "Hmmmm...that's Texas".

Yeah, Texas. A big fat red state.

The machines are controlled by Republicans in that county and the REPUBLICAN county judge issued a press release saying they inspected the machines and they are working just fine.

The dumb broad fat fingered her ballot. Did you even read your own link, dumbass? Clearly not.

Goddam, you rubes haven't a single critical thinking cell in your bodies.

You are all face down in the Kool Aid.
I knew there were stupid people in America. But until Trump came along, I had no idea there were this fucking many.

It's downright scary.
Vladimir Putin, by way of his puppet Donald Trump, has programmed all the rubes into bleeving the election is rigged.

And now, like good little copy and past bots, the dumb fucks are out there trying to confirm their bias.

So far, they are making gigantic fools of themselves.

"Oh, look! US citizens overseas who support Hillary! FRAUD! FRAUD! FRAUD!"
I have given up all hope the retards will hit bottom. They will NEVER sober up.
Hey dumbshit. You should have stopped to THINK for a moment. "Hmmmm...that's Texas". Yeah, Texas. A big fat red state.
Oops! My bad. Didn't realize that Dumbocrats were extinct in Texas. :lmao:
The machines are controlled by Republicans in that county and the REPUBLICAN county judge issued a press release saying they inspected the machines and they are working just fine.
Oops! My bad. Didn't realize that Dumbocrats were extinct in that county as well. :lmao:
The dumb broad fat fingered her ballot.
Isn't it funny how that never seems to happen to Dumbocrats when they vote, despite the fact that Republican voters are exponentially brighter and more educated that the inner city Dumbocrat voters? :dunno:
Goddam, you rubes haven't a single critical thinking cell in your bodies.[/QUOTE]
"Critical thinking" :lmao: The libtards favorite buzz word - along with "infrastructure". It's fall-down hilarious to watching Dumbocrats cling to a word someone taught them which makes them feel "smart". It's also fall-down hilarious to listen to a person who says "Texas is a big fat red state" want to talk about "critical thinking" (psst....buttercup...there are millions of Dumbocrats in Texas - they are just outnumbered :lol: ).
You are all face down in the Kool Aid.
G-String - taking stupidity to unprecedented levels and posting it for the world to see since November 26, 2011.

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