Wait. So the DNC "server" was handed to the FBI after all?

What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The ā€œserverā€ Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNCā€™s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putinā€™s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server
From your article

Itā€™s true that the FBI doesnā€™t have the DNCā€™s computer hardware. Agents didnā€™t sweep into DNC headquarters, load up all the equipment and leave Democrats standing stunned beside empty desks and dangling cables. Thereā€™s a reason for that, and it has nothing to do with a deep state conspiracy to frame Putin.

See the issue is, the FBI never saw the servers. They got an imgage form the DNC. That does nothing, because you can modify things, make an image then send it to the FBI. Jared from Subway wished he could send an image to the FBI. I'm sure he would have sent all the incriminating stuff..
What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The ā€œserverā€ Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNCā€™s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putinā€™s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

You dumbass...

HILLARY'S server with the 30.000 EMAILS was never recovered. Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server. The DNC server only became important when it was "hacked". Other than extreme carelessness and irresponsibility, there was no wrongdoing in that.

Because they were her private emails . She didnā€™t have to turn those over .

And ask yourself , would you turn over that shit to the leaky FBI?

I really hope youā€™re joking. She was mixing business with pleasure on an unsecured server and her business-related emails contained sensitive material. THATā€™S why her personal emails became the FBIā€™s business.
What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The ā€œserverā€ Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNCā€™s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putinā€™s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

You dumbass...

HILLARY'S server with the 30.000 EMAILS was never recovered. Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server. The DNC server only became important when it was "hacked". Other than extreme carelessness and irresponsibility, there was no wrongdoing in that.

Because they were her private emails . She didnā€™t have to turn those over .

And ask yourself , would you turn over that shit to the leaky FBI?

I really hope youā€™re joking. She was mixing business with pleasure on an unsecured server and her business-related emails contained sensitive material. THATā€™S why her personal emails became the FBIā€™s business.

You'll have to forgive Timmy....
He's fallen into the well once to often.
Bull shit. She chose to mix her business and personal e-mails. No one forced her to do that.

You'd suddenly get that if it were a Republican

There are many stories of pols using personal email for business . Comey himself ! You can say Trumps phone should be public property because he tweets prez business .

Hillary was ordered to turn over X. And she did .

1) They didn't set up home servers

2) They didn't auto-forward their mail, meaning sending secret and top secret information to their home servers.

You know this, Timmy. Stop being a dumb ass.

But yes, if they intermingled personal and business e-mails, they gave up their right to privacy on that account. They are government employees and it was a direct violation of their employment agreement if not downright illegal.

And I'm not like you Timmy, my standard applies to both parties. If a Republican did that improperly, nail them.

But no one is accused of doing what Hillary did

Actually while Secretary of State, both Powell and Rice did it as well.

That's just a lie, Dildo. Read my post again. Focus on the red, I already explained it to you. If you're going to respond to a post, read it. Don't raise a point that was addressed in the quote, moron. Neither Rice nor Powell were ever accused of setting up servers or auto-forwarding e-mails containing secret and top secret information

Powell admitted to it in 2016 when all the flap about Clinton using private email was brought up on campaign. I do not know how to link using phone but a simple Google search pulled it up quickly.

Liar. Show where powell admitted he set up a server and auto-orwarded secret information, dildo. You're full of shit
1) They didn't set up home servers

2) They didn't auto-forward their mail, meaning sending secret and top secret information to their home servers.

You know this, Timmy. Stop being a dumb ass.

But yes, if they intermingled personal and business e-mails, they gave up their right to privacy on that account. They are government employees and it was a direct violation of their employment agreement if not downright illegal.

And I'm not like you Timmy, my standard applies to both parties. If a Republican did that improperly, nail them.

But no one is accused of doing what Hillary did

Actually while Secretary of State, both Powell and Rice did it as well.

That's just a lie, Dildo. Read my post again. Focus on the red, I already explained it to you. If you're going to respond to a post, read it. Don't raise a point that was addressed in the quote, moron. Neither Rice nor Powell were ever accused of setting up servers or auto-forwarding e-mails containing secret and top secret information

Powell admitted to it in 2016 when all the flap about Clinton using private email was brought up on campaign. I do not know how to link using phone but a simple Google search pulled it up quickly.

Powell admitted to it in 2016

He admitted to using a non-government email to send classified info? Link?

As I said do not know how to link using phone.

No problem, Dildo. Provide a link that Powell set up a private server and auto-forwarded secret information when you get home. That will work.

{crickets} ...
Another Lie from the left...........go figure..............

Here's the real answer......

What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

You dumbass...

HILLARY'S server with the 30.000 EMAILS was never recovered. Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server. The DNC server only became important when it was "hacked". Other than extreme carelessness and irresponsibility, there was no wrongdoing in that.

Because they were her private emails . She didnā€™t have to turn those over .

And ask yourself , would you turn over that shit to the leaky FBI?

Bull shit. She chose to mix her business and personal e-mails. No one forced her to do that.

You'd suddenly get that if it were a Republican

There are many stories of pols using personal email for business . Comey himself ! You can say Trumps phone should be public property because he tweets prez business .

Hillary was ordered to turn over X. And she did .

Learn the difference between email and an email server before saying more stupid stuff....dumbass.

Bingo. Not to mention that Hillary auto-forwarded her e-mail to her e-mail server including secret information, something Powell also didn't do.

I'm not defending Powell. If he broke the law, hold him accountable. But in no possible way is it the "same" as Hillary
Actually while Secretary of State, both Powell and Rice did it as well.

That's just a lie, Dildo. Read my post again. Focus on the red, I already explained it to you. If you're going to respond to a post, read it. Don't raise a point that was addressed in the quote, moron. Neither Rice nor Powell were ever accused of setting up servers or auto-forwarding e-mails containing secret and top secret information

Powell admitted to it in 2016 when all the flap about Clinton using private email was brought up on campaign. I do not know how to link using phone but a simple Google search pulled it up quickly.

Powell admitted to it in 2016

He admitted to using a non-government email to send classified info? Link?

As I said do not know how to link using phone.

No problem, Dildo. Provide a link that Powell set up a private server and auto-forwarded secret information when you get home. That will work.

{crickets} ...

You are correct about the email server, for that part my apologies, but he did say he used private email account to conduct government business. Still a no-no but yes no private server. For that I apologize to all.
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That's just a lie, Dildo. Read my post again. Focus on the red, I already explained it to you. If you're going to respond to a post, read it. Don't raise a point that was addressed in the quote, moron. Neither Rice nor Powell were ever accused of setting up servers or auto-forwarding e-mails containing secret and top secret information

Powell admitted to it in 2016 when all the flap about Clinton using private email was brought up on campaign. I do not know how to link using phone but a simple Google search pulled it up quickly.

Powell admitted to it in 2016

He admitted to using a non-government email to send classified info? Link?

As I said do not know how to link using phone.

No problem, Dildo. Provide a link that Powell set up a private server and auto-forwarded secret information when you get home. That will work.

{crickets} ...

You are correct about the email server, for that part my apologies, but he did say he used private email account to conduct government business. Still a no-no but yes no private server. For that I apologize to all.

Thank you, apology accepted
Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server.
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI
What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The ā€œserverā€ Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNCā€™s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putinā€™s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

You dumbass...

HILLARY'S server with the 30.000 EMAILS was never recovered. Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server. The DNC server only became important when it was "hacked". Other than extreme carelessness and irresponsibility, there was no wrongdoing in that.
What do you think her emails said?

Her daughter's wedding plans?

A few did. A bunch of others were secret and top secret e-mails she forwarded herself from her official Secretary of State account that might have gotten agents killed
What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The ā€œserverā€ Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNCā€™s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putinā€™s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

You dumbass...

HILLARY'S server with the 30.000 EMAILS was never recovered. Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server. The DNC server only became important when it was "hacked". Other than extreme carelessness and irresponsibility, there was no wrongdoing in that.

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between people who are too stupid to see their own kettle logic and people who are so shameless they tell ridiculous lies by purposely equivocating.

Donald wasn't talking about Clinton's email server. He was asked about the DNC hack and cast doubt on whether Russia was behind the hack, claiming that the DNC wouldn't allow the FBI inspect the server.

Clinton's private server is an entirely separate matter from the DNC hacked emails.
What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The ā€œserverā€ Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNCā€™s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putinā€™s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

This has always tickled me. Most of our computing at work is done by a third party help desk who is based in a different state. We have localized IT support of course but when we were hacked, nobody had to come to the 2nd floor and take the servers anywhere.
Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server.
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?
Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server.
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

Then how was the FBI able to determine that Clinton's deleted emails couldn't be forensically recovered?

I assume we are talking about the original contents...
Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server.
Wrong. Pseudocons have always claimed the DNC server was never given to the FBI.

Correct, it wasn't.

You're conflating two issues:

1) Hillary setting up a server in her bathroom and auto-forwarding her e-mail including secret and top secret e-mails

2) The DNC server Democrats claimed was hacked

One thing those two things have in common is that the servers were not provided to the FBI

The bitches server was hacked too. That came out in the IG report, 30,000 emails were sent to an address not on the distribution list.

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What do you know. Reading things on USMB don't make them true.
You guys (in the right-wing) have been repeatedly stating that some server in the DNC was never given to the FBI, but here's this, from today's Daily Beast:

The ā€œserverā€ Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNCā€™s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putinā€™s surveillance.

Were you guys too stupid to realize not only that there were more than one "server", but that they were all given to the FBI?

Trumpā€™s ā€˜Missing DNC Serverā€™ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server

You dumbass...

HILLARY'S server with the 30.000 EMAILS was never recovered. Do you understand that the issue from the beginning was HILLARY's private server. The DNC server only became important when it was "hacked". Other than extreme carelessness and irresponsibility, there was no wrongdoing in that.

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between people who are too stupid to see their own kettle logic and people who are so shameless they tell ridiculous lies by purposely equivocating.

Donald wasn't talking about Clinton's email server. He was asked about the DNC hack and cast doubt on whether Russia was behind the hack, claiming that the DNC wouldn't allow the FBI inspect the server.

Clinton's private server is an entirely separate matter from the DNC hacked emails.

Comey testified that the FBI were not allowed to examine the DNC server.
And an FYI where the hell is the other server Trump is talking about that has gone missing from freaking Capitol Hill? This is the server that is related to the Pakistani IT scandal.
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