Walmart Employees Place Food Donation Bins at Doorstep of Alice Walton's $25 Million Condo

Yet you keep pushing for laws that do exactly that. You bitch about tax payer money supporting Walmart employees but you want obiecare to give them subsidies for their insurance, you want more food stamps available to more people and on top of that you want higher wages which will accomplish nothing once the price adjustments are made.

How about you left wing assholes stop promoting laws that force employers to have people on welfare through taxation and other regulations? Walmart didn't create this economic environment you did.
This is where you idiots and your pictures come off the rails. A wage increase would mean 1.1% more at Walmart but the wage increase filters through the entire fucking system not just the end retailer. That means the production cost will increase, transportation, Warehousing etc. So each of them will increase their costs before the product even gets to Walmart. Who then will add another 1.1% on top of all the others adding their increase. Which in the end means your price will go up more like 15-20%. And as an added bonus Walmart becomes much richer since their 1.1% not only covers cost but profit margin.

Everything you leftards come up with to fix a problem actually makes it worse.
and link?
A link? It's common sense and math. You need a link to teach you that? Are you not capable of thinking this through on your own without an enabler?

I am your link. Think about the situation on your own and stop looking for others to support your desired findings or mine. I don't need a link it's common fucking sense.
The employees at Walmart have skills worth such wages. The taxpayers shouldn't get stuck providing them with welfare programs when the cause of their low wages is THEIR low skills.

So it's your contention that a cashier is 'low skilled' labor?

Among other jobs that are about one step above what a monkey could be trained to do. As for the cashier, I went to Walmart earlier today. I did the self checkout. The only employee in sight was sitting on her fat ass watching me do the job a machine does better than her and doesn't complain about being paid more than the skills are worth.
Unless Walmart lies to you about what they pay or the hours you will get is it really their fault you accepted a job that would not support you?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that......
They were forced to take some by obie whether they needed it or not but they sent it back the minute they could and it was never needed or used. It's how these left wing idiots keep saying they needed a bailout but that wasn't true they were forced to take the money under threat of government. The myth that obie saved the auto industry wouldn't be complete unless they forced Ford into taking some. In the end though Ford didn't need and didn't use any of what they were forced to take at the gun point of the government. Which means they were never produced by your tax dollars.

They were forced.....Sure they were.
I never said I was pro Walmart did I? I try to shop local, it helps the community. I am not paid to post here, just as you are not.

Now, back to you and your claims, you claim to help the middle class but fail to pay a fair wage, but as noted in the company profit, you could pay a lot more and yet you don't. Why is that? You are being a selfish business owner, you owe it to your employees and yet you stomp on them, you realize without them you wouldn't make a dime, right? So why not split all the profit with them, that would be fair.

It's not an employee owned company.

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages.
Unless Walmart lies to you about what they pay or the hours you will get is it really their fault you accepted a job that would not support you?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that......
Once again. These tax payer subsidies are what you voted for and keep promoting. That's your fault. If it wasn't for you trying to "help" then people would be making a living wage without the employer relying on the laws you keep making. As it is you keep making more laws where tax payers have to cover low wage employee's. That's not Walmarts fault it's yours.
Left wing handouts are where the tax payers end up floating the bill. Small government is easy to pay for. The left wing version of paying people for everything in their lives is where it gets expensive.

Which costs more; Welfare for people, or welfare for the rich and corporations?
Why is it Walmarts responsibility to feed people who work for them....they have jobs and have posted how much they will pay someone to do that job....if someone agrees to work for that amount of money they accept the job and begin work....if no one agrees to that wage then Walmart either has to raise the wage or not have the work done....

Oh yeah...I forgot....were talking lefties here....they believe in the master/slave relationship where the owner of the business owns the employees and therefore must feed, clothe and house truth they actually believe in the government/slave relationship and want the government to be the master that feeds, clothes and houses them...

But in order to get there, they have to destroy freedom...and freedom of contract is one of the things they need to destroy....

Yeah! Like how dare Wal-mart pay their employees enough to get food so they can have energy to do their jobs. I mean it's like they think they're people or something. Silly leftists for thinking minimum wage workers are actually people.
Wow, a more stupid post could not possibly be made.
It reminds me of the slave mine workers in the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom movie & the righties gleefully cheer-on the destruction of the living wage. :eusa_doh:
You really don't see reality at all, do you?
Left wing handouts are where the tax payers end up floating the bill. Small government is easy to pay for. The left wing version of paying people for everything in their lives is where it gets expensive.

Which costs more; Welfare for people, or welfare for the rich and corporations?
Since there is no welfare for the rich, that would leave you only one choice.
Unless Walmart lies to you about what they pay or the hours you will get is it really their fault you accepted a job that would not support you?

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages. Why can't you understand that......
I didn't question you about that my point was if you know what Walmart pays and the hours you will get when your offered the job and that you won't be able to support yourself on it why would you take the job.
Your claim about the subsidies is a little suspect.,d.eXY
Yet you keep pushing for laws that do exactly that. You bitch about tax payer money supporting Walmart employees but you want obiecare to give them subsidies for their insurance, you want more food stamps available to more people and on top of that you want higher wages which will accomplish nothing once the price adjustments are made.

How about you left wing assholes stop promoting laws that force employers to have people on welfare through taxation and other regulations? Walmart didn't create this economic environment you did.
This is where you idiots and your pictures come off the rails. A wage increase would mean 1.1% more at Walmart but the wage increase filters through the entire fucking system not just the end retailer. That means the production cost will increase, transportation, Warehousing etc. So each of them will increase their costs before the product even gets to Walmart. Who then will add another 1.1% on top of all the others adding their increase. Which in the end means your price will go up more like 15-20%. And as an added bonus Walmart becomes much richer since their 1.1% not only covers cost but profit margin.

Everything you leftards come up with to fix a problem actually makes it worse.
and link?
A link? It's common sense and math. You need a link to teach you that? Are you not capable of thinking this through on your own without an enabler?

I am your link. Think about the situation on your own and stop looking for others to support your desired findings or mine. I don't need a link it's common fucking sense.
You're not very good at this. Link or zip it cup cake :anj_stfu:
I never said I was pro Walmart did I? I try to shop local, it helps the community. I am not paid to post here, just as you are not.

Now, back to you and your claims, you claim to help the middle class but fail to pay a fair wage, but as noted in the company profit, you could pay a lot more and yet you don't. Why is that? You are being a selfish business owner, you owe it to your employees and yet you stomp on them, you realize without them you wouldn't make a dime, right? So why not split all the profit with them, that would be fair.

It's not an employee owned company.

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages.
rw'ers don't mind stealth taxes when it comes to companies that import all their wares (kill us manufacturing jobs)
I never said I was pro Walmart did I? I try to shop local, it helps the community. I am not paid to post here, just as you are not.

Now, back to you and your claims, you claim to help the middle class but fail to pay a fair wage, but as noted in the company profit, you could pay a lot more and yet you don't. Why is that? You are being a selfish business owner, you owe it to your employees and yet you stomp on them, you realize without them you wouldn't make a dime, right? So why not split all the profit with them, that would be fair.

It's not an employee owned company.

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages.

Again, I have a problem with a business owner claiming he is about the middle class and fails to share his profits, you are nothing without them, why not be fair, you could handout bonuses.
Pay them a fair wage, give them six weeks paid vacations to all. Then give them 5 days a month sick days. Be fair, that is all that is asked, quit being stingy, you are nothing without your employees who sacrifice for you and the company.
Among other jobs that are about one step above what a monkey could be trained to do. As for the cashier, I went to Walmart earlier today. I did the self checkout. The only employee in sight was sitting on her fat ass watching me do the job a machine does better than her and doesn't complain about being paid more than the skills are worth.

I'm pro-workers. I NEVER go to the self checkout.

What's so 'low skills' about this.

1) Receive payment by cash, check, credit cards, vouchers, or automatic debits.

2) Issue receipts, refunds, credits, or change due to customers.

3) Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of shifts to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change.

4) Greet customers entering establishments.

5) Maintain clean and orderly checkout areas.

6) Establish or identify prices of goods, services or admission, and tabulate bills using calculators, cash registers, or optical price scanners.

The person that collects ALL of the money for the company has a 'low skilled' job?
I never said I was pro Walmart did I? I try to shop local, it helps the community. I am not paid to post here, just as you are not.

Now, back to you and your claims, you claim to help the middle class but fail to pay a fair wage, but as noted in the company profit, you could pay a lot more and yet you don't. Why is that? You are being a selfish business owner, you owe it to your employees and yet you stomp on them, you realize without them you wouldn't make a dime, right? So why not split all the profit with them, that would be fair.

It's not an employee owned company.

Again: I have a problem with Walmart accepting tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies then sticking it to taxpayers by paying their employees welfare wages.
rw'ers don't mind stealth taxes when it comes to companies that import all their wares (kill us manufacturing jobs)

Please spare your BS on someone else, I have for a long time wanted Congress to close up the overseas loopholes, I was against Clinton and Congress over NAFTA. The jobs go overseas and Congress, full of Democrats and Republicans do nothing but let them leave.

You partisan nut jobs speak without knowledge.
Left wing handouts are where the tax payers end up floating the bill. Small government is easy to pay for. The left wing version of paying people for everything in their lives is where it gets expensive.

Which costs more; Welfare for people, or welfare for the rich and corporations?
All welfare costs the tax payers who have to support the subsidy. The cost should be nothing in either case to the tax payers. It's not that we need to pick one over the other the problem is you seem to think we do. Welfare is bad for both and really bad for those that have to pay for it. Let Walmart play in the free market without any government handouts and let their employees do the same. That in itself would level the playing field all around.
Among other jobs that are about one step above what a monkey could be trained to do. As for the cashier, I went to Walmart earlier today. I did the self checkout. The only employee in sight was sitting on her fat ass watching me do the job a machine does better than her and doesn't complain about being paid more than the skills are worth.

I'm pro-workers. I NEVER go to the self checkout.

What's so 'low skills' about this.

1) Receive payment by cash, check, credit cards, vouchers, or automatic debits.

2) Issue receipts, refunds, credits, or change due to customers.

3) Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of shifts to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change.

4) Greet customers entering establishments.

5) Maintain clean and orderly checkout areas.

6) Establish or identify prices of goods, services or admission, and tabulate bills using calculators, cash registers, or optical price scanners.

The person that collects ALL of the money for the company has a 'low skilled' job?

I'm pro do it the best and quickest way.

The person doing the cashier job is low skilled. They run items across a scanner that tells them a price. The hardest thing they do is push a button or stick cash in the correct slot in the drawer. It's a job just about everyone can do.
Among other jobs that are about one step above what a monkey could be trained to do. As for the cashier, I went to Walmart earlier today. I did the self checkout. The only employee in sight was sitting on her fat ass watching me do the job a machine does better than her and doesn't complain about being paid more than the skills are worth.

I'm pro-workers. I NEVER go to the self checkout.

What's so 'low skills' about this.

1) Receive payment by cash, check, credit cards, vouchers, or automatic debits.

2) Issue receipts, refunds, credits, or change due to customers.

3) Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of shifts to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change.

4) Greet customers entering establishments.

5) Maintain clean and orderly checkout areas.

6) Establish or identify prices of goods, services or admission, and tabulate bills using calculators, cash registers, or optical price scanners.

The person that collects ALL of the money for the company has a 'low skilled' job?

I'm pro do it the best and quickest way.

The person doing the cashier job is low skilled. They run items across a scanner that tells them a price. The hardest thing they do is push a button or stick cash in the correct slot in the drawer. It's a job just about everyone can do.

Except for people like OnePercenter, that is way above his skill level.
Among other jobs that are about one step above what a monkey could be trained to do. As for the cashier, I went to Walmart earlier today. I did the self checkout. The only employee in sight was sitting on her fat ass watching me do the job a machine does better than her and doesn't complain about being paid more than the skills are worth.

I'm pro-workers. I NEVER go to the self checkout.

What's so 'low skills' about this.

1) Receive payment by cash, check, credit cards, vouchers, or automatic debits.

2) Issue receipts, refunds, credits, or change due to customers.

3) Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of shifts to ensure that amounts are correct and that there is adequate change.

4) Greet customers entering establishments.

5) Maintain clean and orderly checkout areas.

6) Establish or identify prices of goods, services or admission, and tabulate bills using calculators, cash registers, or optical price scanners.

The person that collects ALL of the money for the company has a 'low skilled' job?

I'm pro do it the best and quickest way.

The person doing the cashier job is low skilled. They run items across a scanner that tells them a price. The hardest thing they do is push a button or stick cash in the correct slot in the drawer. It's a job just about everyone can do.

Except for people like OnePercenter, that is way above his skill level.

That's why I said just about everyone.

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