#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
161,000 on Facebook alone.

And Facebook is a dying medium.

161K Republicans pretending to be aggreived Democrats? color me unimpressed.

The reality- Trump is barely holding on the by the skin of his teeth when he should have approval ratings in the 70's.
He can’t have an approval rating in the 70s when Democrats are so stupid and delusional as to believe he is a Russian puppet.

Don’t worry though, that 161,000 will be well over 1 million by 2019.
No, most of these kids know their parents have barely even discussed race and that you all are the bigots.

A lot of black and Hispanic kids are also rejecting the bigotry and racism in their communities, which means they eventually reject you as well.

Blatant anti-white racism is no longer accepted, and that means your party is no longer accepted. Your party will die with the baby boomers.

Guy, Trump has done very well on exploiting the fears of white trash losers, but frankly, once they figure out that the factory jobs are never coming back, they are going to be disillusioned....

Shit, Trump can't break 40% approval in a perfect economy that Obama left him... just wait until it goes south.
What part of 4.1% GDP growth do you not understand?
Confidence of the monied that Obama's redistributive, you didn't build that era was over.

They didn't build that, and frankly, most of the rich are using their tax cuts for stock buy-backs... so it will probably be a wash economically...

Don't worry, though, buddy. When the recession starts next year - and it will - you can tell us how THAT'S Obama's fault.

The Democrat Party hides it's head in the sand and pretends that they aren't turning people off with their antics. They believe their own press. Reality, as always, disagrees.

I think both parties are turning people off with their antics... but that's besides the point, isn't it?
Confidence of the monied that Obama's redistributive, you didn't build that era was over.

They didn't build that, and frankly, most of the rich are using their tax cuts for stock buy-backs... so it will probably be a wash economically...

Don't worry, though, buddy. When the recession starts next year - and it will - you can tell us how THAT'S Obama's fault.

The Democrat Party hides it's head in the sand and pretends that they aren't turning people off with their antics. They believe their own press. Reality, as always, disagrees.

I think both parties are turning people off with their antics... but that's besides the point, isn't it?

No, it's exactly to the point of the OP. And no, the right is attracting more and more people.
OODA_Loop, post: 20465467
you didn't build that era

That era unfortunately is not over. Trumpo has turned political lying into an art form.

The “you didn’t build that” era was a right wing lie. Obama spoke about infrastructure - not private property. Rotten Romney edited out the part about the bridges in his racist political ads. Lying Republicans - the whole damn bunch of them.
Was every one of the 13,000 airstrikes that Obama’s coalition fired upon ISIS targets from 2013 through 2016 called pinpricks by your Fox Fake News Generals also called a pinprick?

Yes or no?

You’ve already been informed that those early air strikes were defensive in nature and authorized with the intent to save the Yazidus trapped in the mountain.

Of course those air strikes were pinpricks you ignorant lying moron. You are lying because so many air strikes after those initial protective airstrikes were devastating to ISIS command and control and terrorist fighter movements.

Over ten thousand subsequent airstrikes don’t register in your feeble lying brain because you are so overcome with racist hatred of Having a black president. There is no other explanation for spreading such a bogus conspiracy theory about President Obama being the top Commandet of ISIS.

By the way, reports are coming in that ISIS is staging a come back in central Iraq under Donald J Trumpo’s nose. Are you going to present fairly soon your conspiracy theory that Trumpo took over as top Commander green lighting and directing ISIS fighters hie to take over Iraq?
Who told you there were 13,000 airstrikes on ISIS ? CNN ? MSNBC ? The New York Laughingstock Times ? I doubt if there were even 13, let alone 13,000. Man, it looks like you'd believe ANYTHING, if your friends tell it to you.

Again , I am not who said the Obama TOKEN airstikes were "pinpricks". That word was coined by various ex-generals of our armed forces, who are a source of which there is none better.

McCain Calls Obama's 'Pinprick' Iraq Strikes 'Meaningless' and 'Almost Worse Than Nothing'

US Generals on Iraq: Obama Must Do More Than 'Pinprick' Airstrikes

The Pinprick President

U.S. won’t provide airstrikes for Iraqi offensive against Islamic State: Pentagon

"devastating to ISIS command and control" HA HA HA. I'll admit I'm getting some really good laughs listening to you.

EARTH TO NFBW: Does THIS look like ISIS being devastated ?


The convoys traveled all across Syria and in Iraq almost 100% unmolested, while they were sitting ducks for airstrikes that Obama refused to authorize. Of course not. Obama is one of them, if not their top leader. While he was not authorizing airstrikes he was probably the one authorizing the convoys and all the havoc they engaged in.

And oh, HA HA HA....the RACE CARD! Well, what, well respecting liberal post would ever be complete with it ? :rolleyes: :slap:

Yes, I do see ISIS striking some targets lately. Well, Trump has beefed up the US military after the inexcusable reduction of it by Obama. There will be plenty of manpower and machinepower to go after them, like Trump said during the camaign, > "We'll knock the hell out of ISIS"

You may notice that these latest ISIS attacks are covert suicide bombers, not large convoys of troops moving about on open desert roads. You're not seeing that anymore. ISIS wouldn't dare do that. They don't have the Obama collusion to rely on now. If they tried it, Trump would decimate them, and they know it. And you are a brainwashed fool.
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Guy, Trump has done very well on exploiting the fears of white trash losers, but frankly, once they figure out that the factory jobs are never coming back, they are going to be disillusioned....

Shit, Trump can't break 40% approval in a perfect economy that Obama left him... just wait until it goes south.
See how liberals lie ? >>> "a perfect economy that Obama left him.."

Oh yeah :right: Except that GDP growth was down in the 1s, in Obama's last year, and THAT is the piss poor economy that Obama left him in 2016 going into 2017. See those 3 ONES on the left side of this chart ? THAT is the economy that Obama left Trump with. The same one that Trump repaired, and restored back to health. :biggrin:
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Dude, you have to stop dissing Roman Catholicism like that.

Again, guy, there are 1.3 billion of them. If they were all rabid angry monsters like the ones you think are hiding under your bed, we'd be in some serious trouble. Mostly, they just want to be left alone. Maybe we could manage that.

I have no problem with White People. I am white. I have a big problem with white trash. You know, the kind of loser who gets all the huge advantages this racist society provides white people, and you all still end up getting drunk in the trailer park whining about how the Darkies have it so good.
1. I'm dissing Islam, nothing else, and you know it, Mr Muslim ass-kisser.

2. Your responses are as if you never saw the post you're quoting. The simple answer to you is that same quote. Here it is again >>> Remember no true Muslim is peaceful. None. If they are, they're not a Muslim, but maybe are just a MINO (Muslim in name only). No charge for the deprogramming.

3.The huge advantages this racist society provides go to blacks, not whites. That racism is Affirmative Action, which allows blacks to jump ahead of whites, in job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, home loans, etc., etc. etc.
Notfooledbyw: Based on updates from the Department of Defense I was wrong. There were 14 thousand Airstrikes Against ISIS by the end of July 2016.

The following idiot doubts there were more than thirteen pinprick Airstrikes total over the first two years of Operation Inherent Resolve

My god how can anyone show themselves to be that stupid when writing in a public forum.

protectionist, post: 20467338
I doubt if there were even 13, let alone 13,000.

I know you are an absolute lying idiot.

The following paragraphs from an ABC report contains data that could be corroborated with Defense Dept data if you actually cared about finding the truth.

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the first U.S. airstrikes against ISIS militants.

ISIS had captured the town of Sinjar in northern Iraq, after overrunning the cities of Mosul, Kirkuk, Baiji, and Tikrit to name a few. Tens of thousands of Yazidis who had fled the ISIS siege were trapped on Mount Sinjar, with nowhere to go.

Those first U.S. strikes were limited -- hitting only some ISIS units and convoys -- but they marked the launch of a broader U.S.-led campaign to eradicate ISIS from Iraq and Syria.

On this anniversary, ABC News looks at the airstrikes in the “War Against ISIS” by the numbers, based on updates from the Department of Defense and the Department of State.

Strikes by the U.S. and coalition partners
As of July 27, 2016, the U.S. and coalition partners have conducted more than 14,000 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. Nearly 11,000 of those strikes were from U.S. aircraft. The majority of the strikes -- more than 9,000 -- were in Iraq.

Targets damaged or destroyed
Of the 26,374 targets hit, nearly 8,000 were against ISIS fighting positions, while approximately 6,500 hit buildings. ISIS staging areas and oil infrastructure were each hit around 1,600 times.

Two Years of U.S.-led Airstrikes on ISIS in Syria and Iraq in Numbers

Can you read any facts that I post?
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protectionist, post: 20467338
EARTH TO NFBW: Does THIS look like ISIS being devastated ?


Can you post the links that show the date, location and source of your photos?

Until you do these photos mean nothing to verify as fact any part of your racist tirade against Obama.

And if you want photos and videos with date location and source showing devestated ISIS convoys and other targets they are very easy to find;

9, 2016 | Updated 8:06 a.m. ET Aug. ... After the coalition bombing campaign began two years ago, ...
Inside look at US-led coalition's deadliest single attack on ISIL

Jul 12, 2016 · Coalition aircraft pummeled Islamic State convoys as they ... A June 30, 2016, photo shows damaged vehicles in ...
New “Highway Of Death” In Iraq As ISIS Convoy Gets Annihilated From The Air

By Tyler RogowayJuly 1, 2016 ... Days after Iraqi forces, backed by US airpower, swept ISIS from war-torn Fallujah, a convoy of ... The convoy was probably escaping Iraqi forces ...
Missing: photo ‎| ‎Must include: ‎photo

An Open Source Analysis of the Fallujah "Convoy Massacre"(s) - bellingcat

Jul 6, 2016 · In the last days of June 2016, a combination of Iraqi forces .... Important to note is that the convoy also attacked the Iraqi ... aftermath of coalition airstrike northwest of Fallujah ...
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protectionist, post: 2046733
Again , I am not who said the Obama TOKEN airstikes were "pinpricks"

Do you have any Fox fake news generals on record opining that this Obama authorized air strike is a pinprick?


This image made from video released by Iraq's Counterterrorism Service shows an Islamic State militant convoy destroyed by airstrikes near Fallujah, Iraq on June 29, 2016.

It was an unprecedented opportunity. The Islamic State had learned to avoid massing in large numbers to avoid airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition. Now the militants were clustered in a traffic jam south of the city in what appeared to be a panicked retreat from Fallujah, about 35 miles west of Baghdad. “There was no missing it,” said Maj. Gen. Jay Silveria, deputy commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Command.

When the dust cleared in late June, at least 348 militants were killed and more than 200 vehicles were destroyed, including truck bombs, in one of the deadliest single attacks on the Islamic State since the militants swept into Iraq nearly unopposed two years ago, according to coalition statistics and interviews with officers overseeing the attacks.

Inside look at U.S.-led coalition's deadliest single attack on ISIL

You will cease to be a racist Obama hater in my opinion when you drop your racist assinine conspiracy theory that President Obama was a top commander of ISIS based upon there being only a total of 12 or less pinprick airstikes against ISIS for 2 1/2 years when Obama was in office.firming and leading the coalition against ISIS.
protectionist, post: 20467338
You may notice that these latest ISIS attacks are covert suicide bombers, not large convoys of troops moving about on open desert roads. You're not seeing that anymore. ISIS wouldn't dare do that. They don't have the Obama collusion to rely on now. If they tried it, Trump would decimate them, and they know it.


This image made from video released by Iraq's Counterterrorism Service shows an Islamic State militant convoy destroyed by airstrikes near Fallujah, Iraq on June 29, 2016.

It was an unprecedented opportunity. The Islamic State had learned to avoid massing in large numbers to avoid airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition. Now the militants were clustered in a traffic jam south of the city in what appeared to be a panicked retreat from Fallujah, about 35 miles west of Baghdad. “There was no missing it,” said Maj. Gen. Jay Silveria, deputy commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Command.

When the dust cleared in late June, at least 348 militants were killed and more than 200 vehicles were destroyed, including truck bombs, in one of the deadliest single attacks on the Islamic State since the militants swept into Iraq nearly unopposed two years ago, according to coalition statistics and interviews with officers overseeing the attacks.

Inside look at U.S.-led coalition's deadliest single attack on ISIL

You said ISIS would not dare mass into large convoys because Trumpo would devastate them.

However the above July 2016 report says “The Islamic State had learned to avoid massing in large numbers to avoid airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition” ....... so how can your racist conspiracy theory work if ISIS was avoiding mass gatherings of fighters into large convoys seven months prior to Trumpo taking over?

Had Trumpo hit and devastated large convoys of ISIS fighters as hard as Obama did.

If so show me.
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No, it's exactly to the point of the OP. And no, the right is attracting more and more people.

Trump's approval rating is lower than the number of people who voted for him, and they are 8 points behind on the Generic Ballot.

So, um, no, they aren't.

Bull shit. Trump's rating is higher than 0bama's was at the same point in his presidency. Put your empty head back in the sand, it matters not what lies you tell yourself.

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