Walmart Employees Place Food Donation Bins at Doorstep of Alice Walton's $25 Million Condo

Yet you keep pushing for laws that do exactly that. You bitch about tax payer money supporting Walmart employees but you want obiecare to give them subsidies for their insurance, you want more food stamps available to more people and on top of that you want higher wages which will accomplish nothing once the price adjustments are made.

How about you left wing assholes stop promoting laws that force employers to have people on welfare through taxation and other regulations? Walmart didn't create this economic environment you did.
This is where you idiots and your pictures come off the rails. A wage increase would mean 1.1% more at Walmart but the wage increase filters through the entire fucking system not just the end retailer. That means the production cost will increase, transportation, Warehousing etc. So each of them will increase their costs before the product even gets to Walmart. Who then will add another 1.1% on top of all the others adding their increase. Which in the end means your price will go up more like 15-20%. And as an added bonus Walmart becomes much richer since their 1.1% not only covers cost but profit margin.

Everything you leftards come up with to fix a problem actually makes it worse.
and link?
A link? It's common sense and math. You need a link to teach you that? Are you not capable of thinking this through on your own without an enabler?

I am your link. Think about the situation on your own and stop looking for others to support your desired findings or mine. I don't need a link it's common fucking sense.
You're not very good at this. Link or zip it cup cake :anj_stfu:
So you are telling me you are incapable of coming to a conclusion all by yourself and rely on someone else to validate your opinion. These other people you need in order to approve of your opinion are experts in what? And why do I need to use their opinion in order to convince you of something so obvious?

The problem here isn't me. It's you. You need validation from someone to make your point. I don't need that. I can support my own point all by myself. The fact you actually need a link to support common sense is disappointing. I wonder if you have actually had a thought all on your own. That must be a frightening situation for you to be in.
Once again. These tax payer subsidies are what you voted for and keep promoting. That's your fault. If it wasn't for you trying to "help" then people would be making a living wage without the employer relying on the laws you keep making. As it is you keep making more laws where tax payers have to cover low wage employee's. That's not Walmarts fault it's yours.

I don't vote Republican so taxpayer to corporate subsidies aren't my fault.
Once again. These tax payer subsidies are what you voted for and keep promoting. That's your fault. If it wasn't for you trying to "help" then people would be making a living wage without the employer relying on the laws you keep making. As it is you keep making more laws where tax payers have to cover low wage employee's. That's not Walmarts fault it's yours.

I don't vote Republican so taxpayer to corporate subsidies aren't my fault.
You vote the democrat give away system and bitch about having to pay for it? Everything you assholes do is more tax dollars spent to support the employees or the corporations. All subsidies are your fault you dumb ass.
I didn't question you about that my point was if you know what Walmart pays and the hours you will get when your offered the job and that you won't be able to support yourself on it why would you take the job.
Your claim about the subsidies is a little suspect.,d.eXY

Because BushCo/Republicans/corporate America/wall street crashed the economy in 2008 so jobs are scarce.
Yet you keep pushing for laws that do exactly that. You bitch about tax payer money supporting Walmart employees but you want obiecare to give them subsidies for their insurance, you want more food stamps available to more people and on top of that you want higher wages which will accomplish nothing once the price adjustments are made.

How about you left wing assholes stop promoting laws that force employers to have people on welfare through taxation and other regulations? Walmart didn't create this economic environment you did.
This is where you idiots and your pictures come off the rails. A wage increase would mean 1.1% more at Walmart but the wage increase filters through the entire fucking system not just the end retailer. That means the production cost will increase, transportation, Warehousing etc. So each of them will increase their costs before the product even gets to Walmart. Who then will add another 1.1% on top of all the others adding their increase. Which in the end means your price will go up more like 15-20%. And as an added bonus Walmart becomes much richer since their 1.1% not only covers cost but profit margin.

Everything you leftards come up with to fix a problem actually makes it worse.
and link?
A link? It's common sense and math. You need a link to teach you that? Are you not capable of thinking this through on your own without an enabler?

I am your link. Think about the situation on your own and stop looking for others to support your desired findings or mine. I don't need a link it's common fucking sense.
You're not very good at this. Link or zip it cup cake :anj_stfu:
So you are telling me you are incapable of coming to a conclusion all by yourself and rely on someone else to validate your opinion. These other people you need in order to approve of your opinion are experts in what? And why do I need to use their opinion in order to convince you of something so obvious?

The problem here isn't me. It's you. You need validation from someone to make your point. I don't need that. I can support my own point all by myself. The fact you actually need a link to support common sense is disappointing. I wonder if you have actually had a thought all on your own. That must be a frightening situation for you to be in.
lots of typing to say you won't produce a link (about 5 links) for your assertions (opinions really) :eusa_eh:
Again, I have a problem with a business owner claiming he is about the middle class and fails to share his profits, you are nothing without them, why not be fair, you could handout bonuses.
Pay them a fair wage, give them six weeks paid vacations to all. Then give them 5 days a month sick days. Be fair, that is all that is asked, quit being stingy, you are nothing without your employees who sacrifice for you and the company.

Paid Koch scum.....
I'm pro do it the best and quickest way.

The person doing the cashier job is low skilled. They run items across a scanner that tells them a price. The hardest thing they do is push a button or stick cash in the correct slot in the drawer. It's a job just about everyone can do.

You are a self-centered sociopath.
Again, I have a problem with a business owner claiming he is about the middle class and fails to share his profits, you are nothing without them, why not be fair, you could handout bonuses.
Pay them a fair wage, give them six weeks paid vacations to all. Then give them 5 days a month sick days. Be fair, that is all that is asked, quit being stingy, you are nothing without your employees who sacrifice for you and the company.

Paid Koch scum.....

Can't answer the questions? You are exposed as a hypocrite.

No money where your mouth is?
Can't answer the questions? You are exposed as a hypocrite.

No money where your mouth is?

What questions. I've just seen bloviating.....

Nice tactics, minimize the opponent, by downgrading his questions, attaching to someone that many don't like and you have good reason to, you can't answer the questions and the show you to be a hypocrite at least have the balls to say you are greedy and selfish, that you built the business, you took all the risks and you should see the rewards, that you need the profits to invest back into the business to better the business. As a "business owner", which you aren't, you could have answered those questions fairly quickly and easily, instead it stumped you. And 100% growth over the year before? That is bullshit also.

Your inability to answer the simple questions expose you as a fraud.

Have a great day poser.
I'm pro do it the best and quickest way.

The person doing the cashier job is low skilled. They run items across a scanner that tells them a price. The hardest thing they do is push a button or stick cash in the correct slot in the drawer. It's a job just about everyone can do.

You are a self-centered sociopath.

Do you really think the low skilled workers that constantly demand more for nothing really care about anyone but themselves? As long as they get theirs, they don't care who has to pay the price. It's not my responsibility to look out for their families. It's my responsibility to look out for mine and anytime one of them demands something more whether it be an overpaid wage or another social welfare program, it costs people like me that have to earn ours so they can be handed something in order to satisfy you bleeding hearts.
Can't answer the questions? You are exposed as a hypocrite.

No money where your mouth is?

What questions. I've just seen bloviating.....

Nice tactics, minimize the opponent, by downgrading his questions, attaching to someone that many don't like and you have good reason to, you can't answer the questions and the show you to be a hypocrite at least have the balls to say you are greedy and selfish, that you built the business, you took all the risks and you should see the rewards, that you need the profits to invest back into the business to better the business.

Your inability to answer the simple questions expose you as a fraud.

Have a great day poser.

Isn't OnePercenter the one that thinks it's his place to say what a business he doesn't own should pay it's employees yet when he's challenged to pay more claims what he's doing is fine?
Can't answer the questions? You are exposed as a hypocrite.

No money where your mouth is?

What questions. I've just seen bloviating.....

Nice tactics, minimize the opponent, by downgrading his questions, attaching to someone that many don't like and you have good reason to, you can't answer the questions and the show you to be a hypocrite at least have the balls to say you are greedy and selfish, that you built the business, you took all the risks and you should see the rewards, that you need the profits to invest back into the business to better the business.

Your inability to answer the simple questions expose you as a fraud.

Have a great day poser.

Isn't OnePercenter the one that thinks it's his place to say what a business he doesn't own should pay it's employees yet when he's challenged to pay more claims what he's doing is fine?
Yep, he also said he went from netting 5 mill last year to 10 mill this year. He pays the best pay rate by double, his clients are happy to pay double for the service and on and on.

His employees doubled his profits and now he won't reward them, if his model is working so well, he could pay more but refuses to and refuses to explain why, he is a fraud. Jealous of the big chain stores and what others have.
Can't answer the questions? You are exposed as a hypocrite.

No money where your mouth is?

What questions. I've just seen bloviating.....

Nice tactics, minimize the opponent, by downgrading his questions, attaching to someone that many don't like and you have good reason to, you can't answer the questions and the show you to be a hypocrite at least have the balls to say you are greedy and selfish, that you built the business, you took all the risks and you should see the rewards, that you need the profits to invest back into the business to better the business.

Your inability to answer the simple questions expose you as a fraud.

Have a great day poser.

Isn't OnePercenter the one that thinks it's his place to say what a business he doesn't own should pay it's employees yet when he's challenged to pay more claims what he's doing is fine?
Yep, he also said he went from netting 5 mill last year to 10 mill this year. He pays the best pay rate by double, his clients are happy to pay double for the service and on and on.

His employees doubled his profits and now he won't reward them, if his model is working so well, he could pay more but refuses to and refuses to explain why, he is a fraud. Jealous of the big chain stores and what others have.

He sounds like the typical Liberal who applies the rules he sets to everyone but himself.
You guys know about Obama's SecCommerce?

Ever hear of her?

She FORGOT to declare $80MM of income on her disclosure form

Oh, most of her employees earn minimum wage

But, But, but OOOOOOOOOBama.

How about discussing the OP, dude?

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