Wall Street Beavis&Butthead Protester's Excuses Rolled Into One Statement.

Oct 10, 2011

:stupid: Well auhm, err, we are all here because uhm, those evil wall street leyman bank people have all our money and uhm,err,they say that it was all caused by Fran Dresher and Freddie Krooger who gave away houses,but that's a lie. We know that the reason we all still live with our parents is because we have 42,000 billionaires in this country and none of those bastards will share the wealth and none of them pay taxes! we are being physically abused by all the rich people,they wont give us any of their money,and uhh,err,all we want is a new car,free college,free rent,free food,and a job making at least $15,000 a year.

is that asking for too much?{Buuurp}:piss2:
well now we know who watches MSNBC all day&night,as they live with their parents and have no real edumacation. MOMMY MOMMY! Racheal Maddow Is On! I am so excited !!!!
and best thing about the DOW protests, plenty of material for the RNC/and/Romeny/Cain to use for ads next summer. Can you just picture using the footage of Pelosi/Obama and other Dem's praising the protesters and then blending it in with the graphic vids and photo's of people relieving themselves in public.
I wonder how old that kid was that couldn't answer the question, "well if you want to end capitalism,what do you want to replace it with? does he even live with his parents? did he graduate high school? maybe he is in the 20% who think Obama can just keep printing money.

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