VP Johnson killed JFK?

Apply the same logic to JFK. Oswald kills Kennedy, Ruby kills Oswald, Ruby dies in prison 5 years later from a pulmonary embolism, and he had lung cancer. Most certainly any true conspiracy would have taken Ruby out as soon after he shot Oswald as possible. You don't trust self-agrandizing publicity seekers with secrets.
Based on what you said earlier about Ruby a suggestion and opportunity would be all it took to get him to do LHO like he did. LBJ's cronies could easily have provided same.

BTW did you see the video? If time is short start with segment #4.
That's great info, Gunny, thanks. And Sempr Fi, if I may say so, never having had the honor.

But who was behind LHO? Who gave him the opportunity, and then off'd him when he was no longer necessary?

Oswald was behind Oswald. He was a little man who wanted to be a big man.
Based on what you said earlier about Ruby a suggestion and opportunity would be all it took to get him to do LHO like he did. LBJ's cronies could easily have provided same.

BTW did you see the video? If time is short start with segment #4.

Nobody in their right mind would use a dolt and bigmouth like Ruby in any kind of conspiracy. Might as well paste what you're conspiring to do on an interstate billboard.

I've see or heard just about every conspiracy theory surrounding the assassination of JFK. They just don't hold water.
Oswald was behind Oswald. He was a little man who wanted to be a big man.
How do you explain the finger print of LBJ's cronie on the box that was next to Oswald at the book depository? You really should review segment 4. Its quite damning.
Nobody in their right mind would use a dolt and bigmouth like Ruby in any kind of conspiracy. Might as well paste what you're conspiring to do on an interstate billboard......
He made the perfect stooge. Flip him a gun, tell him you'll take care of his dog and provide him access. I bet he did it as a dare and really had nothing to tell. I'm telling you- watch the film. :eusa_wall:
humans can not keep secrets....tis not possible

that is just a statement it is not based on facts many people have gone to the grave with secrets .declassified documents show people have kept many secrets for many years before information was declassified or leaked after decades..and in the case of JFK dead men dont tell tales..people have been silenced before. no question of that
How do you explain the finger print of LBJ's cronie on the box that was next to Oswald at the book depository? You really should review segment 4. Its quite damning.


The only identifiable prints found in the Texas Schoolbook Depository were Lee Harvey Oswald's. He left a palm print and a fingerprint on the boxes he used as a rest for his rifle.
that is just a statement it is not based on facts many people have gone to the grave with secrets .declassified documents show people have kept many secrets for many years before information was declassified or leaked after decades..and in the case of JFK dead men dont tell tales..people have been silenced before. no question of that

name one.....
frontline: the man who knew | PBSFBI Special Agent John O'Neill was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. But to people at FBI headquarters he was too much of a maverick and they stopped ...
www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/knew/ - 16k

heres one there are more

Government and Political Conspiracies, CoverupsKnown for his award winning PBS documentaries , in this segment he interviews several ... Covert CIA operations, Mafia connections and assinations. ...
rinf.com/conspiracies/gov.html - 61k - Cached - Similar pages

MKULTRA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaProject MKULTRA, the code name for a CIA mind-control research program that began in the 1950s ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA" ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

google is your Friend don't be afraid of it you can verify ,cross reference ,go find the books in the library...you be amazed the truth hides in plain sight

The only identifiable prints found in the Texas Schoolbook Depository were Lee Harvey Oswald's. He left a palm print and a fingerprint on the boxes he used as a rest for his rifle.

Watch part 4 of the video, starting at time 7:40. There were many prints identified. The FBI fingerprinted all employees and ruled them out, leaving a single print other than LHO. This was matched in 1998 with Mack Wallace, a convicted murderer. This evidence was given to the FBI who responded only verbally 18 months later by denying the 30-odd point match.

Before I saw this video I alwys figured that LBJ was involved. There are just too many problems with the official version of the assasination. LBJ had motive, opportunity, a history of curuption, and the power to make the cover-up.
Watch part 4 of the video, starting at time 7:40. There were many prints identified. The FBI fingerprinted all employees and ruled them out, leaving a single print other than LHO. This was matched in 1998 with Mack Wallace, a convicted murderer. This evidence was given to the FBI who responded only verbally 18 months later by denying the 30-odd point match.

Before I saw this video I alwys figured that LBJ was involved. There are just too many problems with the official version of the assasination. LBJ had motive, opportunity, a history of curuption, and the power to make the cover-up.

There was one fingerprint and one palm print identified, as it was recent. The rest of the prints were absorbed into the cardboard and were unidentifiable.

One would assume the entire building contained the prints of the people who worked there. Only Oswald's prints were found at the firing point, and on the rifle.

The Mack Wallace story is just another conspiracy theory. Here's one that claims Nixon and Bush were behind it.:cuckoo:


Some people just have too much time on their hands.
One would assume the entire building contained the prints of the people who worked there. Only Oswald's prints were found at the firing point, and on the rifle.

The video states that Mack Wallace's finger print was found on a box near the window that Oswald shot out of.
The video states that Mack Wallace's finger print was found on a box near the window that Oswald shot out of.

Does the actual evidence support the video?

Other than Oswald's prints because they were fresh, no other prints were identifiable because the cardboard absorbs them.

LBJ did not have the power to cover up a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the US. He was no more corrupt than any other politician, and his power was political. That doesn't translate into the power to cover up an assassination of the President.
Does the actual evidence support the video?

Other than Oswald's prints because they were fresh, no other prints were identifiable because the cardboard absorbs them.

LBJ did not have the power to cover up a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the US. He was no more corrupt than any other politician, and his power was political. That doesn't translate into the power to cover up an assassination of the President.
The absorbtion issue is discussed in the video. The finger print evidence that the video refers to is in the National Archive. It was the only one in the room that did not belong to LHO or employees of the building. It was compared to Mack Wallace's in 1998 by an independent expert, who found a 30-plus match.

Have you watched the video?
Surely I am not the only person who can figure out that if people are secretive and uncooperative, it is probably because they’re hiding something (and that the more secretive they are, the more they have to hide). So why has the mainstream press reached the consensus that the Bush Mob has hindered the 9/11 investigations because it wishes to “avoid embarrassment,” rather than to “avoid incrimination”? What deeper motives might there be for their stonewalling investigations into one of the biggest crimes in our history

Why don't you ask Sandy Berger?


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