Waco 1993 - When the US govt used chemical weapons on US civilians!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Nothing was done to Clinton for burning alive somewhere around 80 civilians including many kids. In fact he had the survivors sent to prison!!!!! To shut them up, of course.

Should We Attack The US Government For Using CS Gas On Waco Texas? - :

September 2, 2013
One point that needs to be made, but rarely if ever mentioned, is that in the supposed rationale for US attack on Syria to avenge/prevent claimed civilian deaths by government gas attacks, the US government itself has used similar weapons openly as recently as the FBI/ATF attack on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco Texas in the spring of 1993.

76 men, women and children died in this senseless military style assault which used highly lethal military CS gas as a primary weapon. CS is not a nerve agent and it doesn’t in normal concentrations cause immediate death. But it is highly flammable, persistent and designed to incapacitate targets by causing massive biological reactions including inability to breathe, massive tearing in the eyes, nose bleeds, etc.

The Davidians were totally surrounded, posed no threat to others, and responded with weapons fire only after the ATF/FBI attacked with military style firearms. After the initial government assault was repelled, and after a long standoff, an impatient President Clinton and his Attorney General Janet Reno ordered an all-out military assault on the compound, despite the fact that the only legal justification was a single warrant for David Koresh on unproven charges. The presence of innocent group members was ignored, nor was there any planning for medical aid or fire suppression
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Let me add that waco led to the OKC revenge bombing a couple years later by timothy mcveigh. If justice had been served and clinton locked up for murder, OKC would not have happened.
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No statute of limitations on murder. Conservatives should say something like "I'll support punishing syria for using chemical weapons on it's own people, if clinton is now prosecuted for the same."
Nothing was done to Clinton for burning alive somewhere around 80 civilians including many kids. In fact he had the survivors sent to prison!!!!! To shut them up, of course.

Should We Attack The US Government For Using CS Gas On Waco Texas? - :

September 2, 2013
One point that needs to be made, but rarely if ever mentioned, is that in the supposed rationale for US attack on Syria to avenge/prevent claimed civilian deaths by government gas attacks, the US government itself has used similar weapons openly as recently as the FBI/ATF attack on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco Texas in the spring of 1993.

76 men, women and children died in this senseless military style assault which used highly lethal military CS gas as a primary weapon. CS is not a nerve agent and it doesn’t in normal concentrations cause immediate death. But it is highly flammable, persistent and designed to incapacitate targets by causing massive biological reactions including inability to breathe, massive tearing in the eyes, nose bleeds, etc.

The Davidians were totally surrounded, posed no threat to others, and responded with weapons fire only after the ATF/FBI attacked with military style firearms. After the initial government assault was repelled, and after a long standoff, an impatient President Clinton and his Attorney General Janet Reno ordered an all-out military assault on the compound, despite the fact that the only legal justification was a single warrant for David Koresh on unproven charges. The presence of innocent group members was ignored, nor was there any planning for medical aid or fire suppression

Tear gas use has never been considered chemical warfare when used in law enforcement actions.

Its tear gas......
Goddam. The stupid just gets bigger and bigger around here every day.

CS gas, as others have mentioned, is tear gas. And it is not BANNED by any arms convention. Get it, dipshit?

This just in: The government also threw the chemical dihydrogen monoxide on the Waco fire.

Dihydrogen Monoxide is a colorless and odorless chemical compound which is a highly reactive hydroxyl radical, shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters.

Oh. My. God. Alert the media!
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Goddam. The stupid just gets bigger and bigger around here every day.

CS gas, as others have mentioned, is tear gas. And it is not BANNED by any arms convention. Get it, dipshit?

This just in: The government also threw the chemical dihydrogen monoxide on the Waco fire. Oh. My. God. Alert the media!

Just a correction, it is banned in use during warfare under the 1925 geneva protocols.

However it is not banned for internal policing actions.

It prohibits the use of "asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices" and "bacteriological methods of warfare".

Shootspeeders, however is wrong in his statement that domestic use is prohibited.
While I disagreed with the ATF's actions in Waco, there is so much wrong in this topic. First, we don't lock up the President every time a federal police organization does something stupid. Second, Timothy McVeigh was a psycho. Nothing indicates that locking up Clinton would have prevented the Oklahoma City bombing. Last, as everybody else has already pointed out, tear gas is not considered a banned chemical weapon. Technically, I guess you could call it a chemical weapon, but not one banned for law enforcement use. Oh... and you are an idiot.
Goddam. The stupid just gets bigger and bigger around here every day.

CS gas, as others have mentioned, is tear gas. And it is not BANNED by any arms convention. Get it, dipshit?

This just in: The government also threw the chemical dihydrogen monoxide on the Waco fire.

Dihydrogen Monoxide is a colorless and odorless chemical compound which is a highly reactive hydroxyl radical, shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters.

Oh. My. God. Alert the media!

More people have been killed by exposure to dihydrogen monoxide than all the chemical weapons on earth
Nothing was done to Clinton for burning alive somewhere around 80 civilians including many kids. In fact he had the survivors sent to prison!!!!! To shut them up, of course.

Should We Attack The US Government For Using CS Gas On Waco Texas? - :

September 2, 2013
One point that needs to be made, but rarely if ever mentioned, is that in the supposed rationale for US attack on Syria to avenge/prevent claimed civilian deaths by government gas attacks, the US government itself has used similar weapons openly as recently as the FBI/ATF attack on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco Texas in the spring of 1993.

76 men, women and children died in this senseless military style assault which used highly lethal military CS gas as a primary weapon. CS is not a nerve agent and it doesn’t in normal concentrations cause immediate death. But it is highly flammable, persistent and designed to incapacitate targets by causing massive biological reactions including inability to breathe, massive tearing in the eyes, nose bleeds, etc.

The Davidians were totally surrounded, posed no threat to others, and responded with weapons fire only after the ATF/FBI attacked with military style firearms. After the initial government assault was repelled, and after a long standoff, an impatient President Clinton and his Attorney General Janet Reno ordered an all-out military assault on the compound, despite the fact that the only legal justification was a single warrant for David Koresh on unproven charges. The presence of innocent group members was ignored, nor was there any planning for medical aid or fire suppression

Tear gas use has never been considered chemical warfare when used in law enforcement actions.

Its tear gas......
Which is a chemical and is capable of producing serious internal and external injury and is known to have caused death. Examples of this were seen in the aftermath of the storming of the Attica yard after that New York State prison's riot in 1971.

Tear gas is a chemical weapon. Its lethal potential exists in proportion to volume and environment. Indoors the lethal potential is relatively high.
Nothing was done to Clinton for burning alive somewhere around 80 civilians including many kids. In fact he had the survivors sent to prison!!!!! To shut them up, of course.

Tear gas use has never been considered chemical warfare when used in law enforcement actions.

Its tear gas......
Which is a chemical and is capable of producing serious internal and external injury and is known to have caused death. Examples of this were seen in the aftermath of the storming of the Attica yard after that New York State prison's riot in 1971.

Tear gas is a chemical weapon. Its lethal potential exists in proportion to volume and environment. Indoors the lethal potential is relatively high.

It is not the same as serein gas, period. As wrong as Waco was, it was NOT wrong because they used tear gas. It was wrong because of the way that it was executed as well as the level they elevated the event to. Where a simple arrest would have sufficed, they stormed the compound and endangered innocent people.

The use of tear gas was not the problem and it CANNOT be compared to using nerve gas. That would be akin to comparing a Taser (also deadly in the right circumstances) to a cruise missile. They are in completely different fields.
This Mike Holmes is an uneducated idiot.
He needs to educate himself on the difference between tear gas which is legal and chemical weapons which is not legal.
dead +dead= dead
dead \ dead = dead
dead- dead =dead

you guys are a hoot.

McVeigh did say the two big motivators for OKC were Waco and the US actions in the gulf war he was part of.
No statute of limitations on murder. Conservatives should say something like "I'll support punishing syria for using chemical weapons on it's own people, if clinton is now prosecuted for the same."

"Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre" on the U.S. Use White Phosphorus Bombs

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxfPCPA2d60"]White Phosphorus Artillery Shoot Fallujah [/ame]


The Geneva Treaty of 1980 does not prohibit White Phosphorus Bombs. Many Countries use them.
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Protocol III lists certain munition types like smoke shells which, even if they contain White Phosphorus, only have a secondary incendiary effect; these munition types are not considered to be incendiary weapons.
While I disagreed with the ATF's actions in Waco, there is so much wrong in this topic. First, we don't lock up the President every time a federal police organization does something stupid.
While it's true that locking up Bill Clinton is not a practical idea, mainly because it cannot be proved that he intended the Waco situation to end in a massacre. But he certainly should have been impeached for the utterly incompetent way he handled such an extraordinary situation.

Second, Timothy McVeigh was a psycho.
Timothy McVeigh was a reactionary extremist. Whether or not he was a "psycho" has not been established. What is important to know about what he did is it was provoked by gross misfeasance on the part of our excessively militaristic and authoritarian government.

Nothing indicates that locking up Clinton would have prevented the Oklahoma City bombing.
As mentioned, "locking up" Clinton was not a practical option. But, as Timothy McVeigh has plainly stated in his manifesto, if Bill Clinton had intervened, which he certanly should have done, the massacre could have been prevented and there would have been no motivation for the OKC bombing.

Last, as everybody else has already pointed out, tear gas is not considered a banned chemical weapon.

Use of CS in war is prohibited under the terms of the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, signed by most nations in 1993 with all but five other nations signing between the years of 1994 through 1997. The reasoning behind the prohibition is pragmatic: use of CS by one combatant could easily trigger retaliation with much more toxic chemical weapons such as nerve agents. Only five nations have not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention and are therefore unhindered by restrictions on the use of CS gas: Angola, Egypt, North Korea, Somalia, and Syria.[19]

CS gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Technically, I guess you could call it a chemical weapon, but not one banned for law enforcement use. Oh... and you are an idiot.
Name-calling is pointless, stupidly juvenile, and it dilutes the substance of your argument.

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