Voters are fed up with Washington and that means DEMOCRATS

The economic mess we are in today is the fault of the Republican Congress's policies (1994 to 2006) with Tea Party Samurai's dream boat, Bill Clinton, and then George Bush.

2006: Bush is president and easily vetoes Democratic legislation he does not like.

2008: OH, BOY, Tea Party's enemies are in office. Since Bush's last day stock market is up 60%, since today unemployment is more than a full point below Reagan's record in October 1983, and the idea of Speaker Boehner makes real Americans wet their pants in fear.

Naw, Tea Party Samurai, you little wannabee fauxconservaive. Your day is almost gone.



And you are?
The economic mess we are in today is the fault of the Republican Congress's policies (1994 to 2006) with Tea Party Samurai's dream boat, Bill Clinton, and then George Bush.

2006: Bush is president and easily vetoes Democratic legislation he does not like.

2008: OH, BOY, Tea Party's enemies are in office. Since Bush's last day stock market is up 60%, since today unemployment is more than a full point below Reagan's record in October 1983, and the idea of Speaker Boehner makes real Americans wet their pants in fear.

Naw, Tea Party Samurai, you little wannabee fauxconservaive. Your day is almost gone.



And you are?

Your worst nighmare!!!!!!! :badgrin:
Yeah.. Blame one party, that's gonna help us.

If they're fed up with Washington it means both. And rightfully so..

And by Conservatives you mean Palin? Ha! That's a funny joke...

Hey political genius!

Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, BUT ONLY ONE PARTY HAS BEEN IN CHARGE FOR THE LAST 4and 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

How can you blame Republicans for this?

The GOP hasn't had control of the Congress since 2006, and they haven't had control of the presidency since 2008.

But it's both parties' fault?

In 2002 would the GOP had been able to get away with saying it was all the Democrats and Clinton's fault?


And don't give me the liberal historical revisionistic lie that the GOP was blaming Democrats in 2002.

That's AN UTTER LIE! Bush was all about the "new tone" and "getting along with democrats." He let Ted Kennedy write the education bill for pity sake! Anyone remember that?

I sure as hell do! It frustrated the hell out of conservatives.

Now all liberals do is say the Republicans are just as much to blame for the last two years DISASTER in economic policy?

Yeah, keep trying that one libs. Sure hope makes you feel better on the first WEDNESDAY in November.


Libs? I'm a lib? :lol: oh buddy..

Sorry buddy, but both parties are doing nothing.. It doesn't matter who's in power the people are fed up with both sides.. We got the life long Career politicians who only care for their own Agenda..

Instead of voting the same people in who run as "Conservatives" look who is actually willing to be a True Conservative..

Read Dracula's Siggy, My whole story is simplified in a couple of words..
Yeah.. Blame one party, that's gonna help us.

If they're fed up with Washington it means both. And rightfully so..

And by Conservatives you mean Palin? Ha! That's a funny joke...

Hey political genius!

Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, BUT ONLY ONE PARTY HAS BEEN IN CHARGE FOR THE LAST 4and 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

How can you blame Republicans for this?

The GOP hasn't had control of the Congress since 2006, and they haven't had control of the presidency since 2008.

But it's both parties' fault?

In 2002 would the GOP had been able to get away with saying it was all the Democrats and Clinton's fault?


And don't give me the liberal historical revisionistic lie that the GOP was blaming Democrats in 2002.

That's AN UTTER LIE! Bush was all about the "new tone" and "getting along with democrats." He let Ted Kennedy write the education bill for pity sake! Anyone remember that?

I sure as hell do! It frustrated the hell out of conservatives.

Now all liberals do is say the Republicans are just as much to blame for the last two years DISASTER in economic policy?

Yeah, keep trying that one libs. Sure hope makes you feel better on the first WEDNESDAY in November.


Libs? I'm a lib? :lol: oh buddy..

Sorry buddy, but both parties are doing nothing.. It doesn't matter who's in power the people are fed up with both sides.. We got the life long Career politicians who only care for their own Agenda..

Instead of voting the same people in who run as "Conservatives" look who is actually willing to be a True Conservative..

Read Dracula's Siggy, My whole story is simplified in a couple of words..

Yeah yeah yeah, be a "true conservative" and vote third party.

Yeah. I don't give a crap about any sig, I care about REALITY.

Read the entire history of presidential races and find me the third party candidate THAT EVER WON?????????

Maybe then you will be able to tell mey why that hasn't happened in about 140 years. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Who's talking about 3rd Party Candidate? You're clueless.

It's people like you why the Republican party is in the shithole, we're in the same hole that the Dems were after '04.

Let me get it for you..

If you replace shit with the same shit you get the same shit.
Who's talking about 3rd Party Candidate? You're clueless.

It's people like you why the Republican party is in the shithole, we're in the same hole that the Dems were after '04.

Let me get it for you..

If you replace shit with the same shit you get the same shit.

Look there are two alternatives. My way or the third party way.

We either put in conservatives to get RID of these damn RINOS in the leadership (SOMETHING I HAVE ALREADY SAID IN THIS THREAD) or we go third party.

Rinos want us to go third party, so they can co-opt us and they stay in the leadership. The clueless libertarians/Buchananites, etc etc etc, want us to go third party because they aren't living in reality.

There isn't an alternative to that.

That's all there is.
And you think Palin is an Alternative?

Same "experts" like you said the same damn thing about Reagan back in 1978.

Do me a favor and talk to me about politics when you have a clue.

All you "experts" who think you know so damn much about politics.

Oh yeah, we can't go with Reagan, gotta go with Ford! Can't go with Reagan. We have to go with Bush the elder!

Yeah, we can't go with conservatives, gotta go with McCain!


And the same media/establishment "experts" now tell us Palin is bad.


And you want to believe them?

You go right ahead. I look at their record of picking winners and think Bob Schrumm has a better record.

I hate to get mad in saying this, but I have been hearing the same BS for 34 years now. At my age, I don't suffer this foolishness gladly, anymore.

Hi, you have received -364 reputation points from jillian.
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psychotic freak


Now, OF COURSE, this is Jillian's way of saying, I'M RIGHT, and SHE KNOWS IT! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wow some people just need to let it go and accept the fact of defeat and get a life!

the tea party loons haven't figured out yet that you're electoral poison, huh?

btw, i have a life...

which is why posts by teapartytrolls seem so bizarre to me. :cuckoo:

i also always wonder why the rigntwingnuts are always the ones who try to publicize their negs... why don't they make a big deal out of the occasional pos rep they get. they sure suck that up. :cuckoo:

thin skinned nutbars.
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Hi, you have received -364 reputation points from jillian.
Reputation was given for this post.

psychotic freak


Now, OF COURSE, this is Jillian's way of saying, I'M RIGHT, and SHE KNOWS IT! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wow some people just need to let it go and accept the fact of defeat and get a life!

the tea party loons haven't figured out yet that you're electoral poison, huh?

btw, i have a life...

which is why posts by teapartytrolls seem so bizarre to me. :cuckoo:

i also always wonder why the rigntwingnuts are always the ones who try to publicize their negs... why don't they make a big deal out of the occasional pos rep they get. they sure suck that up. :cuckoo:

thin skinned nutbars.


You don't see me running around giving you -354 rep points, because I can't debate the subject.


Sweet heart keep it up.

It's great fun! How old are you anyway? Obviously still in the "myspace" generation, right?

Do me a favor and talk to me about politics when you have a clue.

Someone's a self righteous arrogant.

Yeah, Palin '12, You betcha!

Look and realize that Palin is nothing more than a Neo con.
The establishment are left speechless. Trent Lott said he was troubled by the "Tea Party" and they would have to find a way to derail them if they ever win seats in Congress. This is the Washington elite view of the American voter.

They don't know what's good for them. If the voter has their way, it has to be derailed for "their own good!"

Bullying tactis? Typical. :eusa_eh:
Do me a favor and talk to me about politics when you have a clue.

Someone's a self righteous arrogant.

Yeah, Palin '12, You betcha!

Look and realize that Palin is nothing more than a Neo con.

Who's arrogant?

I just gave you a 34+ history of WHY you are wrong, and all you can do is tell me you know better because the Media is telling you what you want to hear.

Do, I know Palin will be the person in '12? Hell I don't know.

I do know the media will tell you who they fear, and who they know can win, by their own vicious attacks.

They did the same with Reagan.

Just because you aren't old enough to remember, don't pretend you know better because the Media is playing historical revisionism with conservatism.

The same morons who now tell us Palin is an idiot, told us just 2 1/2 years ago, the era of Reagan was over and we needed a "new conservatism."

Yeah, that went well!

This isn't arrogance sweetheart, this is EXPERIENCE. When you are old enough you will learn the difference. ;)

Lol, here we go..

Now apparently this person here ladies and gentlemen is a Self Righteous Con.. And apparently! he knows what I do and who I listen to, oh wise one! tell me, what else do I do?

Next up, I praise Palin like if she was my mother.. Does Teapartysamurai realize he's a hypocrite by listening to the Media as well? Not only that, but apparently a lot of his threads resemble Tea Party Bloggers and Right wing websites..


Self Righteous and Hypocritical?


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