Wal-Mart introduces new dress code, employees must buy own clothes

So what is your bullshit excuse again on why raising the min wage would result in the results we have now? None right?

The answer is simple.

You Communists portray what you promote as something new and different, wise rulers distributing goods and housing to the masses who live in harmony, happily toiling for the benefit of society.

Put another way, the lords and nobility reign over a peasant class who own nothing and depend on their lords for everything.Communism is nothing more, or less, than feudalism. A pampered elite controlling the means of production and doling out what they see fit to the enslaved masses.

Wow are you going all class warfare on us while screaming everytime a liberal brings up wealth discrepancies? Thats pretty bold. You are on both sides of the fence while yelling at both sides...classic.

We all know this is the goal of the left and the democratic party, but what does it have to do with minimum wage?

Yes, the left defends Citizens United, Wealth gaps and all that stuff...except, thats you.

Simple: under capitalism, the concept of entry level is vital. It is the starting point that teens find to pick up a few bucks for a car and to go on dates, a place to learn vital work skills for later jobs. It isn't intended to feed a family of 14 and buy a house.

The average age of people in those "entry level" jobs is 29. So your premise of the teens working these jobs is circa 1980. Btw this now sounds like you are defending the low wages while complainning that the left wants to put the rich in charge of the poor. Classic double talk there.

But your party sees it differently, your filthy party sees all who are not in the tiny elite of rules as peasants. There is no such thing as a "starter job," peasants are put to work as the party sees fit, on behalf of the rulers. Workers in all jobs must be paid the amount that would keep a family alive and in poverty. The party does not approve of teens working, and especially not learning work skills that might cause them to question their rulers.

Lol Whut?

Dependent and ignorant is how the democrats want the peasants - which is why you are such a good democrat, CC. Pushing the MW to $20 an hour will make it viable for the party to assign a worker to McDonald's for life, never looking to advance or improve, just a cog in the wheel that the party can replace at a whim.

People are always looking to advance dummy. So you're saying paying someone more will hurt them AND complaining that the left wants to keep ppl poor. Double talk

Capitalism is about human dignity and the ability of man to achieve, to better himself.

Ahahahaha...No the definition of capitalism is to make money.
noun: capitalism
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

Thats the definition. Not what your story time opinions THINK capitalism is. Or are we not using actual definitions?

The Communism your filthy party promotes is about the belief that humans have no value, that people are just parts to be used in the machine of the party, then discarded.

Your kind has prevailed before, and brought about the society you fight to give us. We called that time "the Dark Ages."

The Dark ages...Fuck are you J. R. R. Tolkien lol. You addressed exactly nothing and went the Political Chick route of blathering on about nothing. Double talker
I googled "company that pays for employee uniforms" and can't find one, just all the articles and rules saying when the employee may deduct them, and employees asking "is it legal for them to make me buy my own clothes?"

It is standard to pay for your own work clothes and always has been. If you work for a company that uses a Cintas type uniform outfit, they determine the number of uniforms you need (7 at hubby's), may require you to purchase a matching jacket from them (hubby's does) and deduct their cleaning expense from your paycheck. If you rip one, they mend or replace it during their weekly cleaning cycle and that expense gets deducted from your pay as well, even if you feel it isn't necessary. Standard practice and has been for a loooong time.

OP, do you know of any company who buys their employee's uniforms?

Mine does...we have Cintas shirts & pants, no charge. (I never wear them except in the winter...they're too warm.)

That's rare. Awesome company. Yes, they are too warm. Louisiana in August sucks at times. Luckily he has some AC at least because of the CNC's, not the machinists so much.
I sometimes have to wear a suit and tie to work, but none of my employers have ever offered to pay for my suits and ties. This thread is an epic fail.
They have a dress code, my company does as well.

Also, from the article I don't see where they are REQUIRED to buy WalMart clothing.
<snip>The average age of people in those "entry level" jobs is 29. So your premise of the teens working these jobs is circa 1980. Btw this now sounds like you are defending the low wages while complainning that the left wants to put the rich in charge of the poor. Classic double talk there.

Well if that's the case then statistically they are making more than min wage so they can buy their own damn shirts and pants.

11 Facts About The Minimum Wage That President Obama Forgot To Mention

Despite the hoopla surrounding the issue, only a tiny percentage of American workers actually earn the federal hourly minimum wage: 1 percent, to be exact. In 2012, the most recent year for which nationwide minimum wage data is available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), roughly 1.5 million hourly workers

Workers between 20 and 24 years of age comprise 24 percent of all minimum wage workers, those between 25 and 34 years comprise 15.5 percent, workers between 35 and 44 years comprise less than 10 percent, and those 45 years and up comprise roughly 20 percent of all minimum wage workers in the U.S.

So basically we're statically talking about 15.5% of that 1% of the workforce that even make minimum wage (roughly 233k) and of those how many actually work at Walmart vs another employer?

Even if we go off how many Walmart employee's in the US, 1.4 million and say that a full 1% of their workforce is paid minimum wage, then we would be statically talking about roughly 21,700 workers - or statistically 0.00014% out of nearly 155 million workers in the US.

Its not even a blip on the radar...
Excuse me but a retail business does not make a profit on items it uses itself.

At best they can write off the cost of the items but there is no profit. And they can't write it off twice

Tell me again how rich you are if you don't even know that?

Let me go slow for you.

WalMart is a four-tiered profit company.





Stores/Sam's Club

The first three are private companies owned by the WalMart seven which marks up and sells to the next.

Stores is the publicly held company.

They can't write it off twice? If the former employee doesn't return it they can. If you purchase an item and no longer have the benefit of that item, that is a loss. Loss is deductible.
And what of the plus-sized employees and the XS employees? Wal Mart does not stock a lot of work wear for them. I will admit that you have a point (sort of) insofar as "buying the clothes from themselves" which is probably the case. However taking the time to manage such a project is something that will cost one of their managers serious time each week. When you have 100 employees, some are going to get stains on their well made Wal Mart garments, lose buttons, rip, tear etc...

Seriously...your position on this is nutty. You're usually a lot more intelligent than you're letting on here.

In my company, managing the 'project' is done by the HR department in the form of a voucher. Takes all of 30 seconds to fill out. The employee goes to the contract company, or on-line and receives the necessary uniform/equipment in person or by FedEx next day. Replacement can be done on-line with FedEx next day.
I googled "company that pays for employee uniforms" and can't find one, just all the articles and rules saying when the employee may deduct them, and employees asking "is it legal for them to make me buy my own clothes?"

It is standard to pay for your own work clothes and always has been. If you work for a company that uses a Cintas type uniform outfit, they determine the number of uniforms you need (7 at hubby's), may require you to purchase a matching jacket from them (hubby's does) and deduct their cleaning expense from your paycheck. If you rip one, they mend or replace it during their weekly cleaning cycle and that expense gets deducted from your pay as well, even if you feel it isn't necessary. Standard practice and has been for a loooong time.

OP, do you know of any company who buys their employee's uniforms?

They bill the employee for cleaning? Cintas is a uniform LEASING company. Cleaning is INCLUDED in the lease price. Which RAT-BASTARD in the administration of your hubbies company is pocketing the cleaning fees?

It's called 'standard practice' of ripping-off your employees.
I googled "company that pays for employee uniforms" and can't find one, just all the articles and rules saying when the employee may deduct them, and employees asking "is it legal for them to make me buy my own clothes?"

It is standard to pay for your own work clothes and always has been. If you work for a company that uses a Cintas type uniform outfit, they determine the number of uniforms you need (7 at hubby's), may require you to purchase a matching jacket from them (hubby's does) and deduct their cleaning expense from your paycheck. If you rip one, they mend or replace it during their weekly cleaning cycle and that expense gets deducted from your pay as well, even if you feel it isn't necessary. Standard practice and has been for a loooong time.

OP, do you know of any company who buys their employee's uniforms?

They bill the employee for cleaning? Cintas is a uniform LEASING company. Cleaning is INCLUDED in the lease price. Which RAT-BASTARD in the administration of your hubbies company is pocketing the cleaning fees?

It's called 'standard practice' of ripping-off your employees.

Hmmm, maybe it is a lease fee. I'll have to ask him. I know it comes out of each check and they clean them weekly, so I assumed that was what he was charged for. If that is the case, though, what was the up front cost?
Your brain is built on sugar pops and marijuana.

Walmart was built on a brilliant supply chain management system developed by Sam Walton. Walton virtually created the discipline of supply chain management.

Put the bong and the XBox controller down, and learn something - retard.

http://www.amazon.com/Sam-Walton-Made-In-America/dp/0553562835/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410275373&sr=8-1&keywords=sam walton books

That's a lie, as has been demonstrated dozens of times, but even if you filthy Communists were not lying, the act of employing the economically disadvantaged, giving the welfare recipient an opportunity to earn a bit of independence and the pride that accompanies earning one's own living, is considered a good thing by decent people.

Will SEIU openly state that you object to giving jobs to welfare recipients? Will your masters acknowledge that you seek to keep your boot on the neck of the poor to force them into perpetual poverty and dependence on public aid?

WalMart subsidies are $7.8 billion per year which doesn't include the $6.2 billion per year in welfare their employees receive. The simple fact that WalMart has full-time employees that make so little they qualify for welfare (your tax monies) should be pissing you off, but instead you are humanizing the villains. What's wrong with you?
Under real capitalism, Walmart wouldn't be as big or wouldn't exist, as currently they recieve unfair market advantage through the government subsiding or paying their payrolls. Most companies have to pay their workers themselves, and can't feed on the government teat to keep afloat.

I don't care about the uniform issue, what I do care about is corporations abusing the welfare system at the expense of businesses that pay their workers the same or more out of their own pockets.

If company x pays its workers $6 an hr, and company y pays its workers either $6 or nothing while getting a government hand out to cover their payroll how is that not anti-capitalist and government interference in the marketplace.

It's the same thing.......
Please explain to me how the government gives WalMart money to pay their employees. They pay the same wages here as K Mart and Winn Dixie.

Or, do you mean that a family of 4 can't live off a minimum wage job, so WalMart employees who do not choose to advance prefer to supplement their incomes with government assistance, just like at all other minimum wage jobs? That is on the employee. That same person can go work at Buffy's car wash and get welfare. Do you say we subsidize Buffy's? Why say "WalMart" when what you mean is "any minimum wage employer?" It looks like targeted hate at one company for doing what all minimum wage companies do.

Wal-Mart Subsidy Watch - brought to you by Good Jobs First
Hmmm, maybe it is a lease fee. I'll have to ask him. I know it comes out of each check and they clean them weekly, so I assumed that was what he was charged for. If that is the case, though, what was the up front cost?

Up front cost for what?

Did some checking for ya. My Brother owns a commercial landscape company in California. He has 150 employees and pays $9.40/week/employee for seven uniforms and one jacket including cleaning.
Please explain to me how the government gives WalMart money to pay their employees. They pay the same wages here as K Mart and Winn Dixie.

Or, do you mean that a family of 4 can't live off a minimum wage job, so WalMart employees who do not choose to advance prefer to supplement their incomes with government assistance, just like at all other minimum wage jobs? That is on the employee. That same person can go work at Buffy's car wash and get welfare. Do you say we subsidize Buffy's? Why say "WalMart" when what you mean is "any minimum wage employer?" It looks like targeted hate at one company for doing what all minimum wage companies do.

Wal-Mart Subsidy Watch - brought to you by Good Jobs First

I understand that cities and towns court WalMart to come to them. We did that here (although we made them buy the land and make road improvements to accommodate increased traffic), just like we did with many plants, just like we did with the movie theater/bowling alley complex, etc. I was referring to the government giving WalMart money for payroll, which was the implication in the post I was responding to. I have no problem courting business to the area. We receive the benefit, not only of WalMart, but the Cato, Sally's, Supercuts, Radio Shack, nail salon, restaurant, etc that also come with them. It has been great for this community. What I am not aware of is taxpayers giving money to WalMart to meet payroll. Perhaps it is the misuse of the word "subsidy" that confused me.
Hmmm, maybe it is a lease fee. I'll have to ask him. I know it comes out of each check and they clean them weekly, so I assumed that was what he was charged for. If that is the case, though, what was the up front cost?

Up front cost for what?

Did some checking for ya. My Brother owns a commercial landscape company in California. He has 150 employees and pays $9.40/week/employee for seven uniforms and one jacket including cleaning.

Hubby had an up front cost when he started there, before the weekly fees, that was larger.
And what of the plus-sized employees and the XS employees? Wal Mart does not stock a lot of work wear for them. I will admit that you have a point (sort of) insofar as "buying the clothes from themselves" which is probably the case. However taking the time to manage such a project is something that will cost one of their managers serious time each week. When you have 100 employees, some are going to get stains on their well made Wal Mart garments, lose buttons, rip, tear etc...

Seriously...your position on this is nutty. You're usually a lot more intelligent than you're letting on here.

In my company, managing the 'project' is done by the HR department in the form of a voucher. Takes all of 30 seconds to fill out. The employee goes to the contract company, or on-line and receives the necessary uniform/equipment in person or by FedEx next day. Replacement can be done on-line with FedEx next day.

And there is a cost involved in all of that.
Now you're adding on shipping costs.
I understand that cities and towns court WalMart to come to them. We did that here (although we made them buy the land and make road improvements to accommodate increased traffic), just like we did with many plants, just like we did with the movie theater/bowling alley complex, etc. I was referring to the government giving WalMart money for payroll, which was the implication in the post I was responding to. I have no problem courting business to the area. We receive the benefit, not only of WalMart, but the Cato, Sally's, Supercuts, Radio Shack, nail salon, restaurant, etc that also come with them. It has been great for this community. What I am not aware of is taxpayers giving money to WalMart to meet payroll. Perhaps it is the misuse of the word "subsidy" that confused me.

Courting? :badgrin: You make it sound so moral. You do understand it's legal bribery. Don't you?

Besides what you mentioned, buying the land, building the building, no taxes for years, all goes into one big pot, part of which pays payroll. Then when WalMart opens, it displaces 1.7 jobs for every one it creates. And who wins?
I understand that cities and towns court WalMart to come to them. We did that here (although we made them buy the land and make road improvements to accommodate increased traffic), just like we did with many plants, just like we did with the movie theater/bowling alley complex, etc. I was referring to the government giving WalMart money for payroll, which was the implication in the post I was responding to. I have no problem courting business to the area. We receive the benefit, not only of WalMart, but the Cato, Sally's, Supercuts, Radio Shack, nail salon, restaurant, etc that also come with them. It has been great for this community. What I am not aware of is taxpayers giving money to WalMart to meet payroll. Perhaps it is the misuse of the word "subsidy" that confused me.

Courting? :badgrin: You make it sound so moral. You do understand it's legal bribery. Don't you?

Besides what you mentioned, buying the land, building the building, no taxes for years, all goes into one big pot, part of which pays payroll. Then when WalMart opens, it displaces 1.7 jobs for every one it creates. And who wins?

I see where you are coming from, but I disagree. I don't often shop there, but they have been good for this community. I have no problem giving a company something to get them here. We gained, they gained, we are happy with the arrangement, they are happy with the arrangement. We didn't lose our family owned groceries. Those family groceries are expanding and building new locations. We still have our boutiques. We still have KMart. We still have both of our family owned lumber yards, too, despite Home Depot and Lowe's moving in, too. I don't see any displacement. I just don't have an issue with big box stores in general. I disagree that an entry level, minimum wage job should be able to support a family. I disagree that we are subsidizing WalMart's payroll if a grown up can't earn a raise or move on to a higher end store to make more money with experience gained at WalMart. I just don't consider that a WalMart subsidy at all. That is a family subsidy IMO.

I will concede that we lost an Albertson's big box grocery, but they weren't any different than WalMart in their practices.

My question, which no one answered, is why name a single employer that pays minimum wage. Why say we subsidize WalMart's payroll when no one ever says we subsidize KMart's payroll or Buffy's car wash payroll? Why always single out the one company out of so many? They are all doing the same thing. By singling them out, it just looks like a targeted witch hunt. Why not hate on the practices as a whole?

Are you ok with KMart? Are you ok with Buffy's car wash? Are you ok with Circle K? Why are those never mentioned? It seems off to me is all.

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