Walker already losing big time to Hilary


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Poll Scott Walker Approval Underwater Trails Hillary In Head-To-Head

A new Marquette University poll has some bad news for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).

The poll, released Thursday, found Walker's approval rating among registered voters at 41 percent while 56 percent said they disapproved of the job he's been doing. In October 2014, 49 percent said they approved of Walker's job performance while 47 percent said they disapproved.

Walker, who has taken serious steps toward running for president in 2016, generally polls at the front or near the front of surveys of likely Republican primary candidates. But he trails in a head-to-head with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who's running for the Democratic nomination for president.

The poll found that in a head-to-head match-up, 52 percent of Wisconsinites surveyed said they would support Clinton, while 40 percent said they would support Walker.

Can you say - Snowball's chance in hell.

Sorry GOP, the WH stays blue.
you idiot liberfools are jumping on the Hitlery band wagon way too soon, just wait till this time next year and you will find dual tire tracks across her body, maybe even multiple sets of tire tracks. :up: .... :lmao:
Every meaningful poll that involved Scott Walker in the past several years has resulted in a victory for him. These meaningful polls are called, "elections."

Pitting HRC against any individual R right now is beyond meaningless. Each of a dozen candidates has supporters and no great affection for the eleven others. But on election day, NO Republican will vote for HRC, and the D's will be about as enthusiastic about her candidacy as they were for Walter Mondale - another empty suit with a 'D' on the back.

The ONLY thing HRC has going for her is the army of elderly federal court judges and justices who will be dying or retiring in the next several years. That is the ONLY reason Democrats have for voting for her.
Poll Scott Walker Approval Underwater Trails Hillary In Head-To-Head

A new Marquette University poll has some bad news for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).

The poll, released Thursday, found Walker's approval rating among registered voters at 41 percent while 56 percent said they disapproved of the job he's been doing. In October 2014, 49 percent said they approved of Walker's job performance while 47 percent said they disapproved.

Walker, who has taken serious steps toward running for president in 2016, generally polls at the front or near the front of surveys of likely Republican primary candidates. But he trails in a head-to-head with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who's running for the Democratic nomination for president.

The poll found that in a head-to-head match-up, 52 percent of Wisconsinites surveyed said they would support Clinton, while 40 percent said they would support Walker.

Can you say - Snowball's chance in hell.

Sorry GOP, the WH stays blue.

Walker has not even declared that he is running. Hildebeast is stepping on the cuffs of her pant suit every time she opens her mouth. Even the dems with brains are trying to dump her fat ass.
Poll Scott Walker Approval Underwater Trails Hillary In Head-To-Head

A new Marquette University poll has some bad news for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).

The poll, released Thursday, found Walker's approval rating among registered voters at 41 percent while 56 percent said they disapproved of the job he's been doing. In October 2014, 49 percent said they approved of Walker's job performance while 47 percent said they disapproved.

Walker, who has taken serious steps toward running for president in 2016, generally polls at the front or near the front of surveys of likely Republican primary candidates. But he trails in a head-to-head with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who's running for the Democratic nomination for president.

The poll found that in a head-to-head match-up, 52 percent of Wisconsinites surveyed said they would support Clinton, while 40 percent said they would support Walker.

Can you say - Snowball's chance in hell.

Sorry GOP, the WH stays blue.

I guess you haven't looked that the Calendar in a while, and forgot it is APRIL 2015.
Wow... The conservative fear of HRC is strong in this thread!

Morons beating morons.

So Hillary is beating someone who isn't even in the race yet in a poll over a year and a half out.

I'm sure Scott walker is terrified.

Btw how did that.Clinton Giuliani 2008 showdown go?
I'm sure Scott walker is terrified.
He should be terrified. You do know that Bill and Hillary have already killed 49 people, right?

Walker? Isn't he the guy who was afraid to answer whether or not he believes in evolution?
Lewinsky's boyfriends wife is throwing herself in the ring ?

Whats a coat tail riding, carpetbagging, scandal ridden dyke to do ?
Poll Scott Walker Approval Underwater Trails Hillary In Head-To-Head

A new Marquette University poll has some bad news for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).

The poll, released Thursday, found Walker's approval rating among registered voters at 41 percent while 56 percent said they disapproved of the job he's been doing. In October 2014, 49 percent said they approved of Walker's job performance while 47 percent said they disapproved.

Walker, who has taken serious steps toward running for president in 2016, generally polls at the front or near the front of surveys of likely Republican primary candidates. But he trails in a head-to-head with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who's running for the Democratic nomination for president.

The poll found that in a head-to-head match-up, 52 percent of Wisconsinites surveyed said they would support Clinton, while 40 percent said they would support Walker.

Can you say - Snowball's chance in hell.

Sorry GOP, the WH stays blue.

Walker already losing big time to Hilary

Good deal. If the field is left wide open enough, my guy, Trump will make a run for it and WIN! :D

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