Waffle House shooting, at least 4 killed

Well.....26 people were murdered in Texas and the NRA instructor with his own AR-15 civilian rifle saved the other 26 from being murdered...there is a difference in the number of people killed and saved here.......
Tennessee Waffle House was nearly full & Hero James Shaw saved at least 26 lives & only let 4 get killed. Texas NRA dude let everyone get shot & 26 die!

Really...? You are so fucking lame.... The Church shooting was already in progress and the NRA instructor only heard about it when his daughter came running in.... he still managed to get his AR-15 civilian rifle and a 30 round magazine and saved 26 people in that church as the shooter was walking around murdering the wounded, let alone any others he may have murdered after leaving the church.....

The Hero James Shaw was hiding in the bathroom when the attackers weapon jammed......I don't blame him for trying to hide, but the only reason he is alive is because the shooter didn't know how to clear a malfunction.....

You really need to work harder...and do some basic research...
You LIE! - The Texas NRA instructor did not have 30 rounds! He just grabbed a hand full of bullets & only shot 4 rounds. The shooter had shot everyone in the Church with AR-15 & was leaving with only a handgun when the NRA dude shot him. How did he save anyone?

Did you hear him interviewed? I did. He took a magazine with him and put rounds into it...

The shooter in Texas was wallking around executing the wounded....there were 26 wounded in that church when the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle showed up at the front of the church yelling at the guy....here...read the survivor account....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
The NRA instructor had to go to back room to grab an empty rifle, mag & ~5 or 6 bullets. Just further proof that guns don't prevent millions of attacks. It's very rare a person is armed when attacked.
Well on that day..........someone was armed...........too bad for the active nutcase shooter.......boo hoo
the family of the inventor?

Why not ask the actual person who invented it? And all he really did was redesign the rifle using plastic parts. The semiautomatic firing mechanism had been invented in the 1860"S

FYI semiautomatic rifles have been available to the public for over 100 years the Ar 15 is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle no different than any other semiautomatic rifle
Well.....26 people were murdered in Texas and the NRA instructor with his own AR-15 civilian rifle saved the other 26 from being murdered...there is a difference in the number of people killed and saved here.......
Tennessee Waffle House was nearly full & Hero James Shaw saved at least 26 lives & only let 4 get killed. Texas NRA dude let everyone get shot & 26 die!

Really...? You are so fucking lame.... The Church shooting was already in progress and the NRA instructor only heard about it when his daughter came running in.... he still managed to get his AR-15 civilian rifle and a 30 round magazine and saved 26 people in that church as the shooter was walking around murdering the wounded, let alone any others he may have murdered after leaving the church.....

The Hero James Shaw was hiding in the bathroom when the attackers weapon jammed......I don't blame him for trying to hide, but the only reason he is alive is because the shooter didn't know how to clear a malfunction.....

You really need to work harder...and do some basic research...
You LIE! - The Texas NRA instructor did not have 30 rounds! He just grabbed a hand full of bullets & only shot 4 rounds. The shooter had shot everyone in the Church with AR-15 & was leaving with only a handgun when the NRA dude shot him. How did he save anyone?

Did you hear him interviewed? I did. He took a magazine with him and put rounds into it...

The shooter in Texas was wallking around executing the wounded....there were 26 wounded in that church when the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle showed up at the front of the church yelling at the guy....here...read the survivor account....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
The NRA instructor had to go to back room to grab an empty rifle, mag & ~5 or 6 bullets. He took up a position outside behind a truck to wait for shooter to exit instead of attacking the shooter blasting away inside. Just further proof that guns don't prevent millions of attacks. It's very rare a person is armed when attacked. Had an attacker entered his home, the NRA dude would be dead before he found his gun & ammo.
You're right he should have had his rifle with him.

Too bad you pantywaists shit your pants whenever you see a black rifle
Well.....26 people were murdered in Texas and the NRA instructor with his own AR-15 civilian rifle saved the other 26 from being murdered...there is a difference in the number of people killed and saved here.......
Tennessee Waffle House was nearly full & Hero James Shaw saved at least 26 lives & only let 4 get killed. Texas NRA dude let everyone get shot & 26 die!

Really...? You are so fucking lame.... The Church shooting was already in progress and the NRA instructor only heard about it when his daughter came running in.... he still managed to get his AR-15 civilian rifle and a 30 round magazine and saved 26 people in that church as the shooter was walking around murdering the wounded, let alone any others he may have murdered after leaving the church.....

The Hero James Shaw was hiding in the bathroom when the attackers weapon jammed......I don't blame him for trying to hide, but the only reason he is alive is because the shooter didn't know how to clear a malfunction.....

You really need to work harder...and do some basic research...
You LIE! - The Texas NRA instructor did not have 30 rounds! He just grabbed a hand full of bullets & only shot 4 rounds. The shooter had shot everyone in the Church with AR-15 & was leaving with only a handgun when the NRA dude shot him. How did he save anyone?

Did you hear him interviewed? I did. He took a magazine with him and put rounds into it...

The shooter in Texas was wallking around executing the wounded....there were 26 wounded in that church when the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle showed up at the front of the church yelling at the guy....here...read the survivor account....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
The NRA instructor had to go to back room to grab an empty rifle, mag & ~5 or 6 bullets. He took up a position outside behind a truck to wait for shooter to exit instead of attacking the shooter blasting away inside. Just further proof that guns don't prevent millions of attacks. It's very rare a person is armed when attacked. Had an attacker entered his home, the NRA dude would be dead before he found his gun & ammo.

Moron....I gave you actual witness testimony, a woman who was about to be murdered by the killer whose life was saved because the NRA instructor called out to the shooter and got him to go outside.....

Moron...the shooter was executing the wounded.....walking around and shooting them to death..... the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian, semi auto rifle stopped him from murdering those people......
Well.....26 people were murdered in Texas and the NRA instructor with his own AR-15 civilian rifle saved the other 26 from being murdered...there is a difference in the number of people killed and saved here.......
Tennessee Waffle House was nearly full & Hero James Shaw saved at least 26 lives & only let 4 get killed. Texas NRA dude let everyone get shot & 26 die!

Really...? You are so fucking lame.... The Church shooting was already in progress and the NRA instructor only heard about it when his daughter came running in.... he still managed to get his AR-15 civilian rifle and a 30 round magazine and saved 26 people in that church as the shooter was walking around murdering the wounded, let alone any others he may have murdered after leaving the church.....

The Hero James Shaw was hiding in the bathroom when the attackers weapon jammed......I don't blame him for trying to hide, but the only reason he is alive is because the shooter didn't know how to clear a malfunction.....

You really need to work harder...and do some basic research...
You LIE! - The Texas NRA instructor did not have 30 rounds! He just grabbed a hand full of bullets & only shot 4 rounds. The shooter had shot everyone in the Church with AR-15 & was leaving with only a handgun when the NRA dude shot him. How did he save anyone?

Did you hear him interviewed? I did. He took a magazine with him and put rounds into it...

The shooter in Texas was wallking around executing the wounded....there were 26 wounded in that church when the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle showed up at the front of the church yelling at the guy....here...read the survivor account....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
The NRA instructor had to go to back room to grab an empty rifle, mag & ~5 or 6 bullets. He took up a position outside behind a truck to wait for shooter to exit instead of attacking the shooter blasting away inside. Just further proof that guns don't prevent millions of attacks. It's very rare a person is armed when attacked. Had an attacker entered his home, the NRA dude would be dead before he found his gun & ammo.

Hey....moron....here is the actual guy telling his story.........how about listening to it....he is interviewed by Andrew Klavan....the story from start to finish...notice how many anti gun myths are blown up by what this guy says...

He yelled to get the assholes attention....that stopped the murder in the church.....

Well.....26 people were murdered in Texas and the NRA instructor with his own AR-15 civilian rifle saved the other 26 from being murdered...there is a difference in the number of people killed and saved here.......
Tennessee Waffle House was nearly full & Hero James Shaw saved at least 26 lives & only let 4 get killed. Texas NRA dude let everyone get shot & 26 die!

Really...? You are so fucking lame.... The Church shooting was already in progress and the NRA instructor only heard about it when his daughter came running in.... he still managed to get his AR-15 civilian rifle and a 30 round magazine and saved 26 people in that church as the shooter was walking around murdering the wounded, let alone any others he may have murdered after leaving the church.....

The Hero James Shaw was hiding in the bathroom when the attackers weapon jammed......I don't blame him for trying to hide, but the only reason he is alive is because the shooter didn't know how to clear a malfunction.....

You really need to work harder...and do some basic research...
You LIE! - The Texas NRA instructor did not have 30 rounds! He just grabbed a hand full of bullets & only shot 4 rounds. The shooter had shot everyone in the Church with AR-15 & was leaving with only a handgun when the NRA dude shot him. How did he save anyone?

Did you hear him interviewed? I did. He took a magazine with him and put rounds into it...

The shooter in Texas was wallking around executing the wounded....there were 26 wounded in that church when the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle showed up at the front of the church yelling at the guy....here...read the survivor account....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
The NRA instructor had to go to back room to grab an empty rifle, empty mag & ~5 or 6 bullets. He took up a position outside behind a truck to wait for shooter to exit instead of attacking the shooter blasting away inside. Just further proof that guns don't prevent millions of attacks. It's very rare a person is armed when attacked. Had an attacker entered his home, the NRA dude would be dead before he found his gun & ammo.

Dumb ass, there are now over 17 million people who carry guns for self defense.......

You have to stop pulling B.S. out of your ass because you are going to get a rash....
Why not ask the actual person who invented it?
He's dead duh
Ar 15 is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle no different than any other semiautomatic rifle
And yet when I once around 1982 AK 47 obliterated some fence placed cans and bottles
...thought out loud: 1) Wow I would never miss a deer with THIS ! 2) WWWait THIS is Legal ??
Why not ask the actual person who invented it?
He's dead duh
Ar 15 is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle no different than any other semiautomatic rifle
And yet when I once around 1982 AK 47 obliterated some fence placed cans and bottles
...thought out loud: 1) Wow I would never miss a deer with THIS ! 2) WWWait THIS is Legal ??

It is rifle......like every other rifle.....

Was the AK you used the military rifle or the civilian rifle?
.....like every other rifle.....
Smugly lying cower

that only insures tons more AR-Ma$$acre
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Why not ask the actual person who invented it?
He's dead duh
Ar 15 is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle no different than any other semiautomatic rifle
And yet when I once around 1982 AK 47 obliterated some fence placed cans and bottles
...thought out loud: 1) Wow I would never miss a deer with THIS ! 2) WWWait THIS is Legal ??
I know that therefore what his family says is irrelevant just like your little anecdote
Why not ask the actual person who invented it?
He's dead duh
Ar 15 is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle no different than any other semiautomatic rifle
And yet when I once around 1982 AK 47 obliterated some fence placed cans and bottles
...thought out loud: 1) Wow I would never miss a deer with THIS ! 2) WWWait THIS is Legal ??

It is rifle......like every other rifle.....

Was the AK you used the military rifle or the civilian rifle?
He doesn't realize the AK fires a larger caliber round than the Ar 15
Here ya go.......................

Tennessee Waffle House shooting suspect may be armed, police say - CNN

Suspect was once arrested near White House
In July 2017, the United States Secret Service arrested Reinking for being in a restricted area near the White House in Washington, police said.
Authorities in Tazewell County, Illinois, and the FBI interviewed Reinking, Aaron said. At the FBI's request, Reinking's Illinois firearms authorization was revoked, and four weapons -- including the AR-15 used in the Sunday's shooting -- were seized, Aaron said.
Tazwell County authorities later returned the guns to Reinking's father, who acknowledged giving them back to his son, Aaron said.

That is why we need a Federal background check!

Thanks for that.

we have federal background checks......do you people ever do any basic research?

Then explain why he was allowed to get his guns back in Tenn.

He wasn't...the father knew he wasn't allowed to have those guns from being told so by the FBI...he violated the law......
Fat lot of good that did; oh boy, he violated the law. That clears it all up, huh?
If Illinois had an ERPO law, those guns would have remained in "custody" and ol' Travis would probably not have been toting his four guns to his new home in Tennessee.
Not all parents can be trusted to do the right thing, you know. Or maybe he had gone on his meds and his parents mistakenly thought he was "better." Who knows. If I'd been his mom, I would have fought like hell to keep him close to home. Mental illness is such a sad thing.

Yep, IF he had been YOUR kid, none of this would have happened!

Tennessee Waffle House was nearly full & Hero James Shaw saved at least 26 lives & only let 4 get killed. Texas NRA dude let everyone get shot & 26 die!

Really...? You are so fucking lame.... The Church shooting was already in progress and the NRA instructor only heard about it when his daughter came running in.... he still managed to get his AR-15 civilian rifle and a 30 round magazine and saved 26 people in that church as the shooter was walking around murdering the wounded, let alone any others he may have murdered after leaving the church.....

The Hero James Shaw was hiding in the bathroom when the attackers weapon jammed......I don't blame him for trying to hide, but the only reason he is alive is because the shooter didn't know how to clear a malfunction.....

You really need to work harder...and do some basic research...
You LIE! - The Texas NRA instructor did not have 30 rounds! He just grabbed a hand full of bullets & only shot 4 rounds. The shooter had shot everyone in the Church with AR-15 & was leaving with only a handgun when the NRA dude shot him. How did he save anyone?

Did you hear him interviewed? I did. He took a magazine with him and put rounds into it...

The shooter in Texas was wallking around executing the wounded....there were 26 wounded in that church when the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle showed up at the front of the church yelling at the guy....here...read the survivor account....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
The NRA instructor had to go to back room to grab an empty rifle, mag & ~5 or 6 bullets. He took up a position outside behind a truck to wait for shooter to exit instead of attacking the shooter blasting away inside. Just further proof that guns don't prevent millions of attacks. It's very rare a person is armed when attacked. Had an attacker entered his home, the NRA dude would be dead before he found his gun & ammo.

Hey....moron....here is the actual guy telling his story.........how about listening to it....he is interviewed by Andrew Klavan....the story from start to finish...notice how many anti gun myths are blown up by what this guy says...

He yelled to get the assholes attention....that stopped the murder in the church.....

Stephen Willeford said he only had 4 bullets & only fired 2 rounds. 2 shots are the average number of shots fired to stop violent shooting attack. This time he said he yelled & got the shooters attention & that stopped the shooter from systematically putting 2nd bullet in all church victims he had already shot. So he did actually save lives & a hero for putting himself into danger to save others.
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And to top it off, he has been given bond. This is white privilege in the flesh. Literally, a homicidal maniac has been given an avenue to get out of jail while awaiting trial.
And to top it off, he has been given bond. This is white privilege in the flesh. Literally, a homicidal maniac has been given an avenue to get out of jail while awaiting trial.
Now his dad can give him more guns, so he can try again. That ****** won't be there to mess things up next time.
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He's mentally ill. One would think that it is one thing that both sides could agree on and demand more and better.

But........Fuck no. Can't even manage that.
And to top it off, he has been given bond. This is white privilege in the flesh. Literally, a homicidal maniac has been given an avenue to get out of jail while awaiting trial.
Now his dad can give him more guns, so he can try again. That n!gger won't be there to mess things up next time.

I saw on Twitter so I don’t know if it is true or not but as I understand it; what lead to his guns being taken away was that the Secret Service caught him outside of the White House??? Does anyone else know if this is true?

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