Wacky Ann Coulter compares immigrants to Nazis. this Trumpian language is horrible. CUT IT OUT!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
August 28, 2019 - COULD I GET THAT ILLEGAL “TO GO”?

From the article:

"As we head into the long Labor Day weekend, here are two tips to make your holiday even more cheerful.

First: Remember to watch out for drunk driving illegal aliens!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued report after report showing that Hispanics are wildly overrepresented in drunk driving accidents (but also contribute so much to our cultural life, musical heritage and landscape!).

Or, as the Huffington Post puts it: “Latinos At Greater Risk of Dying From Driving While Intoxicated.” They’re victims of the drunk driving epidemic! German Concentration Camp Guards At Greater Risk of Dying From Accidental Inhalation of Zyklon B."
I skimmed over the article and Coulter seemed to be right on the money as far as illegal aliens being over represented in DUI accidents. Coulter even quotes Huffington saying the same thing. I guess I missed the part about the left's favorite topic, the nazis, but you can count of the crazy left to ignore everything else.
I skimmed over the article and Coulter seemed to be right on the money as far as illegal aliens being over represented in DUI accidents. Coulter even quotes Huffington saying the same thing. I guess I missed the part about the left's favorite topic, the nazis, but you can count of the crazy left to ignore everything else.
i quoted it for you!
I skimmed over the article and Coulter seemed to be right on the money as far as illegal aliens being over represented in DUI accidents. Coulter even quotes Huffington saying the same thing. I guess I missed the part about the left's favorite topic, the nazis, but you can count of the crazy left to ignore everything else.
i quoted it for you!
I didn't see it either.

Can you post it again?


i agree with Ann here:

"Our media have no idea who Don Rosenberg is, and no interest in finding out. Their concern for "children” is limited to the ones they can exploit to get their way on illegal immigration. They wail about “children separated from their parents,” but it would be a dream come true for the “Angel Mom” parents if their kids were merely separated from them for six months -- or six years! -- if only they could see them again, ever. "
August 28, 2019 - COULD I GET THAT ILLEGAL “TO GO”?

From the article:

"As we head into the long Labor Day weekend, here are two tips to make your holiday even more cheerful.

First: Remember to watch out for drunk driving illegal aliens!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued report after report showing that Hispanics are wildly overrepresented in drunk driving accidents (but also contribute so much to our cultural life, musical heritage and landscape!).

Or, as the Huffington Post puts it: “Latinos At Greater Risk of Dying From Driving While Intoxicated.” They’re victims of the drunk driving epidemic! German Concentration Camp Guards At Greater Risk of Dying From Accidental Inhalation of Zyklon B."
As compared to say, those whacky liberals compare immigration detention centers to NAZI death camps. And liken genocide to legal lawful and fair immigration law enforcement...How about everybody refrain from the hyperbole? Let's be adult here.
Counter proves she is just as ignorant and just as despicable as Democrats who have replaced 'racist' with 'Nazi' because they over-used the term 'racist' so much that they rendered the word meaningless / that it no longer phases anyone.
Ann is kind of butt hurt that she is over looked since Trump won...she has never liked Trump and even she is susceptible to a bit of TDS....
Any one else wonder why we never see news stories about some "poor" immigrant" being run over by a drunk-driving American with no driver's license or insurance?

Maybe because it doesn't really happen that much.
Any one else wonder why we never see news stories about some "poor" immigrant" being run over by a drunk-driving American with no driver's license or insurance?

Maybe because it doesn't really happen that much.
Ever hear about how American workers are displaced and minimized and living in the streets? And the growing ranks of American homeless? Where is the outrage at displacing Americans, Disenfranchising us? The constitution says, NOBODY is above the law. Neither Mexican illegals or their rich Gobacho exploiters.
Ann is kind of butt hurt that she is over looked since Trump won...she has never liked Trump and even she is susceptible to a bit of TDS....
That's because she didn't get it about Trump making a commitment at a prayer meeting to do the right things for other people, and that he has stuck with the program of doing good things and not bad things. Of course, the Socialistic (communist) Democrats are very outraged that he has stood in the way of progressing to communism, which is not compatible with free people at all.

The Democrats ran out of free cookies when they supported Hillary for president. No free cookies for the Demmies this year or next.
August 28, 2019 - COULD I GET THAT ILLEGAL “TO GO”?

From the article:

"As we head into the long Labor Day weekend, here are two tips to make your holiday even more cheerful.

First: Remember to watch out for drunk driving illegal aliens!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued report after report showing that Hispanics are wildly overrepresented in drunk driving accidents (but also contribute so much to our cultural life, musical heritage and landscape!).

Or, as the Huffington Post puts it: “Latinos At Greater Risk of Dying From Driving While Intoxicated.” They’re victims of the drunk driving epidemic! German Concentration Camp Guards At Greater Risk of Dying From Accidental Inhalation of Zyklon B."
OK, this may be off topic, but more to the point. Why is it so insane to scrutinize Mexican illegal aliens? I mean, damn, my great grandparents and many other people I have known in my life actually immigrated here legally. What makes Hispanics so...special that don't have to follow the same laws? Why do they deserve sanctuary from fair laws our grandparents followed? WHY? Why can't we hold all people equal and accountable? Hispanics are above the law some how?
I see Hispanics given special treatment. At the DMV, three of them with cell phones taking the drivers test for one person. Then a cop pulls em over for speeding, disturbing the peace. No drivers license even, or proof of insurance. And on and on. They make them park it. Only Mexicans get away with that. Didn't tow them or put them in jail. Jesus, every single time in the last 15 years its always Mexican expatriate transplants I end up on a jurist on. Not African Americans, not White supremacists either. So we talk about a jury of their peers? If only they learnt English and understood American culture that would make it jury by their peers.... other wise this is a joke
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Every once in a while Coulter crawls out of woodwork, makes a statement & pretends people give a shit about what she thinks. If she wants the cult to pay attention she needs to start kissing Trump's huge ass.
Every once in a while Coulter crawls out of woodwork, makes a statement & pretends people give a shit about what she thinks. If she wants the cult to pay attention she needs to start kissing Trump's huge ass.
Reminds me of liberals. The deluded drek about same sex marriage, and they have this deluded mindset you can't contradict. Liberals scare me and I work with them. they are mass conformists and thugs. What I say here, I would never ay to a flesh and blood liberal.
Every once in a while Coulter crawls out of woodwork, makes a statement & pretends people give a shit about what she thinks. If she wants the cult to pay attention she needs to start kissing Trump's huge ass.
25 years ago, at like 2:45 am I saw a van pull up next door without lights disgorge like 20 Mexican illegal aliens at the Section 8 housing duplex. I wasn't supposed to notice, So excuse the fuck outa me. I know Lithuanians or Hungarians that actually came here legally in the last 60 years and they never asked for sanctuary or special treatment. So What makes Mexicans, er, Hispanics so special?

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