Waffle House shooting, at least 4 killed

Wrong! It will still get reported. People lie in surveys!

No...it doesn't get reported.

A guy points a gun at me, tells me to give him my money, I take out my gun and he runs away....I report it to the cops....no one was hurt or arrested.....or, I don't tell the cops because I don't want the hassle.....

So no, not all crimes are reported...
More LIES! You don't ever take out your gun when a criminal has a gun pointed at you! You delusional people poisoned the surveys!

What if he has a bat, a knife or a 2x4 or no weapon at all?
How many people CCW guns in 1994? About 1% of the population! How in the hell did that 1% use a gun to prevent 400% of violent crime???????????
What if they didn't have a CCW permit and used a rifle, shotgun or handgun on their own property? WHat if a store clerk had a firearm under the counter and didn't need a CCW since he wasn't actually carrying ?

Do you think all crime takes place on public property?
That is a lot of what if bullshit! That's worse than you idiots claiming you would pull a gun when you are held at gunpoint. Store owners would report pulling a gun on a criminal. Only 1 in 3 own a gun & very few have it ready for self defense. There is no way in hell they prevented 400% of violent crime! Why are only 300 killed?
You got a link? Not that I don't believe you, but I haven't seen any details at all.

Here ya go.......................

Tennessee Waffle House shooting suspect may be armed, police say - CNN

Suspect was once arrested near White House
In July 2017, the United States Secret Service arrested Reinking for being in a restricted area near the White House in Washington, police said.
Authorities in Tazewell County, Illinois, and the FBI interviewed Reinking, Aaron said. At the FBI's request, Reinking's Illinois firearms authorization was revoked, and four weapons -- including the AR-15 used in the Sunday's shooting -- were seized, Aaron said.
Tazwell County authorities later returned the guns to Reinking's father, who acknowledged giving them back to his son, Aaron said.

That is why we need a Federal background check!

Thanks for that.

we have federal background checks......do you people ever do any basic research?

Then explain why he was allowed to get his guns back in Tenn.

He wasn't...the father knew he wasn't allowed to have those guns from being told so by the FBI...he violated the law......
Fat lot of good that did; oh boy, he violated the law. That clears it all up, huh?
If Illinois had an ERPO law, those guns would have remained in "custody" and ol' Travis would probably not have been toting his four guns to his new home in Tennessee.
Not all parents can be trusted to do the right thing, you know. Or maybe he had gone on his meds and his parents mistakenly thought he was "better." Who knows. If I'd been his mom, I would have fought like hell to keep him close to home. Mental illness is such a sad thing.
It is quite clearly in reference to a militia.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It sure doesn't mention self defense....

If the 2nd amendment only pertains to a militia, why did the Supreme Court rule the DC handgun ban unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and cited the 2nd amendment as an individual right to keep and bear arms as the reason for their decision?


The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

brain is a troll...he has seen your point over and over and still posts the crap he posts...
To you, anyone who provides a cogent argument for gun control is a "troll."
That is why we need a Federal background check!

Thanks for that.

we have federal background checks......do you people ever do any basic research?

Then explain why he was allowed to get his guns back in Tenn.

He wasn't...the father knew he wasn't allowed to have those guns from being told so by the FBI...he violated the law......

He was never prosecuted, he was not a prohibited person.


Yes.....he should have been arrested at the White House....and his mental instability should have had him committed for evaluation.....
He was sent to the white house by democrats.
Well, they finally caught him, at least that is what they just reported on the news.

Better yet? He was taken alive.

I wonder if we're going to find out his motivation for shooting?
No...it doesn't get reported.

A guy points a gun at me, tells me to give him my money, I take out my gun and he runs away....I report it to the cops....no one was hurt or arrested.....or, I don't tell the cops because I don't want the hassle.....

So no, not all crimes are reported...
More LIES! You don't ever take out your gun when a criminal has a gun pointed at you! You delusional people poisoned the surveys!

What if he has a bat, a knife or a 2x4 or no weapon at all?
How many people CCW guns in 1994? About 1% of the population! How in the hell did that 1% use a gun to prevent 400% of violent crime???????????
What if they didn't have a CCW permit and used a rifle, shotgun or handgun on their own property? WHat if a store clerk had a firearm under the counter and didn't need a CCW since he wasn't actually carrying ?

Do you think all crime takes place on public property?
That is a lot of what if bullshit! That's worse than you idiots claiming you would pull a gun when you are held at gunpoint. Store owners would report pulling a gun on a criminal. Only 1 in 3 own a gun & very few have it ready for self defense. There is no way in hell they prevented 400% of violent crime! Why are only 300 killed?

Yes they would report it but would the cops call it a crime if the piece of shit criminal ran away and no actual crime was committed?

And define violent crime? I mean is a home break in a violent crime? and if the crime was prevented how do you count it?

If the piece of shit who attempted to commit a crime got scared off before any crime was committed there was no crime. Sure it the incident will end up in a police report somewhere but there will be no crime stat to add to the number of crimes that were actually committed where the piece of shit was caught and charged or got away.

And you are spouting opinions you don't know who is carrying or who has a gun in their home the fact is no one really know how many people own firearms.

And I never mentioned whether or not I would pull a gun

But it really isn't any of your business if I choose to carry
Well, they finally caught him, at least that is what they just reported on the news.

Better yet? He was taken alive.

I wonder if we're going to find out his motivation for shooting?

He was a schizo he didn't have a reason and IMO it would be better if he was dead. Save us the cost of a trial and taking care of his crazy ass until he dies
Good thing he was not Black Brown or Muslim Trump would have "Had a cow on Twitter"
For those who asked why wasn't he shot by the guy who took his gun....gun jammed or ran out of ammo. Kind of hard. But I'm glad that the man who took his gun away got rid of it....he's a black man and would, most likely, have been shot by police.
For those who asked why wasn't he shot by the guy who took his gun....gun jammed or ran out of ammo. Kind of hard. But I'm glad that the man who took his gun away got rid of it....he's a black man and would, most likely, have been shot by police.
Should I laugh or cry?
For those who asked why wasn't he shot by the guy who took his gun....gun jammed or ran out of ammo. Kind of hard. But I'm glad that the man who took his gun away got rid of it....he's a black man and would, most likely, have been shot by police.
reaching for his "waist band" syndrome
Well, they finally caught him, at least that is what they just reported on the news.

Better yet? He was taken alive.

I wonder if we're going to find out his motivation for shooting?
Finally! I'm glad he didn't hurt anyone else.
If the crime was prevented it was not a violent crime now was it?
Wrong! It will still get reported. People lie in surveys!

No...it doesn't get reported.

A guy points a gun at me, tells me to give him my money, I take out my gun and he runs away....I report it to the cops....no one was hurt or arrested.....or, I don't tell the cops because I don't want the hassle.....

So no, not all crimes are reported...
More LIES! You don't ever take out your gun when a criminal has a gun pointed at you! You delusional people poisoned the surveys!

What if he has a bat, a knife or a 2x4 or no weapon at all?
How many people CCW guns in 1994? About 1% of the population! How in the hell did that 1% use a gun to prevent 400% of violent crime???????????

If you would actually read some of the actual research you find that many of the defensive gun uses were by people carrying their guns without a permit...which made them reluctant to report the crime that was stopped to the police...you should actually do some research, you can read the actual studies....it would be a big help with your posts...
What are you even talking about.......here is the research of over 42 years....most recently analyzed by the CDC in 2013 under orders from obama....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 2.46 million ( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
LOL !!! - There are only around 1 million violent crimes a year in the USA & these fictional word salads claim guns were used to defend 3.5 million??? LOL !!!

If the crime was prevented it was not a violent crime now was it?
Wrong! It will still get reported. People lie in surveys!

No...it doesn't get reported.

A guy points a gun at me, tells me to give him my money, I take out my gun and he runs away....I report it to the cops....no one was hurt or arrested.....or, I don't tell the cops because I don't want the hassle.....

So no, not all crimes are reported...
More LIES! You don't ever take out your gun when a criminal has a gun pointed at you! You delusional people poisoned the surveys!

Have you ever studied gun self defense in the real world? You can even watch videos on youtube of CCTV where people do exactly that....you should study the subject, you will post much better for having done so...
Well, they finally caught him, at least that is what they just reported on the news.

Better yet? He was taken alive.

I wonder if we're going to find out his motivation for shooting?
Finally! I'm glad he didn't hurt anyone else.

No.....the crickets came from the black guys in Chicago who also killed 4 people, who were blacks, in a democrat run city.......the same number of dead, 21 wounded and crickets...... the Waffle House has been covered all day long...
Well, they finally caught him, at least that is what they just reported on the news.

Better yet? He was taken alive.

I wonder if we're going to find out his motivation for shooting?
Finally! I'm glad he didn't hurt anyone else.
Yup! Trump did not praise the Black Man for stopping the shooter. Trump praised police who failed to stop other shooters & Texas Church AR-15 hero. But this time only Sarah thanked the Black Man.

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