Voting for dems in 2020


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
Is basically voting for the things you want to lose. They aren’t running on making your life better in any way shape or form. Their entire platform is taking your stuff.

If you vote democrat your first decision about your candidate is what you’d like to lose. Such as...

Your money
Your 1A rights
Your 2A rights
Your car or truck
Your electricity
Your insurance
Your dinner
Your borders

I probably missed some but voting for any of them is voting for handing over your stuff.
There's no reason to vote for a Democrat unless you are a mooching loser looking to parasite off others.
Your manhood
Your credibility
Your dignity
Your freedom
Your country
Your soul
I draw the line when these Stalinists tell me what I can and cannot eat at dinner!!!
I draw the line when these Stalinists tell me what I can and cannot eat at dinner!!!

They hate "FREEDOM" of choice. The Dem party believes that the Govt. Has a better plan to take care of you than you do, and they will force the plan upon you by force if necessary I suspect.
I draw the line when these Stalinists tell me what I can and cannot eat at dinner!!!

No salt. No plastic knives, spoons, forks. No plastic straws. No sodas larger than 16 ounces. No trans fats.

No foie gras..

Bill aims to ban sale of foie gras in New York restaurants over 'cruel' process

No black food...

Black food is now banned from restaurants in New York City

No CBD edibles...

CBD-Infused Food Banned by Health Department at NYC Restaurant, Owner Says

No eating by yourself...

UES Eatery Bans Women From Eating Solo At Bar, Patron Says

No sugary drinks for kids...

NYC Votes To Ban Restaurants From Offering Kids Sugary Drinks

...and it gets stupider by the day.
20 years from now:

"Honey, what's for dinner?"

"USDA Prime Soylent Green Hot Dogs, again. You know we need to save the planet!"

And the homeless problem had been solved....

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