Wait a minute: The guns in Fast and Furious didn't originate from the government?

after the rethugs vote against holder tomorrow it will turn out that the rethugs are idiots.

some things never change.
after the rethugs vote against holder tomorrow it will turn out that the rethugs are idiots.

some things never change.
Interesting that Boner scheduled that vote on the same day as the Supreme Court verdict on the Affordable Care Act. Think he wants it buried?
Stupid kooks are panicking and will swallow anything.:

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday acknowledged that an agency under his supervision, ATF, intentionally let weapons fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

Watch Attkisson's full report below.

It's a controversial practice called "gunwalking" that tried to get big fish criminals. Instead, it put thousands of guns on the street. Many were used in violent crimes and murders.

CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson report Holder made the difficult admission to Congress. "Any instance of so-called gunwalking is unacceptable. Regrettably, this tactic was used as part of Fast and Furious."

Eric Holder calls "gunwalking" unacceptable, regrets tactic as part of Fast and Furious - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
I get it now this thread is like
The GOP is dead thread right before the 2010 mid term
or Rush is done thread
or Walker will be recalled
or Walker will be brought up on charges
Is this thread like those threads?:badgrin:

Are you guys asserting that the guns used in the sales..were given to the sellers by the ATF?

Because it seems that wasn't the case.

No, I think everyone is asserting you are willfully ignorant.

Again, you are only demonstrating that how ill-informed you are.

Those assault weapons were sold to known criminals not legally able to purchase firearms under federal laws. The reason border town gun stores made those illegal sales is because the ATF directed them to--the ATF monitored the damn sales. The ATF under the direction of the Justice Dept sanctioned illegal sales of thousands of assault weapons to meth addicts, felons, non-citizens, ect

Are you guys asserting that the guns used in the sales..were given to the sellers by the ATF?

Because it seems that wasn't the case.

THE DOJ OK'ed thew sales and allowed them to walk.

What do you mean, "okayed"?

They watched the sales take place..went to the Arizona prosecutor..who in turn refused to act.

That seems to be what happened.

In a nutshell.

It's not like Wide Reciever..where the ATF actually put guns out there..with wires on them.

No wonder this is considered different. It was.

Are you guys asserting that the guns used in the sales..were given to the sellers by the ATF?

Because it seems that wasn't the case.

THE DOJ OK'ed thew sales and allowed them to walk.

What do you mean, "okayed"?

They watched the sales take place..went to the Arizona prosecutor..who in turn refused to act.

That seems to be what happened.

In a nutshell.

It's not like Wide Reciever..where the ATF actually put guns out there..with wires on them.

No wonder this is considered different. It was.

Then there should not be any problem releasing the documents?

Are you guys asserting that the guns used in the sales..were given to the sellers by the ATF?

Because it seems that wasn't the case.

No, I think everyone is asserting you are willfully ignorant.

Again, you are only demonstrating that how ill-informed you are.

Those assault weapons were sold to known criminals not legally able to purchase firearms under federal laws. The reason border town gun stores made those illegal sales is because the ATF directed them to--the ATF monitored the damn sales. The ATF under the direction of the Justice Dept sanctioned illegal sales of thousands of assault weapons to meth addicts, felons, non-citizens, ect

They didn't "sanction" shit.

They watched it go down.

These sales go on daily. 85% of the guns in Mexico come from the US.

That's NOT because of Fast and Furious.

We had that very same problem in NYC. Most illegal guns that wound up here started out in Virginia.
THE DOJ OK'ed thew sales and allowed them to walk.

What do you mean, "okayed"?

They watched the sales take place..went to the Arizona prosecutor..who in turn refused to act.

That seems to be what happened.

In a nutshell.

It's not like Wide Reciever..where the ATF actually put guns out there..with wires on them.

No wonder this is considered different. It was.

Then there should not be any problem releasing the documents?

If those documents have bearing on cases that are on-going? Or have information in them that might be important to national security?

Heck yeah.

In fact..the President and Holder would violate the law..if those sorts of Documents were released.
What do you mean, "okayed"?

They watched the sales take place..went to the Arizona prosecutor..who in turn refused to act.

That seems to be what happened.

In a nutshell.

It's not like Wide Reciever..where the ATF actually put guns out there..with wires on them.

No wonder this is considered different. It was.

Then there should not be any problem releasing the documents?

If those documents have bearing on cases that are on-going? Or have information in them that might be important to national security?

Heck yeah.

In fact..the President and Holder would violate the law..if those sorts of Documents were released.
How do you know unless someone other than obama can see them?
after the rethugs vote against holder tomorrow it will turn out that the rethugs are idiots.

some things never change.
Interesting that Boner scheduled that vote on the same day as the Supreme Court verdict on the Affordable Care Act. Think he wants it buried?
At this point, oh yeah!

I actually didn't know this..it's pretty shocking.

I thought the guns came from a government stash..like Wide Reciever.

But nope.

Law enforcement engages in all sorts of dubious practices as well..that violate the rights of citizens.

Like..for example..lying to people to get confessions.

Or setting up "To good to be true" "bait cars". That..really have killed people.

Or..they will get a snitch to be a cellie with a guy that committed a crime..to get "information" against the guy to use in court. Doesn't matter if the guy is lying or not..he spent time in the same cage.

Or famously..the Padilla case..where the Federal Government completely ignored the rights of an American citizen.

But THIS..it ranks as something to go after. Complete with an hysterical conspiracy theory by Issa (The arsonist gun toting car thief) and the NRA that this was some sort of insidious plot to come for everyone's gun.

Then there should not be any problem releasing the documents?

If those documents have bearing on cases that are on-going? Or have information in them that might be important to national security?

Heck yeah.

In fact..the President and Holder would violate the law..if those sorts of Documents were released.
How do you know unless someone other than obama can see them?

I guess you want to reverse Cheney v. the District Court, get rid of executive priviledge and the right of the White House to classify documents..

Interesting that Boner scheduled that vote on the same day as the Supreme Court verdict on the Affordable Care Act. Think he wants it buried?
At this point, oh yeah!

I actually didn't know this..it's pretty shocking.

I thought the guns came from a government stash..like Wide Reciever.

But nope.

Law enforcement engages in all sorts of dubious practices as well..that violate the rights of citizens.

Like..for example..lying to people to get confessions.

Or setting up "To good to be true" "bait cars". That..really have killed people.

Or..they will get a snitch to be a cellie with a guy that committed a crime..to get "information" against the guy to use in court. Doesn't matter if the guy is lying or not..he spent time in the same cage.

Or famously..the Padilla case..where the Federal Government completely ignored the rights of an American citizen.

But THIS..it ranks as something to go after. Complete with an hysterical conspiracy theory by Issa (The arsonist gun toting car thief) and the NRA that this was some sort of insidious plot to come for everyone's gun.

Oh yea.
Holy shit.

All they were doing..it seems, was MONITORING gun sales.

Not according to the Attorney General:

"Any instance of so-called gunwalking is unacceptable. Regrettably, this tactic was used as part of Fast and Furious."

- Eric Holder
If those documents have bearing on cases that are on-going? Or have information in them that might be important to national security?

Heck yeah.

In fact..the President and Holder would violate the law..if those sorts of Documents were released.
How do you know unless someone other than obama can see them?

I guess you want to reverse Cheney v. the District Court, get rid of executive priviledge and the right of the White House to classify documents..


Executive privilege is not absolute What will happen they'll go to court and have to show cause page by page why that page should be granted Executive privilege
Interesting that Boner scheduled that vote on the same day as the Supreme Court verdict on the Affordable Care Act. Think he wants it buried?
At this point, oh yeah!

I actually didn't know this..it's pretty shocking.

I thought the guns came from a government stash..like Wide Reciever.

But nope.

Law enforcement engages in all sorts of dubious practices as well..that violate the rights of citizens.

Like..for example..lying to people to get confessions.

Or setting up "To good to be true" "bait cars". That..really have killed people.

Or..they will get a snitch to be a cellie with a guy that committed a crime..to get "information" against the guy to use in court. Doesn't matter if the guy is lying or not..he spent time in the same cage.

Or famously..the Padilla case..where the Federal Government completely ignored the rights of an American citizen.

But THIS..it ranks as something to go after. Complete with an hysterical conspiracy theory by Issa (The arsonist gun toting car thief) and the NRA that this was some sort of insidious plot to come for everyone's gun.


Seems that horrible CBS News outlet disagree's with you and they have proof:

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations

Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
CaféAuLait;5526797 said:
At this point, oh yeah!

I actually didn't know this..it's pretty shocking.

I thought the guns came from a government stash..like Wide Reciever.

But nope.

Law enforcement engages in all sorts of dubious practices as well..that violate the rights of citizens.

Like..for example..lying to people to get confessions.

Or setting up "To good to be true" "bait cars". That..really have killed people.

Or..they will get a snitch to be a cellie with a guy that committed a crime..to get "information" against the guy to use in court. Doesn't matter if the guy is lying or not..he spent time in the same cage.

Or famously..the Padilla case..where the Federal Government completely ignored the rights of an American citizen.

But THIS..it ranks as something to go after. Complete with an hysterical conspiracy theory by Issa (The arsonist gun toting car thief) and the NRA that this was some sort of insidious plot to come for everyone's gun.


Seems that horrible CBS News outlet disagree's with you and they have proof:

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations

Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Where, exactly?

Lots of innuendo..and not much substance.

Issa, recently admitted he has no evidence to connect either Holder or Obama to the practice.


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