Walmart? What about Hyatt Hotel??!!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Have you ever heard of Hyatt Hotel? I'll bet you have?

Did you know that, "The average entry-level Hyatt employee starts out near minimum wage. Experienced front desk agents may earn upwards of $12.00 in hourly pay. Servers with Hyatt hotels earn an average of $6.00 per hour, plus tips. Cooks often make as much as $13.00 an hour."


Did you know that Obama's Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, who owns Hyatt Hotels FORGOT to disclose $80 million of income when she applied for the job.

She FORGOT to report $80MM!

Liberals, waiting the outrage in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Wait! That's different! She's a Democrat!!
Ugh, I used to work for Hyatt. It's a miserable company, and liberal feel good BS has helped turn it into an extremely corrupt place of business.
Ugh, I used to work for Hyatt. It's a miserable company, and liberal feel good BS has helped turn it into an extremely corrupt place of business.

You knee jerkers really should do a little research before you jump on band wagons.

The Pritzker's are NOT liberals. Nor are any of their holdings.

And as you can see from the OP, they pay shit.
Ugh, I used to work for Hyatt. It's a miserable company, and liberal feel good BS has helped turn it into an extremely corrupt place of business.

You knee jerkers really should do a little research before you jump on band wagons.

The Pritzker's are NOT liberals. Nor are any of their holdings.

And as you can see from the OP, they pay shit.

She's Obama's Secretary of Commerce
Walmart is simply a horrible company; it is predatory and anti-competition. That is enough to warrent a national boycot.
Walmart is simply a horrible company; it is predatory and anti-competition. That is enough to warrent a national boycot.

I hear ya. But i'm not into boycotts. Most Americans are fat, greedy, lazy, and ignorant. They won't show up in droves for boycotts. I get a bit disappointed and embarrassed that so many of my Republican friends feel obligated to defend an Evil Corporation like Walmart. I guess they feel like 'Proud Capitalists' or something when doing it. Too many Republicans defend Evil Corporations while insulting Workers. They don't see things in a balanced fashion. For most of em, the Corporation are always right and the Worker is always wrong. And that's just not reality.

Sometimes it's ok to call Corporations out and defend the Workers. Too many Republicans have lost their way on that. I had a relative who worked in management there for years. It is the epitome of an 'Evil Corporation.' It is a miserable place to work. It's a miserable place to shop as well. I avoid shopping there if at all possible. It really is like shopping in Third World chaos. And the Employees truly are miserable. It's written all over their faces. It just isn't a pleasant shopping experience. But hey, the sheeple want their cheap Chinese-made shit. So waddyagonnado? It's sad, but it is what it is.
She FORGOT to report $80MM!

Oh Brother ..

yeah, people with 2$ billion in the bank do their own tax returns and " forget".


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