VP Biden Says To Blacks: Romney's Gonna Put Y'all Back In Chains!!!

Y'all just mad cuz Barack's ace boom coon, slick Joe was droppin science while representin' for all his nigga's, so stop hatin beeotches!
Democrats Are Still Exploiting Blacks

September 3, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Blacks of today are no longer being beaten or lynched, but they are still being slapped down. And it is still Democrats who are doing the slapping. Blacks who stray from the plantation of government entitlements and object to the nanny mentality of Democrats are quickly labeled “Uncle Toms,” “Oreos,” or worse. They are attacked mercilessly and unrelentingly by Democrats who thought they had bought their loyalty by meting out government entitlements.

Democrats Are Still Exploiting Blacks – Patriot Update


The late Democratic Sen. Robert C. Byrd
Exalted Cyclops
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For a group of people so obsessed with thinking that black people are still slaves(Slaves on the democratic plantation! Come to our Plantation!)... they just might.
He was addressing an all black crowd?

Also, what exactly is the issue with the comment?

Da-da da-DUH--you wouldn't consider that a flaming racist comment---:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:


So wait a second? What Biden said is racist?

So you're saying that all the people on this forum(and I can name a bunch of them if you'd like) who say that black people are slaves on the democratic plantation are racist as well?

Will any of Romney's offspring ever serve their country in the military?
It sure is nice to have all the official data on my side. I think it's time to start working on fixing the problems.
He was addressing an all black crowd?

Also, what exactly is the issue with the comment?

Here are the issues as I see them.

1. It is overtly racist.
2. If he had said "us" in chains instead of "y'all" it would not have been so condescending and so revealing.
3. the democrat party is the party that actually did put the black man in chains and even today is putting them int virtual chains. Just look at the black unemployment numbers.
4. It was a remark made for one reason, division. Do you really think that Republicans are going to put anyone in chains???
5. Biden is a fool and a liar.

The democrats think they can say anything they want with impunity and when it is pointed out to them they are like petulant children.
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He was addressing an all black crowd?

Also, what exactly is the issue with the comment?

I'm sure there was some honky's in the group......but my issue is telling blacks that whites are going to enslave them is racist.

Any questions?

He he told a crowd of supports, some of which were black, they are going to unchain Wallstreet and rechain you, you being the consumer.

Mountain, meet mole hill.

Sorry he said BACK in chains, to black folk, cant deflect that one. What's funny is that his party is the one that put and kept people in chains, litteraly
I don't like what Biden said and how he said it. In my opinion he sounded quite condescending as well as using a different voice to "talk to the natives" so to speak.

And he made it very clear it was the master talking to the slaves with his y'all BS instead of sayin we all. Disgusting POS.
He was addressing an all black crowd?

Also, what exactly is the issue with the comment?

Da-da da-DUH--you wouldn't consider that a flaming racist comment---:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:


So wait a second? What Biden said is racist?

So you're saying that all the people on this forum(and I can name a bunch of them if you'd like) who say that black people are slaves on the democratic plantation are racist as well?

Nope because it's true. Republicans have never promoted or approved of slavery, hence Biden made a false statement (aka a LIE), and that statement was far worse than ******...which is just a word.....Biden had context and history, unfortunately he is either too dumb to know them or he's trying to call republicans racists......either way he is all jackass

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