Walmart revisited


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
1) yes low wages but low prices too so we need not worry about employees more than customers who enjoy a higher standard of living thanks to the low prices.

2) one could say that we could end all the poverty and unemployment in the world if corps would just hire enough and pay enough. So why not pass a law saying that all corps must do both slowly until poverty and unemployment are vanquished from the planet? Is there one liberal on earth who can answer that? I think not because a liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism.
Hah welcome back. How was your time in the joint?

you gotta wonder what the point is when the same liberals are still spouting the same garbage a year later. If they can't learn why bother? I think the idea is trick kids when they are young and then they are locked in for life. What do you think?

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