Wallingford police called after Nazi, Confederate merchandise found at flea market

Whose "offended-ness" trumps the "offended-ness" of others?

Is there a hierarchy of offense? I mean, if we're going to go down this silly road, we should have some guidelines.


are you kidding, that is protected as their right. now take a flag from our history, well Obama promised to Transform our country. and he's not done with it yet.
no doubt it has MANY meanings-----just as the HAMMER AND SICKLE banners have many meanings and just as the Nazi SWASTIKA has many meanings----but to lots of people all of them have very very very negative and hurtful meanings.
You want one of them hanging on your house-----fine with me------I would spit but I would not call the cops or tear the rag down or attend your ROBERT E. LEE birthday party
You're quite right about the diversity of meaning and intentions, but why should we defer to the negative?

I can tell you right from the horse's mouth that every German national who saluted the Swastika and vowed to defend it was not aware of the genocide it came to represent and by the time they found out it was too late to do anything about it without great personal risk. For those Germans the Swastika was a symbol of national pride -- just as the Stars and Stripes is to us.


I should add that there are millions of people in other nations who view the Stars and Stripes the way you and many others view the Swastika. And in many ways they have good cause -- considering the actions and conduct of the Bush conspirators and a few other criminals in high American office.
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Seriously people. No ONE had a problem with this flag until Obama came in office

you need to wake UP to see what they are DOING to you and our country

TRANSFORMATION ANYONE by way of total CHOAS of us and the country?
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Gee, I have an antique uniform button from a Confederate soldier. Maybe I should go to prison.
Fuck yeah… it is a dangerous propaganda material against the Fascist regime. I hope your neighbor will report you...
no doubt it has MANY meanings-----just as the HAMMER AND SICKLE banners have many meanings and just as the Nazi SWASTIKA has many meanings----but to lots of people all of them have very very very negative and hurtful meanings.
You want one of them hanging on your house-----fine with me------I would spit but I would not call the cops or tear the rag down or attend your ROBERT E. LEE birthday party
Was Robert E. Lee motivated by a will to preserve slavery? Was he a slave-holder? I really don't know. But George Washington was. And so was Thomas Jefferson and a few others who framed our beloved Document. So should we strike the Stars and Stripes from all public buildings?

Maybe not today, but there's always tomorrow.
You want one of them hanging on your house-----fine with me------I would spit but I would not call the cops or tear the rag down or attend your ROBERT E. LEE birthday party
Why? How about live and let live?
Seriously people. No ONE had a problem with this flag until Obama came in office

you need to wake UP to see what they are DOING to you and our country

TRANSFORMATION ANYONE by way of total CHOAS of us and the country?

Actually...living here at ground zero of that flag in SC....I can say almost no one gave a fuck about it until the media realized they werent gonna get riots from Charleston. They NEED ratings. They will ggenerate outrage if needed.

And they have an army of braindead liberals chanting "Tell us what offends us. Tell us what offends us" patiently waiting for MSNBC to...well...tell them what to be offended by.
WALLINGFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Over the weekend, Wallingford police were dispatched after someone called them to say there was a merchant selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia at flea market, which some had found deeply offensive. The police chief says no one was arrested because no laws were broken; the items were being sold on private property.

It’s not clear if the items that were being sold were authentic, but they’re easy to find in Connecticut. Military Specialties, Inc. in Newington sells a variety of historical military objects, including those produced by the Third Reich and Confederate reproductions.

“It’s here and you’re likely to see it,” said co-owner William Moore. “If you want, we’ll talk to you about it and give you the history about it.”

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

“This is America, you can buy and sell whatever you care to,” said Moore.

Police say the mayor’s office is looking into a complaint made over the incident.

Wallingford police called after Nazi Confederate merchandise found at flea market

Why would anyone be arrested for having or selling Nazi or Confederate merchandise?
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!
WALLINGFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Over the weekend, Wallingford police were dispatched after someone called them to say there was a merchant selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia at flea market, which some had found deeply offensive. The police chief says no one was arrested because no laws were broken; the items were being sold on private property.

It’s not clear if the items that were being sold were authentic, but they’re easy to find in Connecticut. Military Specialties, Inc. in Newington sells a variety of historical military objects, including those produced by the Third Reich and Confederate reproductions.

“It’s here and you’re likely to see it,” said co-owner William Moore. “If you want, we’ll talk to you about it and give you the history about it.”

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

“This is America, you can buy and sell whatever you care to,” said Moore.

Police say the mayor’s office is looking into a complaint made over the incident.

Wallingford police called after Nazi Confederate merchandise found at flea market

Why would anyone be arrested for having or selling Nazi or Confederate merchandise?

I have no pov on confederate material but Nazi material? It should be seized and burned. Those who deal in it should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!!! WHAT A DISGRACE!!!!
WALLINGFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Over the weekend, Wallingford police were dispatched after someone called them to say there was a merchant selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia at flea market, which some had found deeply offensive. The police chief says no one was arrested because no laws were broken; the items were being sold on private property.

It’s not clear if the items that were being sold were authentic, but they’re easy to find in Connecticut. Military Specialties, Inc. in Newington sells a variety of historical military objects, including those produced by the Third Reich and Confederate reproductions.

“It’s here and you’re likely to see it,” said co-owner William Moore. “If you want, we’ll talk to you about it and give you the history about it.”

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

“This is America, you can buy and sell whatever you care to,” said Moore.

Police say the mayor’s office is looking into a complaint made over the incident.

Wallingford police called after Nazi Confederate merchandise found at flea market

Why would anyone be arrested for having or selling Nazi or Confederate merchandise?

I have no pov on confederate material but Nazi material? It should be seized and burned. Those who deal in it should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!!! WHAT A DISGRACE!!!!

Perhaps. Perhaps not. But it has nothing to do with the government. If you don't like it....buy it and burn it.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.


If you want a confederate flag feel free to buy one. I've got no problem with it.

A nazi one? Would make you a partaker of their evil satanic sins - it should be destroyed by fire.
WALLINGFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Over the weekend, Wallingford police were dispatched after someone called them to say there was a merchant selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia at flea market, which some had found deeply offensive. The police chief says no one was arrested because no laws were broken; the items were being sold on private property.

It’s not clear if the items that were being sold were authentic, but they’re easy to find in Connecticut. Military Specialties, Inc. in Newington sells a variety of historical military objects, including those produced by the Third Reich and Confederate reproductions.

“It’s here and you’re likely to see it,” said co-owner William Moore. “If you want, we’ll talk to you about it and give you the history about it.”

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

“This is America, you can buy and sell whatever you care to,” said Moore.

Police say the mayor’s office is looking into a complaint made over the incident.

Wallingford police called after Nazi Confederate merchandise found at flea market

Why would anyone be arrested for having or selling Nazi or Confederate merchandise?

I have no pov on confederate material but Nazi material? It should be seized and burned. Those who deal in it should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!!! WHAT A DISGRACE!!!!

Perhaps. Perhaps not. But it has nothing to do with the government. If you don't like it....buy it and burn it.

Believe me! If I come across it! I will! I'll burn it right in front of them and tell them I don't mind paying to do what they should have done in the first place for themselves! (and taken the loss!) I'd also make sure everyone else nearby heard me! I'd shout it at the top of my voice!!!!!!
So somewhere in Wallingford, Connecticut, nothing happened. Great story.

You completely missed the point. It's not that nothing happened, something is happening and it's not good. With all the BS over flying the confederate flag people seem to think they can impose their beliefs on other people. The fact that someone was so ignorant of someone's else's Constitutional rights says a lot. The general consensus is that if it offends someone it should disappear. We are becoming Hyper sensitive.

I could take this a step further and say that liberals don't seem to think that they have to consider anyone else if it offends them and their agenda. It's a dangerous mindset. "I don't like that so you have to take it down" attitude is becoming prevalent and this article is an proof of that. Another example is the Confederate flag and Nazi' memorabilia bad and needs to be removed but fly gay pride flags and rainbow up the white house, regardless that a considerable amount of the country(mostly conservative) disagrees with it, that's OK fuck their feelings. What happens if a Conservative wins the White House in 2016? Do liberals want to be treated the same way they are treating conservatives? Could happen.
What would a conservative try to do to liberals if they were elected to the White House? Most of the things conservatives WANT to do to liberals are completely unconstitutional. So I'm not sure what you're worried about.

It was also perfectly constitutional for the person in your OP to be selling his items. So follow the constitution, and you'll be just fine. :thup:
Back lash. New laws will be made. If laws can be overturned, they will be. It will all be Constitutional of course but that doesn't mean Libs will like it. Where Conservatives might have been apathetic or yielding, now they will be vocal and resolute.
Nazi material should be outlawed and banned! What in the world is wrong with people today? No conscience whatsoever! It makes me sick!!!!
So somewhere in Wallingford, Connecticut, nothing happened. Great story.

You completely missed the point. It's not that nothing happened, something is happening and it's not good. With all the BS over flying the confederate flag people seem to think they can impose their beliefs on other people. The fact that someone was so ignorant of someone's else's Constitutional rights says a lot. The general consensus is that if it offends someone it should disappear. We are becoming Hyper sensitive.

I could take this a step further and say that liberals don't seem to think that they have to consider anyone else if it offends them and their agenda. It's a dangerous mindset. "I don't like that so you have to take it down" attitude is becoming prevalent and this article is an proof of that. Another example is the Confederate flag and Nazi' memorabilia bad and needs to be removed but fly gay pride flags and rainbow up the white house, regardless that a considerable amount of the country(mostly conservative) disagrees with it, that's OK fuck their feelings. What happens if a Conservative wins the White House in 2016? Do liberals want to be treated the same way they are treating conservatives? Could happen.
What would a conservative try to do to liberals if they were elected to the White House? Most of the things conservatives WANT to do to liberals are completely unconstitutional. So I'm not sure what you're worried about.

It was also perfectly constitutional for the person in your OP to be selling his items. So follow the constitution, and you'll be just fine. :thup:
Back lash. New laws will be made. If laws can be overturned, they will be. It will all be Constitutional of course but that doesn't mean Libs will like it. Where Conservatives might have been apathetic or yielding, now they will be vocal and resolute.
New laws like what?
Abortion laws,Obama care, laws protecting Christians from having to bake cakes for gay events, tougher immigration laws...

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