Wacky Nut Job Ann Coulter rips 'shallow, narcissistic conman' Trump, 'lying media' at Florida speech

"we asked the White House on Tuesday to identify the location of any 'place where there's a barrier now and there was none on Inauguration Day.' "One White House spokesperson referred the question to another, who did not respond."
She's just like that bastard Mueller, she's been masquerading as a republican and a conservative for her whole life, just waiting for this moment to show her true colors.
Ann Coulter is challenging Trump to announce the "precise latitude and longitude" of the new border wall he's built — the exact coordinates — so she can "throw a party there."


Ann Coulter challenges Trump to say 'precise latitude and longitude' of wall he's built | Daily Mail Online
Ann Coulter, the darling of the right... until she dares to question their Messiah.

Ann Coulter, the bane of the left... until she questions the Messiah of the right.

Do you people realize just how ridiculous you are?
Trump has no intention of fulfilling his campaign promises. This is not an anomaly. He's not trying. It's not an accident
Ann should be in charge of a counsel to investigate Hillary and Obama. With full powers to arrest
Ann Coulter, the darling of the right... until she dares to question their Messiah.

Ann Coulter, the bane of the left... until she questions the Messiah of the right.

Do you people realize just how ridiculous you are?
.... She's only complaining he isn't being as stupid as usual
Ann Coulter, the darling of the right... until she dares to question their Messiah.

Ann Coulter, the bane of the left... until she questions the Messiah of the right.

Do you people realize just how ridiculous you are?

Umm... the OP isn't a "right" or "left". He's just a gadfly.
"Trump has built no wall and will build no wall. Trump has failed to deliver on his basic campaign promise and the one all you Trump supporters want most."
MARK SIMONE: "Why don't you kiss and make up with Trump" COULTER: "I will as soon as he starts keeping his promises on immigration"
“If (campaign Trump) had told me that Kushner was gonna be running everything I could’ve saved time from writing "In Trump We Trust".” - Coulter
No problem with that criticism, he should be building that wall.
Ann Coulter is a delusional political troll who hates everything and everyone. If you dumb, stupid liberals even KNEW how much she hated you, you would not be siding with her. But nope, your Trump Derangement Syndrome controls every aspect of your lives and your decision-making. You anti-Trump liberals are the most pathetic living things in the 2 1/2 billion years that life has existed on this planet.
She's just like that bastard Mueller, she's been masquerading as a republican and a conservative for her whole life, just waiting for this moment to show her true colors.

Nope. She's just disgusted by Trump.

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