Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

Red states are shit holes because they have lacking infastructure, high obesity rates, terrible schools. This creates anger among residents and causes them to murder more.

Bunch of fat people who went to bad schools hit to many potholes and went on a murdering spree.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The bad schools, bad infrastructure and high crime are all in the filthy ass Democrat controlled big city ghettos. No matter what state it is.

The good schools, good infrastructure and much lower crime are in the areas outside the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Not matter what state it is.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch, including the once great cities of America.
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Red states are shit holes because they have lacking infastructure, high obesity rates, terrible schools. This creates anger among residents and causes them to murder more.

Bunch of fat people who went to bad schools hit to many potholes and went on a murdering spree.

The most conservative -- or RED -- people I know home school their children and those children are amazing! My doctor's two-and-a-half year old reads at about fourth grade level. And his eight year old certainly spells better than you and knows the correct usage of to vs too.

And nobody tries to convince them that they don't know what kind of DNA they have or that their relative lack of pigment makes them horrible people! They are kids who look you in the eye and demand to be spoken to like the brilliant people they are.

They don't even own those nasty little glowing rectangles that make slaves of children these days.

But nice try at being superfluously snarky. I admit that I'm impressed with your devotion to being sleazy. We should all be so devoted to being what we admire in others. Carry on.

Nothing has ever gotten done about it, too many rednecks and gun humpers like you in this country, all whipped into a foaming and frothing lather by people like Ted Cruz and Sean Hannity. Republicans, of course, are too cowardly to break ranks on this issue.

"gun humpers"????

Bet you typed that with your left hand because your right hand was busy, BibleBoy!


I have a 1st Amendment, as well as a 2nd Amendment enshrined right. Like you, I exercise both, except I don't have a gun fetish.

Highlighted phrase was typed by someone who used the phrase "gun humpers" in post #77 of this thread.


You are confused Moon Bat.

The bad schools, bad infrastructure and high crime are all in the filthy ass Democrat controlled big city ghettos. Not matter what state it is.

Nope. All in red states.

The good schools, good infranstructure and much lower crime are in the areas outside the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Not matter what state it is.

Blue states have big cities too.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch, including the once great cities of America.
Nope. Repubs are fucksticks and can't run anything.

Do you know how much obesity drains our medical system? Red state obesity costs us billions in obesity related medical procedures/processes.

How do you expect to compete in the global stage when red states don't fund education and support public schools? We have to import scientists and engineers from other countries to make up for the lack of highly educated people in red states. That's why china and Europe are starting to pass us by.

What is your point the red states with high number of murder rates have Large blue cities that account for most of those numbers
For example, say Georgia has the highest murder rate and your argument is because Dems in Atlanta are doing most of the killing but on the flip side Washington (state) has a much lower murder per Capita, based on your logic wouldn't Seattle do the same thing in the blue state of Washington as you claim Atlanta did in Georgia?
The stress of just making a living is driving many to the brink, the last two plus years had been very stressful and difficult to cope with for many people and now the new world is high prices, high demand, supply shortages, dividing politics, health concerns, lack of a work force, it can be overwhelming. We need real leadership political, spiritual, mental and physical and very few leaders, just dividers.
Nope. All in red states.

Blue states have big cities too.

Nope. Repubs are fucksticks and can't run anything.

Do you know how much obesity drains our medical system? Red state obesity costs us billions in obesity related medical procedures/processes.

How do you expect to compete in the global stage when red states don't fund education and support public schools? We have to import scientists and engineers from other countries to make up for the lack of highly educated people in red states. That's why china and Europe are starting to pass us by.

You are confused Moon Bat.

California has the highest taxes in the nation but the worst schools, most poverty, most homeless, most Illegals and the least amount of personal Liberty.

If putting money in schools makes education better then we have failed. We spend more money than any nation on earth but yet are ranked like about 20th in education. The stupid Federal department of education has put hundreds of billions into education and have managed to go from the US being ranked first to now about 20th.

Around where I live (near Tampa) the Democrat controlled city has the most crime and terrible schools. 90% of the crime in the county takes place in ghetto Tampa. The mostly White Republican voting outer areas have much better schools, far less crime and better infrastructure. That is the way it is all over America.

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. You are making a fool of yourself.
For example, say Georgia has the highest murder rate and your argument is because Dems in Atlanta are doing most of the killing but on the flip side Washington (state) has a much lower murder per Capita, based on your logic wouldn't Seattle do the same thing in the blue state of Washington as you claim Atlanta did in Georgia?
I am saying red states that have high crime rates are due to the large Blue cities within, such as Ohio, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, Democrat mayors high crime rates, that drive up the numbers for the State
Red states are shit holes because they have lacking infastructure, high obesity rates, terrible schools. This creates anger among residents and causes them to murder more.

Bunch of fat people who went to bad schools hit to many potholes and went on a murdering spree.
They are third world nations within our own border.
I am saying red states that have high crime rates are due to the large Blue cities within, such as Ohio, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, Democrat mayors high crime rates, that drive up the numbers for the State
Don't blue states also have large blue cities?
6 of the top 7 also have the highest percentage of blacks in the country. If you're implying blacks commit most of the murders, just say so. Don't be coy. comes the racism. Let me ask you..............why are most of these violent acts committed by males. What's wrong with males?
You are confused Moon Bat.

The bad schools, bad infrastructure and high crime are all in the filthy ass Democrat controlled big city ghettos. No matter what state it is.

The good schools, good infrastructure and much lower crime are in the areas outside the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Not matter what state it is.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch, including the once great cities of America.
The worst education is in red states.....and it shows on this board.

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