Wait. So the DNC "server" was handed to the FBI after all?

Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server.
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?

The e-mails were turned over on paper printed off. Less than half of them.

I found a reference that the hardware that stored the backups was turned over. Do you have a link showing the server itself was turned over?
Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server.
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?

The e-mails were turned over on paper printed off. Less than half of them.

I found a reference that the hardware that stored the backups was turned over. Do you have a link showing the server itself was turned over?

See, the problem here is that you are intentionally being uninformed and stupid.

Investigators determined that the deletion method prevented data recovery...by inspecting paper print outs of the emails?! That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

Normally I would provide some links to help support my point. It took me all of 30 seconds to find four. But in this case I'm not even going to bother. First of all, your own claims require that the FBI inspected the server. Second, this is such a base piece of information. This was one of the biggest fucking news stories of the god damn decade and you managed to be ignorant of the fundamentals?

Back when the story was unfolding all the other Donald sycophants were up in arms claiming that Clinton intentionally deleted the server contents immediately before handing it over, to destroy evidence. Everyone was talking about Bleachbit. Nobody could seem to get it through their head that deleting all the contents would have been the logical thing to do before the investigation ever began. That was the argument back then. I'm sure you were saying the same damn thing. But magically, you have no memory of that, because Donald's semen down your hatch is the real Bleachbit.

This can only mean one thing. You are intentionally ignorant of the fundamentals. You never wanted to know the facts, and you still don't want to know the facts. You will say and believe anything that pushes Donald's cock further down your throat.

And by the way, they didn't have access to "hardware that stored the backups." Along with the server, Clinton's team turned over thumb drives. That was where the 30,000 emails were found.
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People seem to be conflating Clinton's server with the DNC servers that were hacked by Russia.

What Twitchy Trump keeps harping on are the DNC servers that we KNOW Russia hacked. Why does anyone need to see them? The FBI was able to get the information they needed off of them. What does Crooked Donnie think they will show?
Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server.
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?

The e-mails were turned over on paper printed off. Less than half of them.

I found a reference that the hardware that stored the backups was turned over. Do you have a link showing the server itself was turned over?

See, the problem here is that you are intentionally being uninformed and stupid.

Investigators determined that the deletion method prevented data recovery...by inspecting paper print outs of the emails?! That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

Normally I would provide some links to help support my point. It took me all of 30 seconds to find four. But in this case I'm not even going to bother. First of all, your own claims require that the FBI inspected the server. Second, this is such a base piece of information. This was one of the biggest fucking news stories of the god damn decade and you managed to be ignorant of the fundamentals?

Back when the story was unfolding all the other Donald sycophants were up in arms claiming that Clinton intentionally deleted the server contents immediately before handing it over, to destroy evidence. Everyone was talking about Bleachbit. Nobody could seem to get it through their head that deleting all the contents would have been the logical thing to do before the investigation ever began. That was the argument back then. I'm sure you were saying the same damn thing. But magically, you have no memory of that, because Donald's semen down your hatch is the real Bleachbit.

This can only mean one thing. You are intentionally ignorant of the fundamentals. You never wanted to know the facts, and you still don't want to know the facts. You will say and believe anything that pushes Donald's cock further down your throat.

And by the way, they didn't have access to "hardware that stored the backups." Along with the server, Clinton's team turned over thumb drives. That was where the 30,000 emails were found.
You seem to want to bicker over details. What is the actual point you're trying to make?
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?

The e-mails were turned over on paper printed off. Less than half of them.

I found a reference that the hardware that stored the backups was turned over. Do you have a link showing the server itself was turned over?

See, the problem here is that you are intentionally being uninformed and stupid.

Investigators determined that the deletion method prevented data recovery...by inspecting paper print outs of the emails?! That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

Normally I would provide some links to help support my point. It took me all of 30 seconds to find four. But in this case I'm not even going to bother. First of all, your own claims require that the FBI inspected the server. Second, this is such a base piece of information. This was one of the biggest fucking news stories of the god damn decade and you managed to be ignorant of the fundamentals?

Back when the story was unfolding all the other Donald sycophants were up in arms claiming that Clinton intentionally deleted the server contents immediately before handing it over, to destroy evidence. Everyone was talking about Bleachbit. Nobody could seem to get it through their head that deleting all the contents would have been the logical thing to do before the investigation ever began. That was the argument back then. I'm sure you were saying the same damn thing. But magically, you have no memory of that, because Donald's semen down your hatch is the real Bleachbit.

This can only mean one thing. You are intentionally ignorant of the fundamentals. You never wanted to know the facts, and you still don't want to know the facts. You will say and believe anything that pushes Donald's cock further down your throat.

And by the way, they didn't have access to "hardware that stored the backups." Along with the server, Clinton's team turned over thumb drives. That was where the 30,000 emails were found.
You seem to want to bicker over details. What is the actual point you're trying to make?

The actual point is, you Trumpsters believe Trump talking points over evidence, that was investigated by the Grand Jury, which led to the the indictment of the 12 Russians.
What Mueller Knows About the DNC Hack—And Trump Doesn’t
Whoops! More pie in the faces of the Little Trumpsters.
What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trump’s ‘Missing DNC Server’ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server
Well, I don't know anything about servers or computers, but I DO remember James Comey (when he was still working) saying that they received an EXACT COPY of what was on the servers ... or computers ... and while it would have been nice to have the actual devices, the analysts said the copy answered all their questions.
People seem to be conflating Clinton's server with the DNC servers that were hacked by Russia.

What Twitchy Trump keeps harping on are the DNC servers that we KNOW Russia hacked. Why does anyone need to see them? The FBI was able to get the information they needed off of them. What does Crooked Donnie think they will show?
It's just an excuse to say the results were invalid.
Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?

The e-mails were turned over on paper printed off. Less than half of them.

I found a reference that the hardware that stored the backups was turned over. Do you have a link showing the server itself was turned over?

See, the problem here is that you are intentionally being uninformed and stupid.

Investigators determined that the deletion method prevented data recovery...by inspecting paper print outs of the emails?! That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

Normally I would provide some links to help support my point. It took me all of 30 seconds to find four. But in this case I'm not even going to bother. First of all, your own claims require that the FBI inspected the server. Second, this is such a base piece of information. This was one of the biggest fucking news stories of the god damn decade and you managed to be ignorant of the fundamentals?

Back when the story was unfolding all the other Donald sycophants were up in arms claiming that Clinton intentionally deleted the server contents immediately before handing it over, to destroy evidence. Everyone was talking about Bleachbit. Nobody could seem to get it through their head that deleting all the contents would have been the logical thing to do before the investigation ever began. That was the argument back then. I'm sure you were saying the same damn thing. But magically, you have no memory of that, because Donald's semen down your hatch is the real Bleachbit.

This can only mean one thing. You are intentionally ignorant of the fundamentals. You never wanted to know the facts, and you still don't want to know the facts. You will say and believe anything that pushes Donald's cock further down your throat.

And by the way, they didn't have access to "hardware that stored the backups." Along with the server, Clinton's team turned over thumb drives. That was where the 30,000 emails were found.
You seem to want to bicker over details. What is the actual point you're trying to make?

The actual point is, you Trumpsters believe Trump talking points over evidence, that was investigated by the Grand Jury, which led to the the indictment of the 12 Russians.
What Mueller Knows About the DNC Hack—And Trump Doesn’t
Whoops! More pie in the faces of the Little Trumpsters.

Another scared little leftist who is so stupid you boil the world down to Democrats and Trump supporters because you're only able to memorize one set of talking points and that's it
Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?

The e-mails were turned over on paper printed off. Less than half of them.

I found a reference that the hardware that stored the backups was turned over. Do you have a link showing the server itself was turned over?

See, the problem here is that you are intentionally being uninformed and stupid.

Investigators determined that the deletion method prevented data recovery...by inspecting paper print outs of the emails?! That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

Normally I would provide some links to help support my point. It took me all of 30 seconds to find four. But in this case I'm not even going to bother. First of all, your own claims require that the FBI inspected the server. Second, this is such a base piece of information. This was one of the biggest fucking news stories of the god damn decade and you managed to be ignorant of the fundamentals?

Back when the story was unfolding all the other Donald sycophants were up in arms claiming that Clinton intentionally deleted the server contents immediately before handing it over, to destroy evidence. Everyone was talking about Bleachbit. Nobody could seem to get it through their head that deleting all the contents would have been the logical thing to do before the investigation ever began. That was the argument back then. I'm sure you were saying the same damn thing. But magically, you have no memory of that, because Donald's semen down your hatch is the real Bleachbit.

This can only mean one thing. You are intentionally ignorant of the fundamentals. You never wanted to know the facts, and you still don't want to know the facts. You will say and believe anything that pushes Donald's cock further down your throat.

And by the way, they didn't have access to "hardware that stored the backups." Along with the server, Clinton's team turned over thumb drives. That was where the 30,000 emails were found.
You seem to want to bicker over details. What is the actual point you're trying to make?

The actual point is, you Trumpsters believe Trump talking points over evidence, that was investigated by the Grand Jury, which led to the the indictment of the 12 Russians.
What Mueller Knows About the DNC Hack—And Trump Doesn’t
Whoops! More pie in the faces of the Little Trumpsters.

Another scared little leftist who is so stupid you boil the world down to Democrats and Trump supporters because you're only able to memorize one set of talking points and that's it

Hate facts don’t you Little Easily manipulate Dotard Trump lover.
Where’s your rebuttal.
Based on Trump’s unhinged behavior and of course yours, it’s so easy to see who’s stupid and scared.
Fuck man, Trump and his goose-steppers are sqwauking while relying on conjectured filled talking points.
My condolences. :206:
The e-mails were turned over on paper printed off. Less than half of them.

I found a reference that the hardware that stored the backups was turned over. Do you have a link showing the server itself was turned over?

See, the problem here is that you are intentionally being uninformed and stupid.

Investigators determined that the deletion method prevented data recovery...by inspecting paper print outs of the emails?! That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

Normally I would provide some links to help support my point. It took me all of 30 seconds to find four. But in this case I'm not even going to bother. First of all, your own claims require that the FBI inspected the server. Second, this is such a base piece of information. This was one of the biggest fucking news stories of the god damn decade and you managed to be ignorant of the fundamentals?

Back when the story was unfolding all the other Donald sycophants were up in arms claiming that Clinton intentionally deleted the server contents immediately before handing it over, to destroy evidence. Everyone was talking about Bleachbit. Nobody could seem to get it through their head that deleting all the contents would have been the logical thing to do before the investigation ever began. That was the argument back then. I'm sure you were saying the same damn thing. But magically, you have no memory of that, because Donald's semen down your hatch is the real Bleachbit.

This can only mean one thing. You are intentionally ignorant of the fundamentals. You never wanted to know the facts, and you still don't want to know the facts. You will say and believe anything that pushes Donald's cock further down your throat.

And by the way, they didn't have access to "hardware that stored the backups." Along with the server, Clinton's team turned over thumb drives. That was where the 30,000 emails were found.
You seem to want to bicker over details. What is the actual point you're trying to make?

The actual point is, you Trumpsters believe Trump talking points over evidence, that was investigated by the Grand Jury, which led to the the indictment of the 12 Russians.
What Mueller Knows About the DNC Hack—And Trump Doesn’t
Whoops! More pie in the faces of the Little Trumpsters.

Another scared little leftist who is so stupid you boil the world down to Democrats and Trump supporters because you're only able to memorize one set of talking points and that's it

Hate facts don’t you Little Easily manipulate Dotard Trump lover.
Where’s your rebuttal.
Based on Trump’s unhinged behavior and of course yours, it’s so easy to see who’s stupid and scared.
Fuck man, Trump and his goose-steppers are sqwauking while relying on conjectured filled talking points.
My condolences. :206:

You're a grown man? Seriously? Take some cream for that butt hurt

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