Wait A While,‭ ‬Let The Excitement Die Down,‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬Congress Can Kiss And Make Up


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Wait A While,‭ ‬Let The Excitement Die Down,‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬Congress Can Kiss And Make Up

Trump caused nothing but hard feelings and chaos during the past four years.‭ ‬Now after his minor transgression on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬impeachment talk is floating around Washington.

Both Parties are suffering division among the ranks,‭ ‬and some congressional Republicans fear the rift will destroy the Party.

But,‭ ‬everyone,‭ ‬take a deep breath and relax,‭ ‬if we wait a few weeks,‭ ‬let all the excitement of the past couple of months die down,‭ ‬all will soon be distant,‭ ‬insignificant memory.‭ ‬The acrimony in Congress will have settled down and the congressional Democrats and Republicans can kiss and make up.

They’ll let cooler heads prevail and no one will be kicked out of office from either chamber,‭ ‬and no one will be impeached.‭ ‬The insurrectionists/vandals alone can take the fall for the damages and deaths during their peaceful protests,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬no harm done.‭

Washington can get back to work with business as usual.‭ ‬All will be well.

TPR : The Public's Radio : TPR

Wait A While,‭ ‬Let The Excitement Die Down,‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬Congress Can Kiss And Make Up

Trump caused nothing but hard feelings and chaos during the past four years.‭ ‬Now after his minor transgression on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬impeachment talk is floating around Washington.

Both Parties are suffering division among the ranks,‭ ‬and some congressional Republicans fear the rift will destroy the Party.

But,‭ ‬everyone,‭ ‬take a deep breath and relax,‭ ‬if we wait a few weeks,‭ ‬let all the excitement of the past couple of months die down,‭ ‬all will soon be distant,‭ ‬insignificant memory.‭ ‬The acrimony in Congress will have settled down and the congressional Democrats and Republicans can kiss and make up.

They’ll let cooler heads prevail and no one will be kicked out of office from either chamber,‭ ‬and no one will be impeached.‭ ‬The insurrectionists/vandals alone can take the fall for the damages and deaths during their peaceful protests,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬no harm done.‭

Washington can get back to work with business as usual.‭ ‬All will be well.

TPR : The Public's Radio : TPR

thats the sad part,, we dont have state reps we have dems and repubes that dont care about the people,,,

Let's start with canceling all that foreign aid that went as an add on with the last stimulus package and give it back to the people of the United States starting with that $10 million dollars for gender studies in Packistan going to Ashi Babbitt's family tax free.

After that...


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Let's start with canceling all that foreign aid that went as an add on with the last stimulus package and give it back to the people of the United States starting with that $10 million dollars for gender studies in Packistan going to Ashi Babbitt's family tax free.

After that...



Flip the bird.png

Let me just add that this is OUR answer to Joe Bi-Dumb's call for "unity".
Wait A While,‭ ‬Let The Excitement Die Down,‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬Congress Can Kiss And Make Up

Trump caused nothing but hard feelings and chaos during the past four years.‭ ‬Now after his minor transgression on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬impeachment talk is floating around Washington.

Both Parties are suffering division among the ranks,‭ ‬and some congressional Republicans fear the rift will destroy the Party.

But,‭ ‬everyone,‭ ‬take a deep breath and relax,‭ ‬if we wait a few weeks,‭ ‬let all the excitement of the past couple of months die down,‭ ‬all will soon be distant,‭ ‬insignificant memory.‭ ‬The acrimony in Congress will have settled down and the congressional Democrats and Republicans can kiss and make up.

They’ll let cooler heads prevail and no one will be kicked out of office from either chamber,‭ ‬and no one will be impeached.‭ ‬The insurrectionists/vandals alone can take the fall for the damages and deaths during their peaceful protests,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬no harm done.‭

Washington can get back to work with business as usual.‭ ‬All will be well.

TPR : The Public's Radio : TPR

Rumor has it they were all having sex in Congressional chambers when the riots broke out.

My guess is the problem is they are too incestuous and not the other say round.

Now with Trump gone, it's party 24/7!
IMPEACH BIDEN!!!! He is corrupt as hell and exploits his only son to get money from foreign governments.
Troll alert!!
Not trolling at all. Why would you expect anything else than an all out effort to Impeach President Biden? Your Democrat leadership set that precedent.
IMPEACH BIDEN!!!! He is corrupt as hell and exploits his only son to get money from foreign governments.

Good luck with that. Democrats control the House...and the Senate..and the White House..wait...what choo gonna do?
Oh yeah, cry bitter tears and knash your teeth. :)
Bull. You lie again with your emotions and feelings.
Wow. There were letters and what appeared to be words...but it had no actual meaning.

Get back to us when you can form a coherent thought. We won't hold our collective breath
IMPEACH BIDEN!!!! He is corrupt as hell and exploits his only son to get money from foreign governments.

Good luck with that. Democrats control the House...and the Senate..and the White House..wait...what choo gonna do?
Oh yeah, cry bitter tears and knash your teeth. :)
Yeah, well we got the courts. And don't forget, 2022 is just two short years away and the House WILL flip like a "Steak on the Barbie"

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