Walk Around NYC compared to a walk around Moscow

Have you been to Santa Monica lately?

Nope, probably been 30 years since I was there. We used to eat at a sushi place on Santa Monica Blvd that was real good and stayed open till 3am I think it was.
Nope, probably been 30 years since I was there. We used to eat at a sushi place on Santa Monica Blvd that was real good and stayed open till 3am I think it was.
It is awful now. Homeless drug addicts everywhere. The fountain in the 3rd Street Prominade can't have water it. Becomes a bathtub.

It's like an enormous open-air hospital with patients that refuse to take their meds.
It is awful now. Homeless drug addicts everywhere. The fountain in the 3rd Street Prominade can't have water it. Becomes a bathtub.

It's like an enormous open-air hospital with patients that refuse to take their meds.
Glad I no longer go there. I hear Venice Beach has turned into a shithole as well.
I just told you. Refusing to do a small thing like wearing a mask to help some vulnerable people out. You pretend not to understand. Either Trump made you ugly or probably you've always been ugly.
Put a mask on if you think it works. It is a personal choice.
I love Russian women.
Maybe you should go to Russia? There are plenty of widowed and single women there … and young Russian women are indeed often very beautiful.

But beware
The biggest factor contributing to … low life expectancy for males is a high mortality rate among working-age males from preventable causes (e.g., alcohol poisoning, stress, smoking, traffic accidents, violent crimes) …

As a result of the large difference in life expectancy between men and women (the greatest in the world), the gender imbalance remains to this day and there are 0.859 males for every female in Russia….

A recent study blamed alcohol for more than half the deaths (52%) among Russians aged 15 to 54 from 1990 to 2001. For the same demographic, this compares to 4% of deaths for the rest of the world.
Now that there is a war going on, with many educated young Russian men leaving the country and others dying in war or even injuring themselves seriously so as to avoid conscription, the likely statistical imbalance will probably only grow.

Average lifespan for Russian men — even before the war— 64.2 years. For women: 71.4 years.
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I love Russian women.
I as well. But she passed on in life and is waiting for me in Heaven.
My only wife was a Russian Nuclear Physicist who I met in Novosibirsk.
She worked at Chernobyl and was there when it melted down.
About a year later we married and she came to the USA.
She was in her final year of residency when the diagnosis was made.
An extremely rear form of cancer. We fought valiantly.
Not a dry eye at the funeral. I took her back to Novosibirsk
and put her in the ground.
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We all already know that those unable to think for themselves. ..Those living in the matrix will say things like “this guy is a Russian agent” to me call me a putin Agent or something. Of course, as always, I don’t care about it one bit.

Because I am free. My mind is free. I am a true liberal. I’d like to think outside the box and I tell my fellow Democrats think outside the box. Be unique. Be an individual get the hell out of the matrix. Or maybe not Biden supporters keep stuffin your mouth with McDonald’s hamburgers and drugs….

I’ve never supported communism never will. But I am my own man and I also like Russia, because they stood tall and World War II and they stood for what was right when the Germans were attempting to exterminate every Jew of the world it was the Americans and Soviets that liberated the concentration camps.

As for the videos look at the undeniable differences. While there is some remnants of greatness in New York City, Anybody who can see what’s going on can see the cultural decline and filth in the video above right in the screenshot. What happened to men in New York City? You look around and you see tons of obese people. You see folks who are not dressed up very well. They look like slobs. It wasn’t like this in the American past you go back to the 1950s you go to any baseball game all the men wearing suits all the women wearing dresses.

Now look at the video showing the walk around Moscow. There’s not really many obese people. Almost everyone is dressed up to the 9s for the occasion. It kind of reminds us of what New York City looked like in the 1950s. So many beautiful women. The architecture of modern New York City has kind of gotten a little bit dull. But look at the architecture in Moscow it is beautiful it is stunning. In Moscow men are men, women are women. We can learn a lot from this as Americans we can learn from the Russian people.

i would love to visit Russia one day. Moscow always looked so beautiful in pictures.... but like many vacations I probably never could afford it.

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