Voters are fed up with Washington and that means DEMOCRATS

The lowest approval rating of any of the Washington players is held by the Republicans in Congress.

You ever notice when liberals say this stuff, they never back that up with any urls?

You know why? Because they know where the real low numbers are, right now, and it's with Democrats.


Nope, (1) because it's true, and (2) you don't have numbers to rebut the statement.

Mention "Speaker Boehner" here to most GOP, and most GOP are true conservatives, and they shudder at the thought.
The lowest approval rating of any of the Washington players is held by the Republicans in Congress.

You ever notice when liberals say this stuff, they never back that up with any urls?

You know why? Because they know where the real low numbers are, right now, and it's with Democrats.


Nope, (1) because it's true, and (2) you don't have numbers to rebut the statement.

Mention "Speaker Boehner" here to most GOP, and most GOP are true conservatives, and they shudder at the thought.

What numbers????

You want to compare voting percentages for Reagan as compared to Ford?????

Of course Republican elites shudder.

But you are about as conservatives as the (missing lately) rightwinger.

I might as well have Howard Dean lecture about true conservatism.

You are just trying to take this thread off the subject because you know Democrats are losing the American public.

You ever notice when liberals say this stuff, they never back that up with any urls?

You know why? Because they know where the real low numbers are, right now, and it's with Democrats.


Nope, (1) because it's true, and (2) you don't have numbers to rebut the statement.

Mention "Speaker Boehner" here to most GOP, and most GOP are true conservatives, and they shudder at the thought.

What numbers????

You want to compare voting percentages for Reagan as compared to Ford?????

Of course Republican elites shudder.

But you are about as conservatives as the (missing lately) rightwinger.

I might as well have Howard Dean lecture about true conservatism.

You are just trying to take this thread off the subject because you know Democrats are losing the American public.


I know that the real Americans will not take back the GOP until it changes from the 1994 to 2006 idiocy that got us into the mess. And, remember, you have not posted any number contradicting the position you don't like.

You are poseur, Tea Party, and you are here for grins and chuckles, no other reason, sis.
Nope, (1) because it's true, and (2) you don't have numbers to rebut the statement.

Mention "Speaker Boehner" here to most GOP, and most GOP are true conservatives, and they shudder at the thought.

What numbers????

You want to compare voting percentages for Reagan as compared to Ford?????

Of course Republican elites shudder.

But you are about as conservatives as the (missing lately) rightwinger.

I might as well have Howard Dean lecture about true conservatism.

You are just trying to take this thread off the subject because you know Democrats are losing the American public.


I know that the real Americans will not take back the GOP until it changes from the 1994 to 2006 idiocy that got us into the mess. And, remember, you have not posted any number contradicting the position you don't like.

You are poseur, Tea Party, and you are here for grins and chuckles, no other reason, sis.

You have posted ZERO NUMBERS!!!!!!!

Who is the poseur????????

All you are doing is Democrat talking points and acting like it's about conservatism.

Who's the poseur???

You think you fool anyone, when you have done nothing but hawk the pro-liberal/demcrat line for how long?

Oh you lost that one big time.

Now you want to talk about the actual issue, or is that the point. You know on the actual issue, you lose as well?

The reason I laugh is because of the pathetic nature of what passes "debate" from liberals on this board.

I haven't seen ANYTHING close to an argument. Just lame talking points, and personal attacks. That is something to laugh about.

I'm going to laugh all the way to November.

I warned you liberals after election day 2008 that 2010 was coming. I KNEW your side was going to screw it up, and sure enough you did.

The RINO Republicans are the true conservatives. The far right reactionary loons, like Tea Party Samurai and Rush and Sarah and The Rabbi and etc., are not conservative Republicans. Some like The Rabbi are not Republican at all. This country won't get better until this party goes back to that of Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Bush the Elder. It is simply a monstrosity, a perversion, now.

So the GOP's only chance is to change party affiliation to Democrat?

Already tried that. Two Democratic Parties is what fucked up the economy so bad.
The lowest approval rating of any of the Washington players is held by the Republicans in Congress.

You ever notice when liberals say this stuff, they never back that up with any urls?

You know why? Because they know where the real low numbers are, right now, and it's with Democrats.


Why would you need a link? You didn't provide a link.

Pew Research 7/27

"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Republican leaders in Congress are doing?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Democratic leaders in Congress are doing?"


Quinnipiac University Poll. July 13-19, 2010

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their job?"


etc., etc.


The Republicans in Congress ARE at the bottom in approval.

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Remember that you are here only as a poseur for grins and chuckles, TPS. The fact is the poseur TPS made some statements without support of numbers, then accused me of not rebutting her statements with numbers.

She can't formulate an argument, she can't support an argument, and the American people are tired of the poseurs from the far right wing pretending they are mainstream conservatives. They are not. They are parasites who wish to live off the hard work of normal mainstream Americans.

When the unreconstructed GOP fail to win the House this fall, or even course, I will point this out to to you, TPS, and suggest that as a loser, poseur loudmouth that you agree to be educated by those who are better informed, are smarter, and have better social and political balance than you.
My prediction is

a) the Democrats will have a net loss in November that will be right in line with the traditional giveback that occurs in a midterm election of this sort.

b) the rightwing propaganda machine will play it up as one of the greatest political victories in history.
The lowest approval rating of any of the Washington players is held by the Republicans in Congress.

You ever notice when liberals say this stuff, they never back that up with any urls?

You know why? Because they know where the real low numbers are, right now, and it's with Democrats.


Why would you need a link? You didn't provide a link.

Pew Research 7/27

"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Republican leaders in Congress are doing?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Democratic leaders in Congress are doing?"


Quinnipiac University Poll. July 13-19, 2010

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their job?"


etc., etc.


The Republicans in Congress ARE at the bottom in approval.

Congress: Democrats
Congress: Republicans
Both are within the MoE.

So the Republicans have company at the bottom of approval.
The GOP may lose eight to twelve seats in the House while gaining three to five in the Senate, giving the Dems the ability to pass any and all legislation without reconciliation in the Senate.
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The GOP may gain eight to twelve seats in the House while losing three to five, giving the Dems the ability to pass any and all legislation without reconciliation in the Senate.
That sends a tingle up your leg, doesn't it?
You ever notice when liberals say this stuff, they never back that up with any urls?

You know why? Because they know where the real low numbers are, right now, and it's with Democrats.


Why would you need a link? You didn't provide a link.

Pew Research 7/27

"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Republican leaders in Congress are doing?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Democratic leaders in Congress are doing?"


Quinnipiac University Poll. July 13-19, 2010

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their job?"


etc., etc.


The Republicans in Congress ARE at the bottom in approval.

Congress: Democrats
Congress: Republicans
Both are within the MoE.

So the Republicans have company at the bottom of approval.

You do realize that the MoE decreases when you increase the sample size, right?

You do realize that those polls prove the OP is full of shit, right?
The RINO Republicans are the true conservatives. The far right reactionary loons, like Tea Party Samurai and Rush and Sarah and The Rabbi and etc., are not conservative Republicans. Some like The Rabbi are not Republican at all. This country won't get better until this party goes back to that of Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Bush the Elder. It is simply a monstrosity, a perversion, now.

So the GOP's only chance is to change party affiliation to Democrat?

Already tried that. Two Democratic Parties is what fucked up the economy so bad.

Jake Starkey is a big time Democrat liberal.

He's about as interested in the Republicans winning is as those who crossed the aisle to vote for McCain in 2000 were interested in Republicans winning.

They knew McCain would lose in the general election. It's too bad dumbass Republicans in the first three primaries in 2008 couldn't figure that out.

That's the problem with starting the primaries, in the North. It lets the damn Rinos vote first. I didn't even get a chance. By the time the primaries hit Ohio, all that was left on the ballot was McCain. :mad:

Starkey does NOT have the conservative or republican's best interests in hearts.

Yeah.. Blame one party, that's gonna help us.

If they're fed up with Washington it means both. And rightfully so..

And by Conservatives you mean Palin? Ha! That's a funny joke...
Congressional republicans are taking as much hate as congressional democrats.

There are more congressional democrats than republicans.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I do think you are going to see a lot fewer "Re elect Jack S Phogbound" signs than usual. And a lot more incumbents running as if they are challengers to their own seats.

A lot of marginal seats the challenger will have signs up that say "He voted for Tarp and 0bamacare. Send him home."

Look the Democrats ARE the ruling party in Washington.

The establishment is taking a hit.

Like I said, there is an alternative in the Republican party. CONSERVATIVES.

Like 1980 when the ruling class wanted Bush the elder, the voters wanted the alternative, and that was Reagan. That wasn't anti-republican. It was anti-establishment.

Same thing happening here.

But Democrats don't have an alternative. They are just different shades of extreme liberal and the voters and fed up with all of 'em.


You are kidding yourself if you believe the public is not fed up with the act of the Republicans also. The far right Conservatives are not endearing themselves with the public and the Tea Party Candidates will do worse than mainstream Republicans.
Why would you need a link? You didn't provide a link.

Pew Research 7/27

"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Republican leaders in Congress are doing?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Democratic leaders in Congress are doing?"


Quinnipiac University Poll. July 13-19, 2010

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?"


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their job?"


etc., etc.


The Republicans in Congress ARE at the bottom in approval.

Congress: Democrats
Congress: Republicans
Both are within the MoE.

So the Republicans have company at the bottom of approval.

You do realize that the MoE decreases when you increase the sample size, right?

You do realize that those polls prove the OP is full of shit, right?
Yes, I do, and no, they don't. But don't let that interfere with your "Democrats are the bestest people EVER!!" fantasy.

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