#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

How should people exit the Democratic plantation?

  • Walk

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Dear god, get out as fast as you can

    Votes: 42 91.3%

  • Total voters
Most of them will drop the programs, due to inability to get federal funding and other problems Trump will make for them. Next will be attacks on AA in college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, and business loans.

The Federal government has been cutting back on college programs for years, and most of them aren't governed by these rules one way or the other. Trump's ability to make trouble for people is a lot more limited than you think.

And again. He's gone in two years or less.

All this will be part of the added power to Trump's re-election campaign, which he'll win in a landslide, Many say he's already secured the victory.

Nobody has ever won re-election with a negative approval number.

Didn't the Democrats and the Hillary Cabal forecast that she would win 400 Electoral Votes? How'd that work out?

Who are you going to run? Bernie? Pokahauntus? Hillary? All I can say is, GO FOR IT!
So Obama was supposed to insist on keeping American Troops in Iraq when neither Americans nor Iraqis wanted that?

As a matter of fact, yes. That's what a leader does.

How did that work out with failed former President Barack Hussein Obama pulling all our troops out of Iraq?

Who filled the vacuum? I'll help, the vacuum was filled by ISIS establishing a Caliphate and Russia. Brilliant move. Was that another red line?
Time to join the Libertarian or Freedom parties. Vacate the Socialist bastion of hate calling itself Democrats.
According to an article last Thursday in the Epoch Times, some five million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the groundbreaking video showing a “very handsome gay man” who describes his awakening to the inanities of liberalism and the Democratic Party.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth,” he says. “I reject hate.”

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”
#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

You've been had.....again.

Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kr...

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems | HuffPost

Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Democrats in the midterms
Lies and bullshit.
You must be Russian. Not only that, they used shutterstock.






You can take Republicans and mash their faces into a pile of sh!t, and if they decide not to see the sh!t, they will insist it's pudding.
Do you have a clue where those pictures came from?

.....Because it wasn’t from the Facebook page.

At best that is an ad from the Republicans trying to draw attention to the movement. At worst it is a completely fake smear campaign created by the Democrats.
You mean created by Republicans and their Russian cohorts.
"ptbw forever, post: 20479492,
Where the hell are the mods?

This thread has been derailed from its original derailment.

What do you want to say or hear about the walkway movement.

If there is more to discuss let’s hear it.

In the meantime I think everyone should not just walk away from trash talk suggesting Obama colluded with Baghdadi:

protectionist, post: 20304313
Yes he did, and then when ISIS was on the horizon he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow them to take over Iraq by pulling US troops out in 2011followed by the pinpricks.

Obama pulled the troops out on the deadline that Bush, not Obama set because Iraq demanded that deadline be honored.

Do you think Obama pulled troops out as an act of collusion giving Baghdadi and ISIS the pathway to take over Iraq.

I think reality checks are important wherever they must be applied.
Markle, post: 20479536
How did that work out with failed former President Barack Hussein Obama pulling all our troops out of Iraq?

You are confused. Not only was Bush the failed leader that started the war in Iraq he could not finish for five years, Bush was the leader that set the date for all US troops to leave Iraq. Obama did what he had to do to honor the 2008 Bush/Maliki agreement.

Is Iraq a sovereign nation or isn’t it.

Bush invaded a sovereign nation as Trumpo says based on lies.

Why would any American insist Obama’s re-invade Iraq because sovereign and democratic Iraq wanted all troops to be gone by that date that Bush promised the Iraqis we’d be gone.

You appear to be a violent and war prone American when it comes to what you think American leadership is all about.
Obama pulled the troops out on the deadline that Bush, not Obama set because Iraq demanded that deadline be honored.

Do you think Obama pulled troops out as an act of collusion giving Baghdadi and ISIS the pathway to take over Iraq.

I think reality checks are important wherever they must be applied.

All these later and it is still a crappy excuse. His military advisors advised that failed former President Barack Hussein Obama keep our troops in Iraq. President Bush negotiated our troops being in Iraq until President Obama had a chance to get settled in and run his own plan. Obama failed and failed miserably and kept on failing.

Remember the red line?
Russia Inside reports???? Huh. Your link comes with a warning ⚠️ don’t open - dangerous site.

What are you trying to do? Are you working for Putin too?
INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. Ho hum.

PS - in a recent USA Today/Suffolk University survey of 20 political issues, Russia came in dead last in importance to voters.
Markle, post: 20479536,
Who filled the vacuum? I'll help, the vacuum was filled by ISIS establishing a Caliphate

ISIS has not not established a Caliphate in Iraq or anywhere else. Are you having trouble keeping up.

Obama set up the coalition with the Iraqis and Iranians and Kurds doing the fighting on the ground. Ultmately it was the Iraqis fight fight. Obama just like Bush was not the leader of Iraq.

Air strikes cannot retake territory overrun by terrorists. Taking and holding ground requires ground troops.

Obama did it right. No American had any business being in harms way on the ground when Iraqis ran away from the fight as they did in Mosul.
You said; “Nice portrayl of events - handcrafted by Obama and his DOD, and shoveled straight to you by CNN-MSNBC.”

The ‘nice portrayal of events’ was your response to my explanation that Fallujah has and Mosul were not attacked by wide open convoys from the desert.

You said CNN shoveled that straight to me as Obama DOD HANDCRAFTED lies.

Before that you said CNN showed the convoys attacking Mosul and Fallujah in 2014 in TV all over the place.

So which is it? I know which one is true and not handcrafted propaganda. I know which one is your lie.
For the second time (some people have to be told twice), IT DOESN"T MATTER where the convoys were. The point is they were out there for 2 years driving around unattacked and even supplied by Obama. Stop DODGING.

Liar. You have stated that the Lt General I cited was lying for Obama.

What was he lying about if now you claim he was telling the truth?

Did the Fox News report burn your lying lips?
I didn't say he was telling the truth. And I don't care what he said. Only an idiot would pay attention to what a military general said in 2016 (during the Obama years)
You must be Russian. Not only that, they used shutterstock.






You can take Republicans and mash their faces into a pile of sh!t, and if they decide not to see the sh!t, they will insist it's pudding.
Do you have a clue where those pictures came from?

.....Because it wasn’t from the Facebook page.

At best that is an ad from the Republicans I trying to draw attention to the movement. At worst it is a completely fake smear campaign created by the Democrats.
You mean created by Republicans and their Russian cohorts.

The Citizens Mandate

THIS is where you fuckers got the memes. Notice how the recent ones don’t have “walkaway” in them?

#WalkAway Campaign Public Group | Facebook

THIS is the walkaway campaign.
protectionist, post: 20479306
2 YEARS of ISIS convoys, unattacked and actually supplied by Obama, the traitor, the jihadist, the ISIS commander.

But you damned pathetic fool... in reality ISIS convoys and other targets were attacked 14,0000 times. That’s why the Lt General describing the Fallujah airstrikes told us that PRIOR TO THAT strike... ISiS learned NOT to mass together in vehicles. Or did you miss that detail - now that you say that General was not lying.
:puhleeze:You are a sad case. I've never seen such pathetic gullibility.

Did it ever occur to you that if the ISIS convoys had been attacked EVEN 100 times, they would not have done what they did. Went where they went. For cryin out loud, THINK, man. Jeez. :slap:
Markle, post: 20479610
All these later and it is still a crappy excuse. His military advisors advised that failed former President Barack Hussein Obama keep our troops in Iraq

No they did not. Not one military adviser advised Obama to keep troops in Iraq if the Iraqis could not continue the immunity from Iraqi courts that they had until the final date of withdrawal.

The Iraqis had to vote on granting immunity in Parliament as they did in 2008.

There was no way that vote was going to happen.

The only way Obama’s keeps troops on Iraq in 2012 was by a second US overthrow of the Iraqi government, but this time it was impossible to lie about Iraq having WMD,

So what do you think would have given Ibama the right to invade Iraq again?
ISIS has not not established a Caliphate in Iraq or anywhere else. Are you having trouble keeping up.

Obama set up the coalition with the Iraqis and Iranians and Kurds doing the fighting on the ground. Ultmately it was the Iraqis fight fight. Obama just like Bush was not the leader of Iraq.

Air strikes cannot retake territory overrun by terrorists. Taking and holding ground requires ground troops.

Obama did it right. No American had any business being in harms way on the ground when Iraqis ran away from the fight as they did in Mosul.
Who the hell is talking about retaking ? If Obama would not have colluded with al Baghdadi, there never would have been a single ISIS convoy, on a single highway (just like there aren't any now).

And if there were no collusion , and Obama would have attacked ISIS convoys early on, they would have stopped in a heartbeat.
protectionist, post: 20479650
Did it ever occur to you that if the ISIS convoys had been attacked EVEN 100 times, they would not have done what they did. Went where they went.

No. It’s simple. You are full of shit. There was no open desert convoy attack on Fallujah it Mosul.

Fallujah and Mosul were not attacked by ISIS rolling across the desert in open heavily armored convoys. Those convoys you dream about took place after ISIS was dug in to those cities.

No military tactics calls for air strikes into heavily populated cities alone. Air strikes had to be coordinated with ground troops. Obama had the correct policy in that US ground troops were going to die in Iraq in Iraq’s fight,

14,000 airstrikes did cripple ISIS Into retreat from Fallujah by July 2016.

14,000 air strike you stumbling idiot.

Mosul was under siege for months before Trumpo became President. It still took Trumpo about a year to finish off ISIS IN ONE Iraqi City.

Air strikes are not the end all in warfare and counterinsurgency. Ground combat is still the determinant factor in eradicating terrorists in urban warfare.
protectionist, post: 20479668,
Who the hell is talking about retaking ?

You are you moron. Your point is about bombing convoys. Your premise is that at least the first two major cities in Iraq were under assault by huge convoys of fighters and armored vehicles that could have been stopped by US air strikes

The trouble with your premise and your lies based on that premise is there were no convoys to be stopped with airstrikes. That is why I ask you for location and dates of the photos of ISIS convoys you keep flashing on the screen.

So since you are discussing convoys that occurred after the first two major Sunni cities were captured by ISIS and Iraqi sympathizers that lived in those cities, then you have to be talking about retaking those cities.

You seem to not know that Fallujah and Mosul are Sunni cities that were engaged in civil war with their Shiite run government that Bush forced on them . ISIS slithered into those cities to fight alongside residents that welcomed them at first.

Then Isis turned on their hosts.

Not one airstrike could have stopped it. There were no wide open military targets to hit to prevent the fall of the first few Iraqi cities.
Time to join the Libertarian or Freedom parties. Vacate the Socialist bastion of hate calling itself Democrats.
According to an article last Thursday in the Epoch Times, some five million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the groundbreaking video showing a “very handsome gay man” who describes his awakening to the inanities of liberalism and the Democratic Party.

“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal,” begins Brandon Straka, the unlikely face of the new “silent minority” of Americans.

“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth,” he says. “I reject hate.”

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”
#WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves

God forbid the Dems/Libs split and morph into a “new” party before the republicans/conservatives do. The Repubs stepped over the line first with the nomination and election of Trump. The Dems still lack a leader. There is no apparent person to rally behind for the Dems (like Trump for the republicans). Best thing for conservatives is to have the Dems run another recycled party member.
BuckToothMoron, post: 20479720
There is no apparent person to rally behind for the Dems (like Trump for the republicans).

If true it must be because there is no Democrat antidote to dog whistle racism and anti-Muslim and Hispanic immigration politics that Trumpo has mastered.

It’s too bad the goodness in people did not excite and motivate voters as much as hate based politics actually did in 2016.

Trumpo and Republicans are kind of locked in at around forty percent that would not mind if Trumpo grabbed a you know what on live TV,

So all the Dems really need to do is motivate the good people to vote out Republicans from every office they can in November.

Taking the House and Senate are all that’s need to contain Trumpo.
You are you moron. Your point is about bombing convoys. Your premise is that at least the first two major cities in Iraq were under assault by huge convoys of fighters and armored vehicles that could have been stopped by US air strikes

The trouble with your premise and your lies based on that premise is there were no convoys to be stopped with airstrikes. That is why I ask you for location and dates of the photos of ISIS convoys you keep flashing on the screen.

So since you are discussing convoys that occurred after the first two major Sunni cities were captured by ISIS and Iraqi sympathizers that lived in those cities, then you have to be talking about retaking those cities.

You seem to not know that Fallujah and Mosul are Sunni cities that were engaged in civil war with their Shiite run government that Bush forced on them . ISIS slithered into those cities to fight alongside residents that welcomed them at first.

Then Isis turned on their hosts.

Not one airstrike could have stopped it. There were no wide open military targets to hit to prevent the fall of the first few Iraqi cities.
No, I wasn't talking bout retaking, and I have no need to. You have a habit of inventing words and strawman for people, and then attacking them for it. For the 10th time, the convoys were out on open desert roads, for years totally vulnerable, and Obama didn't attack them.

He even issued orders that they not be attacked and even supplied them. Again and again you are told, and still you come back talking strawman nonsense. Brianwashed Obama ass-kisser, Blithering idiot. Why am I even talking to you ?

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