VP Biden Says To Blacks: Romney's Gonna Put Y'all Back In Chains!!!

Biden... Didn't he once observe "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy..." Yep... He shore did... What a Racist asshole Obama picked for VP... But hey, did you hear?... Paul Ryan is White... Just like Romney. True story!


I think he's ignorant, not a racist.

I Respect that take... I also Know it's Biased to a Side... Biden's been around long enough to Know better but not long enough to use the Byrd Excuse.

He's a Racist or the term has no Meaning. :thup:


A racist typically doesn't like who they're racist against.

He's making insensitive comments, because he's dumb, in excitement for, something *he thinks* is GOOD, for the other Race.

He was apparently "happy" there was (in his retarded view) finally a clean articulate black man.
He was apparently "happy" to gloat that he'll keep the Wallstreet "chains" off these people.

That's more-so ignorance and not Racism, in that it doesn't seem like he dislikes the Race, he seems to want to help it out with things but is purely retarded and doesn't realize how out of touch and buffoonish the statements are.
Y'all is not just a black thing.

Haven't you ever seen Paula Deen?

Biden is Paula Dean? Seriously?

Why the fake southern accent from Obama and Biden?

Did Obama speak before the Law Reivew (Assuming he actually attended any meetings) by saying "Y'all are here to study the law"
A racist typically doesn't like who they're racist against.

He's making insensitive comments, because he's dumb, in excitement for, something *he thinks* is GOOD, for the other Race.

He was apparently "happy" there was (in his retarded view) finally a clean articulate black man.
He was apparently "happy" to gloat that he'll keep the Wallstreet "chains" off these people.

That's more-so ignorance and not Racism, in that it doesn't seem like he dislikes the Race, he seems to want to help it out with things but is purely retarded and doesn't realize how out of touch and buffoonish the statements are.

The Left uses "Racist" in VERY Dishonest ways then. :thup:


Sure, but "the left" isn't one massive brain working in unison either, jokes aside.
These folks are becoming unhinged:

Biden on Romney: ‘They’re going to put y’all back in chains’

Vice President Joe Biden told supporters that Republicans would “put y’all back in chains,” during a campaign speech Tuesday in Danville, Va.

VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: They’ve said it. Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to let the—he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules–unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains. He’s said he’s going to do nothing about stopping the practice of outsourcing…

Biden was introduced at the campaign event by Center for American Progress Action Fund president Tom Perriello, who called Biden “the conscience of our nation’s capital.”

The Romney campaign reacted strongly to the remarks, calling them “not acceptable” in a statement released shortly after Biden’s campaign speech.

“The comments made by the vice president of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama campaign will say and do anything to win this election,” spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in the statement. ”President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden’s comments.” http://freebeacon.com/biden-on-romney-theyre-going-to-put-yall-back-in-chains/

Senior Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter.....the same individual that called Mitt Romney a felon, said she has no problem with the comments to Andrea Mitchell.

Question: Why do all of these white motherfucken Democrats start talking like they're from the south when they're talking to blacks?

Don't axe me. It be in dare genes.
Y'all notice how Dems talk down to blacks like they're stupid, y'all?

Dems hate blacks but love their votes and pander to them during elections and then want them to shut up, look at their condition today, higher number unemployed, higher number on food stamps and they are only talked about every four years.

Sad how even Mr. Hope and Change ignored them.
Sure, but "the left" isn't one massive brain working in unison either, jokes aside.

I wouldn't make such a Suggestion...

But when a Conservative Observes the Problems in the Black Community and Suggests that Liberal Policies for Generations that are Obviously Failing need to be Re-evaluated then almost every Liberal who Chimes in tosses around "Racist".

What Biden says IS Racist if what I just posted about is Racist.

That's all I'm saying. :thup:


Y'all notice how Dems talk down to blacks like they're stupid, y'all?

Dems hate blacks but love their votes and pander to them during elections and then want them to shut up, look at their condition today, higher number unemployed, higher number on food stamps and they are only talked about every four years.

Sad how even Mr. Hope and Change ignored them.

Democrats are the only party that even considers the issues black people face this country face.

Which is why most blacks..like 98% of them..go Democrat.

Blacks are nearly invisible to Republicans. Unless of course they are talking about welfare queens, criminals, and people who want free stuff.
Y'all notice how Dems talk down to blacks like they're stupid, y'all?

Dems hate blacks but love their votes and pander to them during elections and then want them to shut up, look at their condition today, higher number unemployed, higher number on food stamps and they are only talked about every four years.

Sad how even Mr. Hope and Change ignored them.
There are some who have their hand out waiting for someone to give them what they should have gotten on their own, and some who strive to be the best at what they do.

The problem is politicians and clergy mixing region and politics. People like Louis Farakkhan, and Rev Wright. The Whiteman is their scapegoat. He's the cause of all their ills.

Dictators always find a scapegoat to unload all of their crimes on. They use them to excuse their lack of compassion for their own people.

Muslims use Americans and Jews, China uses America, North Korea uses America, Obama uses the GOP. It never changes. White Democrats get a pass cuz they loves the Black peoples. Notice they don't help them much to get their asses out of the ghetto.
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I'm sure there was some honky's in the group......but my issue is telling blacks that whites are going to enslave them is racist.

Any questions?

He he told a crowd of supports, some of which were black, they are going to unchain Wallstreet and rechain you, you being the consumer.

Mountain, meet mole hill.

He said "They're gonna put Y'all back in chains".

Then he kept talking like he was in an episode of Roots.

I'm not mistaking his meaning and I'm sure everyone there was not ether.

In all fairness to Biden, Hillary did it first.
Y'all notice how Dems talk down to blacks like they're stupid, y'all?

Dems hate blacks but love their votes and pander to them during elections and then want them to shut up, look at their condition today, higher number unemployed, higher number on food stamps and they are only talked about every four years.

Sad how even Mr. Hope and Change ignored them.

Democrats are the only party that even considers the issues black people face this country face.

Which is why most blacks..like 98% of them..go Democrat.

Blacks are nearly invisible to Republicans. Unless of course they are talking about welfare queens, criminals, and people who want free stuff.

Most of the poverty in this country is in big cities. Most big cities are run by liberals.

Racism in this country has gone from a fact of life to being a party slogan. "The GOP wants to put Y'all back in chains!!!"

There several forms of slavery. Muslims have slaves even today. In this country the only slaves are those who do the bidding of their benefactor, the government. Don't think for yourself. Don't leave your people. Adhere to our group mentalities. Be a good sheep. Baaaaaaaaaa.

BTW, the primary cause of poverty is having illegitimate children. 70% in the black community.
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Amusing to hear all the black commentators defending poor, crazy joe..........

But predictable............
Amusing to hear all the black commentators defending poor, crazy joe..........

But predictable............

What choice do they have? Biden is being refashioned from Poor Old Joe to the most brilliant man to ever hold the office of Vice President. He's going to be in a debate with Paul Ryan, they have to lay the foundation now, so they will be able to say how much better he did when the time comes.
Amusing to hear all the black commentators defending poor, crazy joe..........

But predictable............

A new low, but predictable. The desperation is not only showing, it is glowing. The remark stung me, for the largely black audience. It was beneath their dignity, and my empathy was with them. What a shame, Joe must have reminded them of.
I am already a wage slave, married with children,pay taxes, how much more enslaved can I become?

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