#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
protectionist, post: 20389846,
1. HA HA HA! "Date & location" ? Why would you ask for that ? How does just about EVERY DAY on the nightly news, for 2 years sound ? Does THAT answer you moronic, BS question ?

Because you are lying and you can’t establish a factual link to your bullshit claim that Obama gave the green light to Baghdadii to invade Iraq from Syria in large open road convoys.

There were zero news reports showing ISIS convoys driving toward Iraq from Syria until after ISIS took over Fallujah and Mosul.

You are just a liar and you crap out when called on it every time.
OMG!!!!! You're still here. In this thread ? HA HA HA . oh WOW! I thought you like died of old age.

:icon_rolleyes: :puhleeze: :right: :rolleyes-41: :soapbox: :wtf: :rolleyes:
Time to join the Libertarian or Freedom parties. Vacate the Socialist bastion of hate calling itself Democrats.
According to an article last Thursday in the Epoch Times, some five million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the groundbreaking video showing a “very handsome gay man” who describes his awakening to the inanities of liberalism and the Democratic Party.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth,” he says. “I reject hate.”

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”
#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves
According to Gallup about 26% are republican, 29% are democrats and 44% are independent.
I know facts are hard for you.
3. I've already articulated the INDISPUTABLE link between Obama and al Baghdadi. Here it is again, There is NO WAY that al Baghdadi would/could have sent the convoys out on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes), without a clear green light from Obama. NO WAY.

That is not a link you moron.

This is an outright lie.

“There is NO WAY that al Baghdadi would/could have sent the convoys out on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes), without a clear green light from Obama”

There are infinitesimal ‘ways’ Baghdadi sends convoys out in the open having absolutely nothing to do with collusion with Obama.

In the preceding post I posted a link to an airstrike that destroyed I75 ISIS vehicles in June 2016, then another strike a month later in July.

Logic has it that there was no waiting for the green light from Obama in June or ever because after seeing an open convoy destroyed in June Bagdadi sent another one out A month later just to meet the same fate.

Your ‘No Way’ has to be one of the most stupidest ‘links’ between Obama and Baghdadi
That a right wing nut job conspiracy theory riven right wing nutjob couke dream up. My god are you stupid.
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Thank you photostock lady... do you have any real people who've done that, let me know.

Generic ballot shows a 7.9% Dem advantage.
That is just a gif that someone created.

You won’t find that on any #walkaway related material.

It like that add with the pretty black girl who says she votes Republican, and then we found her image was used for online college, eye store and other ads.
Anyone can make gifs and memes, idiot.

The fact is that #walkaway is growing every day, every minute, every hour and you are doing everything you can to keep yourself from going on the Facebook page to observe your party’s demise.

BTW We just had a Hispanic kid from California join not too long ago. Along with Filipino triplets.
Anyone can make gifs and memes, idiot.

The fact is that #walkaway is growing every day, every minute, every hour and you are doing everything you can to keep yourself from going on the Facebook page to observe your party’s demise.

Sorry, man, some Facebook page made up int he Russian Troll farm doesn't impress all that much.

When I see people I've known here to be Democrats saying, "Yup, I'm done", then I'll take you seriously...
There are infinitesimal ‘ways’ Baghdadi sends convoys out in the open having absolutely nothing to do with collusion with Obama.

In the preceding post I posted a link to an airstrike that destroyed I75 ISIS vehicles in June 2016, then another strike a month later in July.

Logic has it that there was no waiting for the green light from Obama in June or ever because after seeing an open convoy destroyed in June Bagdadi sent another one out A month later just to meet the same fate.

Your ‘No Way’ has to be one of the most stupidest ‘links’ between Obama and Baghdadi
That a right wing nut job conspiracy theory riven right wing nutjob couke dream up. My god are you stupid.

You are stuck in time. Perhaps a two week window as Obama made defensive air strikes to protect the Yazidus that were trapped on the mountain.

Of course those strikes were pinpricks you idiot. You don’t want to kill people you are trying to protect.

Later the 13,000 offensive air strikes began and you believe that zero convoys were hit.

You are such an idiot. Watch and weep for getting caught lying again;

U.S. airstrikes hit ISIS convoys - YouTube
Jun 30, 2016 · Coalition airstrikes targeted two ISIS convoys leaving Falluja over two days, destroying about 175 vehicles carrying militants ...

Gee. 175 ISIS VEHICLES DESTROYED. must have been a convoy hit by something more than a pinprick.

Dramatic video 'shows destruction of huge ISIL convoy' | ISIS News | Al Jazeera
Jul 2, 2016 · US and Iraqi armies release footage they say shows a long line of ISIL vehicles being attacked from the air.
"Pin pricks" is not my phrase. It is from 3 US Generals - 3 star Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney, 2 star Army Major General Bob Scales, and 4 star General Jack Keane.

All 3 were retired when they criticized Obama's DO-NOTHING policy on ISIS (because he was in cahoots with them). Being retired, they were not under the duress of Obama (Commander in Chief), and could say whatever they chose to. No offense, but rather than your version, I'll go with the Generals. :salute:

US Generals on Iraq Obama Must Do More Than Pinprick Airstrikes

PS - rather than just being in collusion with al Baghdadi, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it became shown that al Baghdadi was # 2 in command of ISIS, and Obama the number # 1 of ISIS. Maybe he still is. ISIS is still attacking periodically in the middle east. Maybe Obama's work. If not, I'm sure he's cheering every time they attack and kill innocent people.

And we don't even need the generals' testimony or anyone. The proof is in the videos and photos of the highways. Without Obama's OK, these pictures could never have existed. Simple as that. :biggrin:

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Anyone can make gifs and memes, idiot.

The fact is that #walkaway is growing every day, every minute, every hour and you are doing everything you can to keep yourself from going on the Facebook page to observe your party’s demise.
When I see people I've known here to be Democrats saying, "Yup, I'm done", then I'll take you seriously...
Once that happens New York will be a solid red state with New York City trending red.

The Democrats here are hardcore partisans that are comparable to MSNBC anchors or the Young Turks.They hate Republicans almost as much as I hate Democrats. They will likely never leave.

The problem for you is that young people are going to go almost completely Republican because they are much more concerned with actual equality than grudges and partisanship. Every time young people see you assholes attacking their family members and their friends for being white, for being Christian, or expressing an opinion that they might have once held, that plants a permanent seed. Even the highly partisan Democrat millennials and Gen Zers have absolutely no idea how far you have sunk and will easily become Republicans once political issues start to affect them directly.

This is why you have no choice but amnesty for illegals, because with each passing day society is actually becoming more anti-Democrat, not less.
The problem for you is that young people are going to go almost completely Republican because they are much more concerned with actual equality than grudges and partisanship. Every time young people see you assholes attacking their family members and their friends for being white, for being Christian, or expressing an opinion that they might have once held, that plants a permanent seed. Even the highly partisan Democrat millennials and Gen Zers have absolutely no idea how far you have sunk and will easily become Republicans once political issues start to affect them directly.

Most of those young kids with bigoted parents are kind of embarrassed by them... sorry to break that to you.
The problem for you is that young people are going to go almost completely Republican because they are much more concerned with actual equality than grudges and partisanship. Every time young people see you assholes attacking their family members and their friends for being white, for being Christian, or expressing an opinion that they might have once held, that plants a permanent seed. Even the highly partisan Democrat millennials and Gen Zers have absolutely no idea how far you have sunk and will easily become Republicans once political issues start to affect them directly.

Most of those young kids with bigoted parents are kind of embarrassed by them... sorry to break that to you.
No, most of these kids know their parents have barely even discussed race and that you all are the bigots.

A lot of black and Hispanic kids are also rejecting the bigotry and racism in their communities, which means they eventually reject you as well.

Blatant anti-white racism is no longer accepted, and that means your party is no longer accepted. Your party will die with the baby boomers.
Progressive democrat Socialists are driving everyone except Illegals, the non-living and real Communists out of their Party. Don't interfere with them!

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