VP Harris: The national embarrassment continues.

I find it hard to be embarrassed anymore, you know, after the last administration. Can't get worse than that.
sure you can. we currently are getting worse than that. unless of course Putin did all this during Trumps term and I slept through it.
This reliance on sanctions is idiotic. If it was used, it is a direct assault on the Russian economy. How does that not give validity for a Russian response?
Keep in mind two things: Putin has no intention of invading Ukraine. It is an exercise in brinkmanship, seeking to extract a promise from NATO never to accept Ukraine as a member. It is not worth going to war. Second, Biden is trying to position himself so that he will look like a "leader" no matter how this turns out. When Putin backs down, he will claim it is because of the threat of sanctions that he orchestrated. These meetings and such are all part of a figurative kabuki dance.

But the larger issue that few are talking about is that Russia has Western Europe by the figurative balls. They NEED his natural gas, and that is not an exaggeration. Without it, their economies will go into the dumpster. So they will go along with sanctions UP TO A POINT - that point being, if Putin threatens to cut off their gas, they will back down like little girly-men.

I fail to see why Biden - and for that matter Trump - has apparently not even looked into supplying Europe with LNG, which we have the capacity to provide for decades into the future. Every BTU that we provide will come right out of Putin's pocket, so to speak. I don't get it.
Biden won't back Natural Gas because that's a "fossil fuel" and the Democratic Party only does "Green Energy"! So now we're in a situation where a problem in the Middle East or a conflict with Russia and our entire economy is put in peril because of high energy costs. A year ago we were selling our EXCESS to other countries...now we're begging them not to raise their prices to us! It's what you get when you let idiots run the country!
Biden is trying to position himself so that he will look like a "leader" no matter how this turns out. When Putin backs down, he will claim it is because of the threat of sanctions that he orchestrated. These meetings and such are all part of a figurative kabuki dance.
So WTF do you want dude?

Do you want Putin to back down as long as Joe gets zero credit?

Do you want Putin to back down and you DON'T CARE who gets credit?
We know this ^^^^^^ is a big Fuck No from you because your hatred of biden trumps all other rational thoughts. Biden Can't Get Credit.

Just man up and Root for America.
You up to that?
So WTF do you want dude?

Do you want Putin to back down as long as Joe gets zero credit?

Do you want Putin to back down and you DON'T CARE who gets credit?
We know this ^^^^^^ is a big Fuck No from you because your hatred of biden trumps all other rational thoughts. Biden Can't Get Credit.

Just man up and Root for America.
You up to that?
Whatever Biden does...they will be for the exact opposite.
Whatever Biden does...they will be for the exact opposite.
No, we will remain the only people still supporting America. This whole Ukraine issue is a globalist venture, it has nothing to do with US interests. Oddly enough, if Boy Blunder pushes this too far, it will be the left that balks. Do you really think Biden can convince BLM and friends to fight the white man's war in Ukraine? How about Hispanics? What's in it for them when they see huge problems from South and Central America not being addressed.
No, we will remain the only people still supporting America. This whole Ukraine issue is a globalist venture, it has nothing to do with US interests. Oddly enough, if Boy Blunder pushes this too far, it will be the left that balks. Do you really think Biden can convince BLM and friends to fight the white man's war in Ukraine? How about Hispanics? What's in it for them when they see huge problems from South and Central America not being addressed.
It's none of our Business what goes on between Russia and Ukraine. The teetering Biden admin needs something to distract the people from its dismal failures. Unfortunately for them and their useful idiot base, the gas prices are a daily reminder of how much better things were under Trump. Every gas station has a pro-Trump billboard out front, in the form of a neon price list.
Whatever Biden does...they will be for the exact opposite.
No. A silly claim. When Obumbler ok’d the incursion into Pakistan where Osama bin Laden was cowering and our fighters took bin Laden OUT, many of us even gave Obumbler due props.

We could do similarly for Brandon; but first Brandon has to act accordingly.

Putin is clearly aiming for war. Economic sanctions aren’t likely to deter his shit. So why root for a “strategy” which we think is useless? An obvious alternative strategy would be to take on the fight ourselves. But, frankly, who wants that?

I don’t believe those are the only two options, though. What does Brandon think? Does he think? What do his handlers tell him to “think?”
It isn't about leadership, it's about Biden and his administration protecting their own administration and party. They don't actually care about america, they care about protecting their money and power. This entire administration hasn't done anything in the best interest of America or Americans, every thing they have done is in their own best interest.

So it's not about showing leadership, it's about the illusion of leadership.

They are a lot like people I've seen at work that put more effort into looking like they are working than they do actually getting the work done. They want everyone to think they work hard when really they don't do shit.
It's the stage. Progs have perfected it in their fraud acting skills. They cause or make problems worse than come on in to save the day with so so results and worse and then brag about the success.

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