Wake up America -- if our nation can be said to still exist.

It's even easier to point at a stupid fuck saying something completely stupid.

Law enforcement faced with what they believe is a major emergency, will violate every amendment in the Bill of Rights. We have been violating civil and human rights throughout our history.

I didn't know that the Bill of Rights could be ignored by the police when the police think that it is convenient. In fact I though the Bill of Rights was there to keep the authorities in line.

Looking back at what occurred in Boston, we are quick to condemn the authorities, but hindsight is perfect. Had the police stopped another bombing and saved hundreds of lives, there would be no mention of rights violations.

No absolutely wrong.... The end does not justify the means in this case or in any other case.
Law enforcement can and does ignore the bill rights and it's illegal. We depend on law enforcement to uphold the laws but there is not much we can do about it at time that they break them. For law enforcement, it's often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.
It could have all been prevented by not allowing them in the country in the first place. The government knows that. They are using the terrorists to take away our Constitutional rights.


It would have been preventef if the State Department had listened to the Russians two years ago and not let the older one in the country.
Law enforcement faced with what they believe is a major emergency, will violate every amendment in the Bill of Rights. We have been violating civil and human rights throughout our history.

I didn't know that the Bill of Rights could be ignored by the police when the police think that it is convenient. In fact I though the Bill of Rights was there to keep the authorities in line.

Looking back at what occurred in Boston, we are quick to condemn the authorities, but hindsight is perfect. Had the police stopped another bombing and saved hundreds of lives, there would be no mention of rights violations.

No absolutely wrong.... The end does not justify the means in this case or in any other case.
Law enforcement can and does ignore the bill rights and it's illegal. We depend on law enforcement to uphold the laws but there is not much we can do about it at time that they break them. For law enforcement, it's often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Well, no…

From Dollree Mapp in 1961 to the McNeely case just this year, citizens have for over half a century successfully brought suit in court to challenge the actions of the state and seek relief from abuses by law enforcement.

Indeed, if any resident of Boston or its surrounding communities believes his civil rights were violated as a consequence of the recent manhunt, he is at liberty to also file a complaint in court and petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Karl Denninger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Karl Denninger is an American technology businessman, finance blogger, and political activist, sometimes referred to as a founding member of the Tea Party movement.

Want to stop killing the messenger and want to debate the merit or lack of merit of what he said. Let's start with:
Such as the fact that despite every news anchor and many of the people in Boston pumping their fists and screaming "USA!" along with lauding law enforcement, the fact is that law enforcement could not find its ass with both hands.

It doesn't stop there. Oh no, by effectively occupying a part of the Boston metro area they made an utter mockery of the 4th Amendment. There was no "hot pursuit" and thus no argument available to them allowing searches of private property without consent or a warrant. Not only did they search without a warrant there were multiple reports through the day of seizure of firearms, among other things.

The Constitutional Rights of an entire town, some 30,000 residents, were wantonly and outrageously violated yesterday, yet not one media outlet is focusing there.

Nor are they focusing on the fact that after a full day of undeclared and illegal martial law, complete with "papers please", unconstitutional searches and seizures and military hardware and weapons all over the streets (heh Barack, what was that crap about "weapons of war"?) the cops FAILED to find the jackass.

Instead, within a half-hour of the "can't find our ass with both hands" cops giving up on locking down the town an ordinary citizen finds the bad guy in his boat.

In 30 minutes "We the people" do what thousands of cops spending millions of dollars and violating the rights of every citizen in the town could not and the people did it without all that fancy military hardware too.

Do you agree or Disagree?

From the reports I saw on t.v, most citizens had absolutely no problem with the police searching house to house, and a lot of them gave consent, and wanted to help. What if the 19 year old had taken a family hostage, or worse, killed a family and was hiding in their house. Then when the police came and knocked, nobody answered, they left and went to the next house. Then that might subsequently lead to escape. Then we might have lost him forever.

And these guns that you speak of, that were confiscated, were they legally registered firearms, and the police just decided to take them? I find that REALLY hard to believe. They probably confiscated illegal guns, which is a damn good thing.
Law enforcement, armed with illegal weaponry( full auto actual assault weapons) went to the homes of the innocent and forced them out of their homes under threat of murder.
They did this over and over.
They imprisoned thousands , under threat of summary execution for hours.
Their excuse, they were the professionals who keep us safe.
Their illegal acts against the innocent were useless.
They did not find pig fucker number 2, one of the innocents they released did,

But they sure took the credit fast enough, didnt they!!??!!

You are seriously detached from reality. :cuckoo:
Law enforcement, armed with illegal weaponry( full auto actual assault weapons) went to the homes of the innocent and forced them out of their homes under threat of murder.
They did this over and over.
They imprisoned thousands , under threat of summary execution for hours.
Their excuse, they were the professionals who keep us safe.
Their illegal acts against the innocent were useless.
They did not find pig fucker number 2, one of the innocents they released did,

But they sure took the credit fast enough, didnt they!!??!!

You are seriously detached from reality. :cuckoo:

I give an accurate description of police abuse of power, the facts of the case, the reality and I am detatched from reality.

Police illegally ordered people from their homes, correct?
They had no warrent. No probable cause.
They carried weapons with automatic selectors, which are illegal in MA.
They searched with no result.
A free citizen located and identified the suspect.
Thst is the reality.

Police illegally ordered people from their homes, correct?

NO you stupid fuck. It is not illegal to order people to stay in their homes and lock the door for their own protection. Kinda falls along the same lines as the local governments ordering people to evacuate cities that are in a path of destruction from a natural disaster, FOR THEIR OWN PROTECTION. And you say they were threatened under the fear of murder (or execution) to stay in their homes is utter bullshit too. HAD that been TRUE then the guy would have never gone outside and seen his boat cover had been tampered with. Its not like police were standing outside of every house shooting people if they came outside.

They had no warrent. No probable cause.
NO again you fucking idiot, their probable cause was a fucking terrorist suspect running free in Boston, and not knowing if he set other bombs around the city, or had taken a family hostage or killed a family. They had already proved themselves able and willing to kill.

They carried weapons with automatic selectors, which are illegal in MA.
Wrong again idiot. Local and Federal Law enforcement are not subjected to the same gun laws as citizens. Even when assault weapons were banned, law enforcement still used them, and rightfully so. Fucking idiot.

They searched with no result.
Seriously? They didn't find BOTH of them, and get into a shootout with them? And one of them happened to get away, but was seriously injured. Dumbass

A free citizen located and identified the suspect.
Yes, but that is irrelevant. You mean to tell me that if the law enforcement officials had not put that net around Boston, the brothers would have stayed there? And if citizens were ordered to their house under threats of execution, how did the FREE CITIZEN find him?

Like I said before, detached from reality.
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Their illegal acts against the innocent were useless.

But they sure took the credit fast enough, didnt they!!??!!

Their "illegal" acts were useless? Damn how stupid can you be. The bombing was on Monday, and by Friday, one of the brothers was dead, and the other was captured. How the fuck is that useless? Are they still in the wind? NO. Do you know the definition of useless?

And you're damn right they took credit for it! Dumb ass. Had they not put a net on a fraction of the city (20 blocks) then the brothers would have been able to escape. They cut all modes of public transportation to cut off their ability to escape. Yet, somehow you feel they shouldn't take credit? It must be a strange reality where you live.
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So much for "Innocent till Proven Guilty"
Imagine if this was your neighbors house or worse your house.
No excuse for this type of police behavior.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=YWsbBhzxYw8]Shock Footage - Warrantless House-toHouse Raids In Boston - YouTube[/ame]
So much for "Innocent till Proven Guilty"
Imagine if this was your neighbors house or worse your house.
No excuse for this type of police behavior.
Shock Footage - Warrantless House-toHouse Raids In Boston - YouTube

I agree that this sucks, but it is necessary. What if one of the bombers had taken a family hostage? Or worse, had killed a family and was hiding out in their house. Going door to door is the only way you can eliminate that possibility. I saw the police knock on that door, so it wasn't like they were just straight kickin in doors in a mass frenzy. It looked like a methodical search for a terrorist. It's not like this kind of shit happens every day. But when a terrorist attacks happens, and the suspects are believed to still be in the area, there is nothing wrong with locking down a certain radius and sweeping for him. If that piece of shit wants to attack America, we have to be able to find them quickly, and effectively. I personally would be okay with them searching my house, because if the terrorists had in some way managed to come into my house and take me and my family hostage, I would be praying the police would come. I am just trying to look at it from all angles.
I didn't know that the Bill of Rights could be ignored by the police when the police think that it is convenient. In fact I though the Bill of Rights was there to keep the authorities in line.

No absolutely wrong.... The end does not justify the means in this case or in any other case.
Law enforcement can and does ignore the bill rights and it's illegal. We depend on law enforcement to uphold the laws but there is not much we can do about it at time that they break them. For law enforcement, it's often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Well, no…

From Dollree Mapp in 1961 to the McNeely case just this year, citizens have for over half a century successfully brought suit in court to challenge the actions of the state and seek relief from abuses by law enforcement.

Indeed, if any resident of Boston or its surrounding communities believes his civil rights were violated as a consequence of the recent manhunt, he is at liberty to also file a complaint in court and petition the government for a redress of grievances.
There you have the authoritarian liberoidal mindset in a nutshell: We'll do whatever we want to do and sue us if you don't like it.

Bloody fucking tyrants.
So much for "Innocent till Proven Guilty"
Imagine if this was your neighbors house or worse your house.
No excuse for this type of police behavior.
Shock Footage - Warrantless House-toHouse Raids In Boston - YouTube

I agree that this sucks, but it is necessary. What if one of the bombers had taken a family hostage? Or worse, had killed a family and was hiding out in their house. Going door to door is the only way you can eliminate that possibility. I saw the police knock on that door, so it wasn't like they were just straight kickin in doors in a mass frenzy. It looked like a methodical search for a terrorist. It's not like this kind of shit happens every day. But when a terrorist attacks happens, and the suspects are believed to still be in the area, there is nothing wrong with locking down a certain radius and sweeping for him. If that piece of shit wants to attack America, we have to be able to find them quickly, and effectively. I personally would be okay with them searching my house, because if the terrorists had in some way managed to come into my house and take me and my family hostage, I would be praying the police would come. I am just trying to look at it from all angles.
He was gravely wounded in a fire fight, you imbecile....The police showed gross incompetence in letting him escape from that fight in the first place.

Only in the mind of the retarded goofball lolberal dwells the notion that their failure means that the citizens have to give up their rights.
So, we have a bunch of people here that think that anytime the police deal with a major emergency, they are wrong. Methinks that a look at their arrest record would go a long way towards explaining that odd attitute.

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