Wacky Ron Paul predicts another recession, says US is heading towards 50% stock market plunge

Another real estate crash is building in the northeast. A crash in foreign markets is quite possible, 50% stock market crash is highly unlikely.
And one day it will go down again. Best part about it, I knew it was coming in 1999 when the Dot/Coms were in trouble, like today. I knew it was coming in 2007 when there were houses being built to flip and no one was buying them. I have plenty of cash on hand for the next plunge, and you can bet will happen because of a liberal policy like the 4.5 trillion dollar debt that the Federal Reserve Bank has on its books and needs to steal back from US.

Hawkish Fed Accelerates QE Unwind – Sets a “Ticking Time Bomb” - The Daily Coin
The only other time the Fed did an “unwind” of quantitative easing similar to today’s market conditions was back in 1937.

And that didn’t work out so well. The credit markets froze, and the market would not start recovering until 1942. See the 1939 – 1942 DOW chart below:
I say we should go after the Fed Reserve the next crash, and get rid of that liberal organization. Go back to the gold standard and then no more FREE stuff to fucking lazy ass liberals.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Well he is just parroting what others reported. If Trump was elected the economy would tank before he took office. The economy would tank in the first six months.

If you keep saying it will tank you eventually have to be right. It may take many years of saying it but eventually you will be right. Remember a broken clock is right twice a day wether it wants to be or not.
Well he is just parroting what others reported. If Trump was elected the economy would tank before he took office. The economy would tank in the first six months.

If you keep saying it will tank you eventually have to be right. It may take many years of saying it but eventually you will be right. Remember a broken clock is right twice a day wether it wants to be or not.

What's strange about the current situation is that wage and other input push inflation in the red edge is a real and serious problem to the upside. At the same time the northeast quarter of the country is having its own strange little meltdown housing prices are going down but Rents are going up. The left coast is driving its employers out of the state and in some cases out of the country creating a massive poverty overhang.

And last but not least overleveraged China has rising debt and reduced out put.

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