Walker said Iran and Isis are together. Are they?

Scott Walker's knowledge of world affairs ....is limited.

He's visiting Cleveland for the first time tonight
I'd like to see the actual quote, but it's pretty clear that Scott walker is in over his head.
The only reference of him saying that gives me a link to usmb.

so this, so far, seems made up, and should be rubberized
"Together"? What does "together" mean? We know that Iran leaders chanted "death to America". What more do you need? Is that the best Media Matters can come up with so far?
The only reference of him saying that gives me a link to usmb.

so this, so far, seems made up, and should be rubberized

Apparently he just said in during the debates. There's a lot of coverage on it on Twitter.
iran support hezbolla
syria supports isis

iran and syria are allies, so it's not that much of a logical leap.

even though the op is a complete lie
iran support hezbolla
syria supports isis

iran and syria are allies, so it's not that much of a logical leap.

even though the op is a complete lie

Evidence that "Syria supports ISIS"?

And it's only a legitimate "logical leap" if you know absolutely nothing about Islam and the middle east.
Scott Walker's knowledge of world affairs ....is limited.

He's visiting Cleveland for the first time tonight
In his defense, it is Cleveland.
It's not like Cleveland is on many outsiders' bucket lists...
Scott Walker is out of his depth. He should not speak about foreign policy. Donald Trump just seems like a fucking moron whenever he speaks. Running against him is the Democrats' wet dream. He is makes the Republican Party seem like a know-nothing movement. Jeb Bush is too tentative and seems uncomfortable in his own skin. He has far less charisma than his older brother. Marco Rubio is polished, but he comes off like a used car salesman or a date rapist.

John Kasich, on the other hand, is the real deal. He is smart. He is believable. And he could beat Hillary.

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