#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
Okay, there are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world. Most of them are pretty peaceful.

Look, buddy, I realize that being a white trash loser, you need to hate on people, but maybe you should look to improving yourself.

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah.

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country.

Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists' Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad - Center for Security Policy
This thread serves as good example of how you're falling for Russian Trolls.

Funny, I listened to the interview of the former liberal that started this today and he was very American........

You have been duped.


Yes, it was originally started by Brandon Straka. But it was nothing until last week, when Kremlin troll bots co-opted #walkaway. It's been astro-turfed by the russians.

If you read the article, you'd know this already.
This thread serves as good example of how you're falling for Russian Trolls.

Funny, I listened to the interview of the former liberal that started this today and he was very American........

You have been duped.


Yes, it was originally started by Brandon Straka. But it was nothing until last week, when Kremlin troll bots co-opted #walkaway. It's been astro-turfed by the russians.

If you read the article, you'd know this already.

It's the ROOSKIES!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!
According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

Another Islamophobic website that I won't bother reading? Ho-hum.

Go back and answer the question, how many Muslims do you actually know?

I know quite a few, and not a one of them has ever tried to get me to convert or threatened to behead me.
Okay, there are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world. Most of them are pretty peaceful.

Look, buddy, I realize that being a white trash loser, you need to hate on people, but maybe you should look to improving yourself.
I don't hate anybody or anything that shouldn't be hated, but if you are OK with an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that preaches hatred, genocide, massive misogyny, pedophilia, rape, animal cruelty, and other vile behavior, then it's YOU who needs to look to improve yourself.

Remember no true Muslim is peaceful. None. If they are, they're not a Muslim, but maybe are just a MINO (Muslim in name only). No charge for the deprogramming.

You also need to get over your hatred of white people, and fix that foul mouth of yours. (should have been done by the forum)
How could you your stupid question win you the debate?

You owe the readers some tangible evidence that backs up your hysterical conclusion that Obama colluded with Baghdadi. You have nothing. Absolutely nothing.

You have responded to none of my arguments except with more bullshit and lies.
I won the debate because you failed to answer my question about how al Baghdadi could have sent his long convoys of ISIS vehicles out on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes), if he had not been given the green light by Obama. He had to have been given the OK. Proof is in the pudding-convoys. :biggrin: And you failed to refute it, or even respond to the question.

You further failed to respond to the additional question of why the convoy were met with nothing but the "pinpricks", as ex-generals referred to them (more proof of the collusion) When Clinton was president, he hit Kosovo with 700 airstrikes a day. Obama didn't even do 1% that many against ISIS. W

Maybe the real question we should be asking is, who was actually the commander of ISIS ? Al Baghdadi, or Obama ? :confused-84:
I don't hate anybody or anything that shouldn't be hated, but if you are OK with an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that preaches hatred, genocide, massive misogyny, pedophilia, rape, animal cruelty, and other vile behavior, then it's YOU who needs to look to improve yourself.

Dude, you have to stop dissing Roman Catholicism like that.

Remember no true Muslim is peaceful. None. If they are, they're not a Muslim, but maybe are just a MINO (Muslim in name only). No charge for the deprogramming.

Again, guy, there are 1.3 billion of them. If they were all rabid angry monsters like the ones you think are hiding under your bed, we'd be in some serious trouble. Mostly, they just want to be left alone. Maybe we could manage that.

You also need to get over your hatred of white people, and fix that foul mouth of yours. (should have been done by the forum)

I have no problem with White People. I am white.

I have a big problem with white trash. You know, the kind of loser who gets all the huge advantages this racist society provides white people, and you all still end up getting drunk in the trailer park whining about how the Darkies have it so good.
I won the debate because you failed to answer my question about how al Baghdadi could have sent his long convoys of ISIS vehicles out on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes), if he had not been given the green light by Obama. He had to have been given the OK. Proof is in the pudding-convoys. :biggrin: And you failed to refute it, or even respond to the question.

You further failed to respond to the additional question of why the convoy were met with nothing but the "pinpricks", as ex-generals referred to them (more proof of the collusion) When Clinton was president, he hit Kosovo with 700 airstrikes a day. Obama didn't even do 1% that many against ISIS. W

Maybe the real question we should be asking is, who was actually the commander of ISIS ? Al Baghdadi, or Obama ?

Maybe Obama didn't want us getting embroiled in someone else' civil war.

It was always up to the Iraqis and Syrians to beat ISIS, not us.
protectionist post: 20333744
I won the debate because you failed to answer my question about how al Baghdadi could have sent his long convoys of ISIS vehicles out on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes), if he had not been given the green light by Obama. He had to have been given the OK. Proof is in the pudding-convoys. :biggrin: And you failed to refute it, or even respond to the question.

You are lying.

#1 I asked for the date and location of the convoys you think prove something. You have not provided that.

#2 There were convoys that were not bombed, but there were at least 13,000 airstrikes on ISIS assets under Obama and ISIS convoys were bombed. For every convoy not hit there was a convoy at least a convoy hit. There were nomore open convoys when Trumpo took over. So if an open convoy (not-targeted) somehow proves collusion between Obama and Baghdadi then a targeted convoy proves no collusion.

#3 The open convoys ceased under Obama because he bombed the shit out of them. What that proves is you are an idiot.

#4 Your claim that Baghdadi “had to have been given the OK” by Obama to operate in open convoys is utter nonsense. You neither can confirm nor speculate there is a causal relationship between a green light by Obama and an open ISIS convoy. Please respond if you can articulate the indisputable link.

#5 Obama was justified not to become Shiite Maliki’s Air Force when Maliki was mistreating Iraqi Sunnis. You are probably too stupid to understand what that means.
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progressives believe some are better than others. conservatives believe all men are created equal.

as a gay millenial, who voted for Obama and Trump, whose views span all across the political spectrum, i've been treated well by conservatives, and horribly by liberals.

i choose to walk away!
protectionist, post: 20333744.
You further failed to respond to the additional question of why the convoy were met with nothing but the "pinpricks"

Liar. If you knew how to use the search option and typed in “pinprick” and “notfooledbyw” you would see I responded.

Also you must not know how to open an inserted quote to read it.

NotfooledbyW, post: 20304988
protectionist, post: 20304587
The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

Provide a link that backs that up. One of your links to date are from two Fox News armchair Generals about airstrikes inside Iraq to protect Kurdish forces and other humanitarian objectives.

So you refer to the first few pinprick air strikes that were entirely defensive and after the fall of Mosul. You cannot produce evidence of an ISIS invasion by convoy that would have prevented Fallujah and Mosul from falling to ISIS had Obama bombed this open road convoys prior to the fall of Fallujah that never existed.

There were none. That is why.

And why don’t you post regarding the 13,000 offensive air strikes ordered by Obama that decimated ISiS.

Why did Obama lead the coalition to do this?

DECEMBER 6, 2016
Iraqi Army Begins New Assault on Mosul
Iraqi army units launched a new attack on Mosul from the southeast, advancing towards a bridge in the center of the city (Reuters).

Mosul was 1/3 liberated on Obama's watch.

It took Trumpo ten months to lo liberate one city.

Why why why would Obama have risked collusion with Baghdadi and then led a coalition to defeat him?

Learn how to use features provided on this message board before continuing to make a fool of yourself again.
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protectionist, post: 20333744.
You further failed to respond to the additional question of why the convoy were met with nothing but the "pinpricks"

Liar. If you knew how to use the search option and typed in “pinprick” and “notfooledbyw” you would see I responded.

Also you must not know how to open an inserted quote to read it.

NotfooledbyW, post: 20304988
protectionist, post: 20304587
The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

Provide a link that backs that up. One of your links to date are from two Fox News armchair Generals about airstrikes inside Iraq to protect Kurdish forces and other humanitarian objectives.

So you refer to the first few pinprick air strikes that were entirely defensive and after the fall of Mosul. You cannot produce evidence of an ISIS invasion by convoy that would have prevented Fallujah and Mosul from falling to ISIS had Obama bombed this open road convoys prior to the fall of Fallujah that never existed.

There were none. That is why.

And why don’t you post regarding the 13,000 offensive air strikes ordered by Obama that decimated ISiS.

Why did Obama lead the coalition to do this?

DECEMBER 6, 2016
Iraqi Army Begins New Assault on Mosul
Iraqi army units launched a new attack on Mosul from the southeast, advancing towards a bridge in the center of the city (Reuters).

Mosul was 1/3 liberated on Obama's watch.

It took Trumpo ten months to lo liberate one city.

Why why why would Obama have risked collusion with Baghdadi and then led a coalition to defeat him?

Learn how to use features provided on this message board before continuing to make a fool of yourself again.

ISIS was a CIA created proxy army using resources from other intel agencies like the Mossad, Saudi intel, MI5 and MI6 using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons and supplies to wage a war against Syria...and the Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet were in the loop. Benghazi was all about arming them with weapons that were used against Libya, another country that was destroyed as planned by the PNAC'ers. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground if you believe otherwise.
Dale Smith, post: 20341322
ISIS was a CIA created proxy army using resources from other intel agencies like the Mossad, Saudi intel, MI5 and MI6 using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons and supplies to wage a war against Syria...and the Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet were in the loop. Benghazi was all about arming them with weapons that were used against Libya, another country that was destroyed as planned by the PNAC'ers. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground if you believe otherwise

You are seriously mentally ill. Easily overcome by conspiracy theories designed for propaganda weakend minds.

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