Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over

Maybe if they'd try to prosecute Wall Street scumbags or reform K Street scumbaggery, the American mainstream might see them as something other than retarded, obstructionist imbeciles.

They can not do it ALONE. They need your side of the aisle - but not the ones which do "business as usual" - but the ones who do not depend on those with big pockets and can actually think about the main street Americans.

Don't you think that representatives of those, even if they are om the opposite sides of the spectrum ( which might not turn out to be that opposite, if you put aside all the brainwashing from the LSM, which also serves Wall street, not the Main street) - they would be able to reform a tax code with closing the loopholes and find the means to cut the fat in form of waste to cherished corrupted contractors and so on, and so on, and so on.

I am more than sure that those who don't have strings attached and do not need to bring pork home - can actually do something for their constituents- even if they differ on gay marriage ;)

but the shutdown is about defunding obamacare ... nothing more, nothing less. The dems, for all their warts, have been more than williig to discuss loopholes, but the TP House is opposed to any revenues .... simply because this is their chance to kill obamacare if not soc sec and medicare, though the TP members prolly need those entitlements.

Sure, the dems are willing to discuss anything that will bring in more for them to spend, they are not looking for tax reform that would maintain current funding levels and and make the tax system easier and more fare.
but the shutdown is about defunding obamacare ... nothing more, nothing less. The dems, for all their warts, have been more than williig to discuss loopholes, but the TP House is opposed to any revenues .... simply because this is their chance to kill obamacare if not soc sec and medicare, though the TP members prolly need those entitlements.

see, the problem is you guys ( the left) DO NOT have the equivalent of TPM guys in Congress - AT ALL.
You have ONLY those who are in the deep pockets of big business and Wall street elected from the Democratic party.

Otherwise you would be able to understand that obamacare is nothing more than a big meaty prey for big corporations and big business - and the prey are US - the American taxpayers.
Don't you think that a law written by insurance companies FOR insurance companies does not care about the ones they are planning to hose?

I think that the issue of healthcare is important and I also think that those at the bottom - no matter what they think on gun control or the gay marriage - could reach a mutual point in agreement - even including the extended single payer option.
Isn't that what all your OWS was about? and all you leftard whinies about deep pockets influencing everybody in Congress?

Aren't this finally the way it is SUPPOSED TO BE?

Government shutdown: Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

You would be doing yourself a favor if you stopped spending time here....and instead enrolled in an ESL class.

We know you are a bitter, uninformed person. But why must you torture us with your horrible communication skills? Why?

Anothe lefty attacking the poster and adding nothing to the thread, are we seeing a trend?

You seem to have overlooked my contribution to this thread and focused on my criticism of your pal's shitty language skills. Isn't that odd?
Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over

That’s why most Americans are angry at, and frustrated with, the TPM: because they have no control or influence over the insane members of Congress who indeed belong to the TPM, tea party members who are working to destroy this country – and the vast majority of Americans are angry and frustrated that there’s nothing they can do to stop the madness of the radical right.
Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over

That’s why most Americans are angry at, and frustrated with, the TPM: because they have no control or influence over the insane members of Congress who indeed belong to the TPM, tea party members who are working to destroy this country – and the vast majority of Americans are angry and frustrated that there’s nothing they can do to stop the madness of the radical right.

but isn't that actually a good thing? Isn't that what you, on the left, and we, on the right, were always disgusted about DC - that they are ALL ( on both sides) just doing "business as usual" for the benefit of all those big pockets?

and now, suddenly, a lot of you, leftists are so deeply concerned about the Wall street?
So when are you lying - when you are complaining about Wall street omnipotence or when you are defending them?

Hypocrites :D
You would be doing yourself a favor if you stopped spending time here....and instead enrolled in an ESL class.

We know you are a bitter, uninformed person. But why must you torture us with your horrible communication skills? Why?

Anothe lefty attacking the poster and adding nothing to the thread, are we seeing a trend?

You seem to have overlooked my contribution to this thread and focused on my criticism of your pal's shitty language skills. Isn't that odd?

Damn, I went back and checked the thread, have yet to find any subject related contribution, but maybe I missed it.
Anothe lefty attacking the poster and adding nothing to the thread, are we seeing a trend?

You seem to have overlooked my contribution to this thread and focused on my criticism of your pal's shitty language skills. Isn't that odd?

Damn, I went back and checked the thread, have yet to find any subject related contribution, but maybe I missed it.

meh, he is just a komsomol propaganda mouthpiece - the subject is way above his level of comprehension and he is forbidden to think for himself - only what the masters decided.
Well, the Kochs don't really employ us. Banks are one thing, the chamber of commerce is another. Personally, I'm an old main street republican and I DO CARE what GE and Apple want.

But the article does illustrate that many of the TP congressmen come from small employment rural districts that don't share those concerns .... at least in the abstract. And certainly the elimination of local banks has an effect. But, if the soc sec checks don't get there; if farmer John can't finance something; if Ag subsidies don't arrive .... then we'll see what happens in these districts.

The worst enemy to the small local banks lending to farmer John are the ones too big to fail and their protectors in DC.
Not the TPM.
Isn't that what all your OWS was about? and all you leftard whinies about deep pockets influencing everybody in Congress?

Aren't this finally the way it is SUPPOSED TO BE?

Government shutdown: Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

You would be doing yourself a favor if you stopped spending time here....and instead enrolled in an ESL class.

We know you are a bitter, uninformed person. But why must you torture us with your horrible communication skills? Why?

Another lefty attacking the poster and adding nothing to the thread, are we seeing a trend?

Well, there’s clearly no ‘argument’ to attack.
Isn't that what all your OWS was about? and all you leftard whinies about deep pockets influencing everybody in Congress?

Aren't this finally the way it is SUPPOSED TO BE?

Government shutdown: Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

They're PISSED because they're greedy bastards...QE MIGHT have to end...tough titties.

I know why they are pissed. I can even understand them from their point of view.

I am surprised that our forward platoon here is defending those greedy bastards which they always complain about :D
Isn't that what all your OWS was about? and all you leftard whinies about deep pockets influencing everybody in Congress?

Aren't this finally the way it is SUPPOSED TO BE?

Government shutdown: Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

They're PISSED because they're greedy bastards...QE MIGHT have to end...tough titties.

I know why they are pissed. I can even understand them from their point of view.

I am surprised that our forward platoon here is defending those greedy bastards which they always complain about :D
ANYTHING to fuck with the TEA Party...which means they're fucking with their fellow citizens that have more common sense than they do.

Synopsis? They're morons that love tyranny, and being led by the nose.
When Tea Party and OWS discover they have the exact same grievances, it will be the day of reckoning. Both of them are heavily monitored by the FBI for "domestic" terrorism and extremism. Even says so in the DHS and Army training manuals.

They have "some" of the same grievances. But the Tea Party doesn't think that people have to much money.

And that's a very major difference. In addition to the Tea Party thinking that a black man should not be President.
They have "some" of the same grievances. But the Tea Party doesn't think that people have to much money.

which people? the hated corrupted special interests? the inhabitants of the Wall street? They do not care that much about those. And the people they are representing - do not have too much money.
You have been lied, as always :D

And that's a very major difference. In addition to the Tea Party thinking that a black man should not be President.

that's a bullshit your leftard masters are brainwashing you to keep the masses divided.

divide et impera has been invented very long time ago.

always works with the sheeple.
When Tea Party and OWS discover they have the exact same grievances, it will be the day of reckoning. Both of them are heavily monitored by the FBI for "domestic" terrorism and extremism. Even says so in the DHS and Army training manuals.

They have "some" of the same grievances. But the Tea Party doesn't think that people have to much money.

And that's a very major difference. In addition to the Tea Party thinking that a black man should not be President.

No the Tea Parties don't think this commie SOB sould be president, but feel free to throw around the race card, it just makes you look ignorant and the causes the term to have less impact.
Yet another reason why I'm now an independent, not a Dem or GOP.

Because of all the things I dislike about the Tea Party......this is one thing I like. NOT anything the TP does or says.

But simply that the fat, arrogant pricks on Wall Street are angry that they have no influence.

Im tired of society bending over for the rich, and screwing the little guy. On both sides.

There is no "Tea Party".

All that is left is the tee potty - bitter old fools co-opted by the Kochs.
Yet another reason why I'm now an independent, not a Dem or GOP.

Because of all the things I dislike about the Tea Party......this is one thing I like. NOT anything the TP does or says.

But simply that the fat, arrogant pricks on Wall Street are angry that they have no influence.

Im tired of society bending over for the rich, and screwing the little guy. On both sides.

There is no "Tea Party".

All that is left is the tee potty - bitter old fools co-opted by the Kochs.

luddly, the agenda for tomorrow was not yet given?

you are spewing the one form last Saturday.

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