Waco Biker gang psy-op: Gang members will be the first to be rounded and executed in malls


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
BIKER GANG shooting hoax, Waco, Texas: How and Why did the illuminati stage it
USA agendas include «disarm citizens», «accept police shooting cvilians», «set legal precedents to step by step strip citizens from ALL their rights», «manhunt for non-whites».
Global agendas: part of the psy-op revenging Hitler's defeat using the nazi russian government to stage "Putin's biker gang ride from Moscow to Berlin" days earlier.

Staged as deliberate mockery of the silmulated reality, starting with the "first impact", this time figuratively not litterally as in the Germanwing hoax: no blood, how the bikes are ranged.
On the other hand, it's packaged as "impossible that it was staged": Massive use of actors but by far not as many as what is suggested. Example: 21 mug shots while video states "170 gang members now under arrest".

Set legal precedents to step by step strip citizens from ALL their rights:
As illustrated by headlines Days later: Police want bikers off streets after deadly Texas shooting.
As for "Feds Plan To Ban Biker Gangs From Wearing Logos", [written before the "Confederate flag banned" psy-op, staged shortly after, where the maina agenda is "set stage for manhunt for blacks"]:
This will also ultimately apply to:
Confederate Flag - associated with hate crime group
NRA stickers and patches - associated with crime paraphernalia
Christian Cross - associated with organized discrimination
Marijuana Leaf items - associated with illegal activities
This is an ongoing program. The "Redskins" logo was the main precedent setter to get people used to the idea.
There are many more logos and symbols that will be affected.
Essentially, no logo that is not Trademarked will be allowed to be displayed....and the Trademarking process will filter out all of the unwanted logos and symbols.

Manhunt for non-whites:
1. What seems to be a "manhunt for bikers, almost all white" is in fact staged as "contrast it with Baltimore riots", another act setting the stage for the supervised race war:
from having police dressed similarly to the bikers to the biker's reaction, orderly waiting to be detained.

2. Set a legal precedent to go after ANYONE part of a gang.
Gang members will be the first to be rounded and executed in malls morphed into extermination camps. with shops used as cells and the arrested executed by the guillotine.

Why is a "BIKER GANG shooting" headlines around the world?
One of the agendas is to refresh the brains of the human cattle about the previous BIKER GANG psy-op, the ride of russian bikers to Berlin to celebrate Victory Day over Hitler, alias to mock it.
In other words: the "mind control" alias psy-op technique of acceptance/refusal/refreshing by association.

Photos: Texas biker gang shooting

Mug shots and suggestion technique
Some see differences between perceptions of Waco Baltimore - Yahoo News

May 18, 2015 - Police want bikers off streets after deadly Texas shooting
Police want bikers off streets after deadly Texas shooting - Yahoo News
"Feds Plan To Ban Biker Gangs From Wearing Logos"
Federal law enforcement plans to ban fight back against biker gangs by banning them from wearing group logo patches on their jackets. Claiming that “the logo itself furthers a criminal enterprise,
Feds Plan To Ban Biker Gangs From Wearing Logos
Bikers Of America Know Your Rights USA - Feds Plan To Ban Biker Gangs From Wearing Logos

The officer on the left dressed to look like "one of them".
Texas biker gang shooting

To get why "Putin" casted "a bunch of pimps" of a biker gang to be the stars of the celebration of 70 years of Hitler's defeat:
Mockery of Stalin's Soviet Union victory over Hitler using nazi agent impersonating murdered Putin
Jokes by the Illuminati - mock the human cattle Putin Biker Gang Mockery of Soviet Union victory over Hitler

Agenda «accept police shooting cvilians» - countless psy-ops. Start here:
NSA whistleblower Snowden reveals Gov spies EVERY citizen: script's agendas for dummies
State Terror in USA public mass executions from Waco 1992 to Virginia Tech 2007 Fake NSA whistleblower Snowden Gov spies EVERY citizen agendas

Supervised Race war: Obama Biden alias Osama Bi(nla)den presidency comes to an end with the BIG BANG.
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war BIG BANG 2015 for dummies

"Mind control" alias psy-op techniques:
Mind Control Techniques - in fact just the Big Lie at work
Why does Waco seem to attract all the whack-o's?

Grand jury indicts 106 bikers in Waco shootout with police
Nov 11, 2015 • 9 people died and 20 were injured in a confrontation between two motorcycle clubs outside a restaurant in Texas in May • More than 430 weapons were recovered from the crime scene, including 151 firearms • 177 bikers were arrested, a grand jury on Tuesday indicted 106 of them
A grand jury on Tuesday returned indictments for engaging in organized criminal activity against 106 of the 177 bikers arrested following the deadly shootout outside a Waco, Texas, restaurant in May, the McLennan County district attorney said. Nine people died and 20 were injured during the shooting, which authorities say arose from an apparent confrontation between the Bandidos and the Cossacks motorcycle clubs. More than 430 weapons were recovered from the crime scene, including 151 firearms. The gunfire erupted shortly before a meeting of a coalition of motorcycle clubs that advocates for rider safety.

In a nine-hour session, the grand jury acted on all 106 cases that it had been asked to consider related to the shootout between police and bikers outside a Twin Peaks restaurant on May 17, District Attorney Abel Reyna said at a press conference. Reyna said the grand jury will return to consider charges against the other 71 bikers arrested on identical charges. The next grand jury session is scheduled for Nov. 18, but Reyna declined to say if the rest of the cases will be presented then. "We are not done," Reyna said. "We still have a lot of work to do. We will continue to do that. My office is dedicated, as is the team, to seeing that justice is done in all those cases."


Police inspect vehicles in the parking lot of the Twin Peaks restaurant where nine members of a motorcycle gang were shot and killed in Waco, Texas.​

Investigators have offered few details about what sparked the fight or how the gunfire played out. It remains unclear whose bullets struck those who died or were hurt, and no one has been charged in any of the deaths. John Wilson, the president of the McLennan County Cossacks, and his son, Jacob Wilson, were both indicted Tuesday. Wilson said that he had "full confidence" neither he nor his son would be convicted and that he would refuse a plea bargain if offered. The indictment "doesn't mean much," he said, adding he believes that since the indictments were done in such a short amount of time that they were "a cookie-cutter deal."

Six of San Antonio-based attorney Jay Norton's clients were indicted Tuesday. He said that based on the pretrial discovery materials he had reviewed in the case, there was a "serious lack of evidence" to indict 106 people. "This is amazing and truly scary. We do not understand what the district attorney's office is doing, but it's not about reality," he said. First Assistant District Attorney Michael Jarrett didn't respond to a request for comment late Tuesday night. The last person held in connection with the shootout was released from jail last week. Like the others, he was initially held on a $1 million bond on charges of engaging in organized criminal activity. His bond was reduced to $50,000.

Grand jury indicts 106 bikers in Waco shootout with police - Times of India
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What was explained by Last Prophet (see previous post) now unfolding: gang members arrested as headlines
At this point not yet for "just for being a gang member" but still at the "arrest being justified" stage.
The example of the day, " Crumpling Trump Yard Sign and Pulling Gun on Trump Supporter", also illusrates one of the countless types of psy-ops setting the stage for the guillotines and ovens that actor Trump is good for.

HISPANIC GANG MEMBERS Arrested After Crumpling Trump Yard Sign and Pulling Gun on Trump Supporter
HISPANIC GANG MEMBERS Arrested After Crumpling Trump Yard Sign and Pulling Gun on Trump Supporter - The Gateway Pundit

Before detonating as suicide bomber, Trump plays a classic bomber role, bombing the constitution.
In other words, he plays a role in setting the stage for this script:
The ultimate reverse script starts with a sudden inversion just before the BIG BANG, launched with Obama's staged arrest.
Some of the scripts that will be suddenly inverted:
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever
Previous post extended with a major related announcement

Official start of the Manhunt: contrast blacks and latinos with muslims
Mar 10, 2016 - Start of the script "Leaked ISIS ‘entry forms’ could expose 22,000 terrorists from over 50 states ?".
This is nothing less than announcing the stage "just for being" in the case of muslims: "in the list".
22,000 for a start is all it takes to justify arresting everyone in the neighboorhood, and that's all it matters, because people won't know that the same is happening everywhere else.
To get the psy-op announcing the first stage of "just for" in the case of blacks and "hispanics": the fake Waco biker gang shooting is all you need.
I admit that it's not as obvious as other psy-ops where blacks and "latinos" play the butcher role, but that's also why it's indeed all you need.
The more elaborated the psy-op the clearer it will be to what lengths the manhunt will go.
"Coincidentally" another psy-op one day earlier illustrates what Last Prophet exposed: how the "just for" manhunt for blacks and latinos will start.

What was explained as one of the agendas for the Waco biker gang hoax now unfolding: gang members arrested as headlines
At this point not yet for "just for being a gang member" but still at the "arrest being justified" stage.
The example of the day, " Crumpling Trump Yard Sign and Pulling Gun on Trump Supporter", also illusrates one of the countless types of psy-ops setting the stage for the guillotines and ovens that actor Trump is good for.

Mar 10, 2016 - Leaked ISIS ‘entry forms’ could expose 22,000 terrorists from over 50 states
Leaked ISIS ‘entry forms’ could expose 22,000 terrorists from over 50 states

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